Yu-Gi-Oh! AR (Augmented Reality)

Yu-Gi-Oh! AR (Augmented Reality)

Project Overview

Hello everyone! I am looking for Voice Actors to play the characters in a story I am currently writing: Yu-Gi-Oh AR. The plot follows a girl named Yumi looking to enter back into a game she loved from her childhood and to embrace her true self that she's had to keep hidden for fear of rejection by her peers. Little does she know that this decision leads her into a literal life-or-death battle, as the game she loved has become far more dangerous than she originally remembered. 

This project is unpaid, purely for fun and for anyone who enjoys Yu-Gi-Oh or wishes to practice their voice acting abilities. I do have some roles already filled (Yumi included), but anyone who would be willing to help would be most appreciated. Feel free to add me on my Discord if you have any questions! I'll be adding people into a private server who are interested. I'll also link the first two chapters of my story for anyone interested in reading it before applying. 

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qLcRwEWNqOwtfGwzmRN3vy3YgT-u5hdWbVo4-Cr6WGY/edit?usp=sharing (Part 1)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/10eTptRBHsBvgQsU2sQmY4Qgj-1nUgb2F4_zUQDsKxDo/edit?usp=sharing (Part 2)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Danielle Flambe'
Role assigned to: Sydney L

Danielle speaks as a formal lady would. She's posh in her speaking, and acts fairly arrogantly towards others. 

  • “I hope you’re ready for utter annihilation unlike anything you have ever experienced before! My deck will rend you to your core and eliminate you!”

  • “Bite your tongue, fool! What I am calling forth is no mere ‘servant’. No--she is a proper ruler! An heir to the birthright of her kingdom! I call forth: Madolche Puddingcess!”

  • (Summon Chant) “Beloved daughter of the sweetest royalty, emerge after your years of tutelage and defend your birthright! Rank Up: Xyz Change! Rank 5: Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-Mode!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Murk
cast offsite

The character acts in a cunning matter, but maintains a very calm and collected behavior. Not obviously evil, but indicates that he's not a man with a heart of gold. Acts standoffish, in a way that indicates he's not an ally, but he's not one to start conflict with his own hands. 

  • “As per your request, we spared no expense picking out every specific card you asked for. And I must say, your selection was quite astonishing to look into.”

  • “Patience, boy. I promised you a chance, and I am a man of my word. All we gotta do now...is wait for the right moment to strike.”

  • “I do apologize, Mr. Freeman, for that was not my intention. I chose that deck to be your opponent as a way of showing your growth--as a sort of experiment, if you will.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Astrid

Best friend of Yumi. Stereotypical teenage girl, valley girl-like tone to her words. 

  • "And those shows are just so stupid! Like, what’s that one with the green guy and the pointy ears? Whatever--it’s just so dumb.”

  • “Whatevs. See ya later, then. And happy birthday or...something.”

  • "My stupid little brother wanted to go really bad because I got us to go to LA last year--and he just spent the entire time watching anime, playing those stupid video games and talking to people online! Like, who DOES that?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ChedHead

Southern accent--very cowboy-like demeanor. Very cool and collected, speaks like a man with experience. 

  • "Y’gotta learn to ride with the wind, Kuroso. If y’keep worrin’ bout what y’ can’t do as opposed to what y’ can, you ain’t ever gonna get yerself outta this hole yer diggin.”

  • “I wouldn’t go underestimatin’ my monsters on looks alone if I were you. Citree might look cute, but she’s one o’ my most dangerous cards.”

  • “What’s wrong? Ain’t gettin’ flustered already, are ya? I’m just gettin’ warmed up.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gabriel--Card Shop Owner
Role assigned to: Obrezikyo

Gritty old guy, gruff way of speaking. Slightly sassy. 

  • “You tell ‘em: 125 or no deal. If they can find it cheaper somewhere else, buy it there.”

  • "Getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh, eh? Shoulda figured. It’s been booming like crazy ever since that new tech came out a couple years back."

  • "Eh, don’t bring it up again. I don’t do favors often, kid, so cherish it while it lasts.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Germyog

Very cocky, looks down on people he thinks he's better than. Likes to hype himself up. Slightly sexist. Speaks in a demeaning tone. 

  • “Well, not to brag, but I AM the best Duelist in this place. I’ve won four locals in a row!”

  • “Oh is that right? You’re gonna beat me? HAH! Alright! I can kill a few minutes putting you in your place.”

  • “Summon whatever you want--I doubt any weak two-piece fusion can take out my Valkyrion!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Junambo

Very enthusiastic, loves what he does, friendly, warm but fierce when the chips are down, 

  •  “Hello! Pardon for the sudden visit--normally we schedule things like this in advance, but my sister was very insistent.”

  •  “I, Alexander Reynolds, accept your challenge!”

