Ryan Mannequin

Ryan Mannequin

Joined May 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Ryan Mannequin

About Me: 

Hello! My name is Ryan Mannequin and I am working to become a professional voice actor. Having much experience in stage acting, (but a distaste for the brutal and competitive field) I found myself adoring voice acting more and more till I began trying it for myself and LOVED it! While I am a bit young to go pro, I'm hoping to make as much of a start on here as I can. More than anything I want to bring people incredible emotions to relate to through acting. Whether it be joy or distain, fear or hope, I can't wait to reach people through acting and bring characters to life!

Twitter: @RyanMannequin
Discord: RyanMannequin#2298
(Other Platforms are concealed unless necessary)