

Hobby voice work and lifelong singer looking to turn this into something serious.

Joined Aug 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About XennyGames

I'm in my 30s and more than ready to finally pursue some voice acting and singing gigs after way more prompting from friends and family than it should have taken. Love for music, beautiful views, video games, and my pets. I have a broad vocal range of accents and can pick up most in a few hours, and am able to sing most styles. My pitch range is second alto to first soprano.


If I'm applying to your project directly, though, it's because I like the premise of the role and am happy to do it for the budget posted!

What XennyGames is looking for

Looking for video game, animation, and audio book projects. I want to enjoy my passions as my source of income too instead of withering away in corporate America. I love a good story in any form it comes, though I do tend to lean towards mythology, history, and high fantasy.