  • Alexander: “Here we go, then! Good luck! And here’s hoping our decks perform their best!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sarah--Champion's Sister
Role assigned to: LexaileB

Slightly mysterious, knows more than she lets on, kind of teasing. 

  • "She’s not half bad! The deck itself isn’t that complex, but it’s not something that just anyone could make and use at the drop of a hat. He’s definitely taught her well."

  • You have a really bad habit of going easy on people, you know that?

  • “I swear to you that I am not friends with these people you’re speaking of. I don’t expect you to believe me: but that’s all I can really say on the matter."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Shadowbeast20047

One of the antagonists. Big, tough guy, a 'might makes right' kind of mentality. Easy to anger. 

  • “Hmph. Still kissing the boss’ ass as usual, huh?”

  • “Heh, this oughta be good. Let’s see how the kid handles some real pain.”

  • Morgan: “Give me five seconds with that cocky little punk and I’ll show him who’s good.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: FinnisVA

Randal is a very anxious fellow, often doing his best to kiss up to any management he obeys and always has anxiety about not doing a good enough job at his work (despite always having been considered to be top notch in his ability to get work done). In a Duel, he is extremely calculative, but still remains nervous, even when winning, and goes on a near full-on mental breakdown when he is badly losing, however rare that may be. Kind of a 'weasely' tone--think Kollector from Mortal Kombat 11.

  • “If Mr. Murk believes this boy has potential, then we shouldn’t doubt his judgment. He has always had a way with these things.”

  • “An excellent choice as always, sir.”

  • “He defeated the robot at its maximum Skill level in just a single turn. ...That was…quite impressive.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Travis. Codename: T.K.
Role assigned to: SimulatedBuckeye

Cockney accent. A very agreeable attitude, but can hold a grudge .

  • “Well if the boss wanted this, he’s got good reason, don’t he?”

  • “I already look ‘em over. Seems like some good fresh meat, boss. Just hope that whichever of ‘em we invite aren’t stupid enough to say no."

  • “That punk’s HERE? That damn bastard…! He’s lucky our last match got interrupted! That annoyin’ deck of his...it pisses me off that he’s coasting around so casually!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to:

One of the main antagonists. He speaks in a very self-confident manner--like he knows everything will fall into place, but with a dash of professionalism. 

  • “My true identity is none of your concern. You may call me ‘Hiro’. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kuroso.”

  • “You have admirable courage. I assume that you know the risks involved in this game: yet you choose to remain? You may die--but at least you will die with valor.”

  • “Impressive. You’ve both effectively gathered your strongest monsters and set up a good defense as well. I can see how duelists of your caliber could survive our low ranks.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drake. Codename: Scales
Role assigned to: Shadowbeast20047

He’s a relatively soft-spoken person, not one to comment or make for idle chit-chat unless its extremely pertinent to the conversation. Other than that, he mostly keeps silent and to himself: rather willing to listen than to butt in. He is also quick to establish that actions should be done simply and with no interruptions.

  • "Enough stalling. Make your move or accept the inevitable."

  • "You have quite a habit of pissing me off, don't you?"

  • "My dragons will seize my victory."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mauly

Another of the villains. Pepper is a lighthearted, laid-back young girl who prefers to adorn herself in hedonistic pleasures first and leave responsibilities and the like on the backburner for as long as she can. She prefers to tease and toy with her opponents, enjoying being a pest and annoying people. Slightly nihilistic. 

  • “Well SO-RRY. We usually do this at night! It’s not like I have to keep hidden when it’s already dark out.”

  • "What crawled up your butt and died, Captain Hardass?"

  • "Sooo are you gonna be like this all day? I just wanna know so I can decide ahead of time to tune you out."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Guardian is a fairly direct man, speaking in a british accent and often being very blunt with his thoughts. He’s not one to hold back his true feelings on a matter, and can often be seen as quite rude because of this. One would think that this would mean he is all talk and no substance, but this is not the case.

  • "Yeah, and ‘cause those two idiots screwed the pooch, now we’ve got two people too many who know too much."

  • "Aw, c'mon, let's make nice, eh?"

  • "You're staring a croc in the eyes, kid."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Military-esk way of speaking. Think Sonya Blade from Mortal Kombat 11. Gardner is a straight-faced, serious woman who prefers to get right down to business and takes no bullshit. Gardner is an ex-soldier who was dishonorably discharged due to deserting her comrades in the middle of combat. She was raised by the military since she was very young, and because of this, has a twisted, negative take on the world around her.

  • "I will bring you in--whether it's over my shoulder or in a bag."

  • "Do you REALLY want to test me?"

  • "It's nothing personal, but my orders are as they are. Either you come with me willingly, or I'll drag you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: SolidSilv3r

Rat is the very definition of ‘hedonistic’. He joined the Cheater’s Core of Necktech just for the pleasure of inflicting pain on his opponents and performing various experiments on his defeated victims via different cards (with the limiters set to 0, this can mean basically anything with how varied different cards are. He’s more or less interested in the mental aspect of torturing someone, enjoying seeing how they react to extreme amounts of stimulation from things that, in reality, are not truly there. 

