ribby !

ribby !

hello! my name is ribvib, my pronouns are she/they and i'm based in australia although have a slight british accent :) (16+)

Joined Jun 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About ribby !

i'm a queer woman lover and love drama & musical theatre.
i'm also an aspiring artist and currently self-teaching myself 2d animation and hope to learn 3d in the near future :)
please feel free to message me on ccc as i check my notifications here more often than i check discord ^^

What ribby ! is looking for

looking to have some fun and to expand my skill and confidence in VA and singing. i usually play roles as funny characters such as Oaken from Frozen although want to expand those character types :)
also would like to involve myself potentially in some concept art and stuff like that !!!