

Joined Mar 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About rottenlobster

HOWDYi'm birdy, im 19 and i never learned how to fucken Speak
basically i've never done this before lmao but as someone who's had to live with my voice for like, y'know, my whole life, i'd say it's pretty annoying great,,.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯i'm from texas so i'm the best at southern accents. basically the more exaggerated the better. need a slightly unstable restaurant worker? i'm your guy. need a maintenance man who doesn't know to use his Inside Voice(tm)? i'm ur man. wondering what a depressed cowboy with little to no self control and impulse issues would sound like? i'm yaNywway, i have schizoaffective disorder. i'm depressed. i cry the majority of the day. i have nothing to do and barely have the strength to get out of bed in the morning So much time on my hands and everyone in my local walmart knows my face so if you need a reference hit up Paul from the produce department. his Meat is 1/2 off til thursday,

(ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง

  • @yasbbslayqueen

    they are me cousin hyuck hyuck xoxo nya uwu

  • @yasbbslayqueen

    They're my cousin and they're cool