

Joined May 2018 12 Following0 Followers
About Reficul

For the past year, I've been slowly getting into voice acting and voice over work. I admire voice actors like Matthew Mercer and David Fennoy. I always assumed it took years of classes and vocal training, but I guess you could call that a half-truth. Practice makes perfect, as most say, and I try to gain as much experience as I can in the vocal arts field to prepare myself for larger and larger roles. I may not be making money out of it, but I enjoy voice acting deeply, and strive to get better every day. The results may show, if you peak through some of my auditions.

My main inspiration for getting into voice acting originally was because my friends do it. YinYarn, who I owe a huge thanks for being an amazing friend and a great teacher, inspired me to become a voice actor through hearing his non-professional works, and other things he would share about it. I never truly started doing auditions and jobs on CCC until I met Dottovu and Ace, and listening to their work gives me hope that one day I could voice act on the same level as them. Please, if you have the time, check out these three people. They run amazing channels and inspired me to become who I am today. Especially you, Yin! Keep doing what you love.

Demo Reel coming soon, once I start participating in more projects! If you'd like to contact me directly, I'll link my social media and discord tag as well.

Discord: Reficul#6666
YouTube: Reficul

  • @questathana

    Great voice acting