Rio Dies

Rio Dies

🤍Hey there I'm Rio! Your not so local British 18 year old, who happens to be a VA & Musician.

Joined Apr 2020 105 Following35 Followers
About Rio Dies


>>Check out my channel!<<



//About me!

Hey there! My name is Rio and I am an aspiring voice actress. I have been voice acting for five years and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Voice acting used to just be a little hobby I had about seven years ago but I decided to take things more seriously, creating my own projects and getting involved with fan made games and public projects!

//Fandoms I am/am not willing to voice in

I will voice: Fan made/original audio series, fan made/original animations, fan made/original games

I will NOT voice in:  Gacha, Roblox or any form of NSFW/suggesting content

//What makes me different?

My voice displays a wide range from being able to voice young boys and girls to teenage girls. I've had an extensive amount of experience from doing studio recordings (and operating a studio for radio purposes/ live broadcasting) to live recording sessions and workshops, comic dubs, and fan made games. I try my best to bring still images to life in audio series and comic dubs!

//Extra Info

Pronouns are She/her

Time zone: GMT +0/BST (Which is GMT +1, sorry England is just weird that way.)

Discord: RioDies#7952

Twitter: RiooDies


Please privately message me if you would like my email.

Please DM me if you have any concerns.

SpeakEasy Voice - 2021

Instructed by Anita Gilbert
Demos & Samples
Sonic the hedgehog demo reel : August 2021

IN ORDER: Tails the Fox, Amy Rose, Cream the Rabbit, Whisper the Wolf, Tangle the Lemur, Charmy the Bee, Marine the Raccoon, Ray .V1 & Ray .V2, Chris Thorndyke, Maria Robotnik




I will audition for set payed roles as much as I can. If you would like to personally cast me we can always discuss payment & prices in private messages (preferably Discord). I only accept Paypal.

Please DM me if you have any concerns.

What Rio Dies is looking for

Sonic the Hedgehog projects

Video game & animation/anime projects

  • @turunturu

    Excellent Tails impression!
    10/10 experience, would work with again in the future if I ever get a chance

  • @matt-clemens-va

    Rio is an excellent voice actress and a fantastic voice for Tails! She has voiced Tails in several projects I've been in, and I even directed her in a comic dub. Not only that, she does great impressions of other Sonic characters, including Amy, Cream, Charmy, and so many more! I'm definitely going to include her in future projects, and if you're looking for someone in your Sonic project, she's definitely who you're looking for!

  • @theknightshade26

    Rio was outstanding in the role of Tails, she fits his voice perfectly! She's an amazing person to work with, friendly, submits lines on time and can have a good laugh with. 

  • @rachelizzza-dubs

    Rio has been a VA for several of my voice acting projects, they always delivers on time, have great energy performances, and is a professional and joy to work with and direct!

  • @yoshitails13

    Rio is a great VA to work with! Have her on board for Cream and Whisper for this project.

    I've also known her as Tails, Charmy, Ray, Amy, and Tangle. I would check her out! 