  • “Fear not, my fffffriend. I would be happy to go after the girl~. I haven’t had a female test subject in ssssso long.”

  • “In rrrreality, it doesn’t really matter who killssssss her. Why are you sooooo...interested~?”

  • “Make sure she ssssssuffers before she perishes, won’t you?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Local_Vocals_PA

 His world view and motivation is that he views himself and all in the world as just ‘toys’ for God to play with, each having their own function to further the agenda along, and just wants to do what's necessary. He doesn’t see himself as a person with purpose or value, just a cog in a machine. Pretty sullen and depressive-sounding.

  • “Uuuuuuughhhhhh...can’t we just send some more lowlives after her…?”

  • "Why do I have to do all of this grunt work...? I just wanted to take a nap..."

  • "This is such a pain...but I'll make sure yours is worse."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chairman Marion
cast offsite

 A polite, seemingly kind-looking man, but shows signs of strangeness. Very polite and professional with those he speaks with. Similar to the Chairman from Pokemon Sword and Shield.

  • Excellent--I knew I saw potential in you, Yumi. And of course you as well, Ben

  • It’s a pleasure to help those in need. Hopefully there might be some left over to treat yourselves to some rare cards for yourselves as well.

  • Amongst everything else, promise me that you will be careful. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Father Callahan
Role assigned to: Local_Vocals_PA

There's a character named Jackie O' Callahan in Borderlands that I based this character's name off of. A gruffer variant of his voice would do nicely for this role!

  • “Good goin’, Boyo! I’d’ve gone after the criminal meself, but me legs ain’t what they used to be!”

  • "Thought I heard every story, but even t' me, that's a new one."

  • “Holy Toledo, the lass just bought herself a victory!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KiChan

Pre-teen around 12 years of age, previously orphaned. Chipper but easily flustered. 

  • “Mmhmm! Jory is really really good at Dueling, just like Jack Atlas! So I write him dueling and winning against the bad guys as a superhero named ‘Power King’!”

  • (sobbing) “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...the card you gave me…!”

  • “Okie…~ Thank you, King.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mother Agatha

In terms of physical build, imagine Trenchbull from Matilda. But unlike her, she's a very kind and sweet woman...and will throw hands where needed. Feel free to take your own interpretation on this!

  • “The younger ones can be quite rambunctious after their snack hour. I do apologize for any inconvenience."

  • “Jory, the house of God is a forgiving home for all who enter its doors. Even those that do bad deeds are welcome here, for they can be changed to the path of peace.”

  • “He’s helped with talking with the children as well--sometimes they can have some bad days, but he always finds a way to make them happy. He’s like their very own ‘Jack Atlas’, or whoever that man from the show is called.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ken Kuroshi

The older brother of the main character and her direct inspiration for getting back into Yugioh. Very kind-hearted and jovial with a lot of energy. An ideal big brother.

EX: Alex's brother, Gabe, from Life is Strange: True Colors. 

  • “All kidding aside, happy birthday, Yumi. 17??? Gosh...24 just snuck up on me, didn’t it? I didn’t think I’d see my baby sister growing up so fast…and I heard my baby sister is on her way to becoming a pro like her bro?"

  • "Real friends will stick by your side, no matter what. If they didn’t like you just because you’re playing a game or watching a show that you really love, I’d wager they were never really your friends to begin with."

  • “Well that guy is lucky your older brother wasn’t in town, or he would have had his hands replaced with his eyeballs. Haha.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

The main character's stepmother. Playful and passionate while still taking any issue seriously. A bit of a 'new yorker' tinge to her voice--think Harley Quinn-esk but older.

  • "Oh no. I know that sound. That’s never a good sound when it comes from you, dear."

  • “You’d better not! We had to dig into your college funds to afford it~!”

  • “Yeah...I suppose you’re right. I haven’t seen her that happy in such a long time…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Soshi Kuroshi
cast offsite

The loving biological father of our main character. Born and raised in Japan with a much thicker accent than Yumi or Ken. He is stern and headstrong, but caring in nature. Very grounded in his words. 

EX: Tohru from Jackie Chan Adventures.

  • “Nonsense! A birthday is a special celebration--a marking of growth which cannot be denied! It must be celebrated honorably! Now come, Yumi! Breakfast will be served!”

  • “What??? But it is your birthday! A time to celebrate! And being 17 is no laughing matter! At your age I was--well that is not important."

  • “Ah, she is saving her energy for her birthday! Age 17...where has the time gone? I can hardly even remember when we brought your older brother home from the hospital.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of Yumi's 'friends', but moreso a part of Ashley's group. More of a tomboy. 

  • “Hun, I did not throw a fit!”

  • “Lay off!”

  • “Oooooooooo~!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Very much a stereotypical 'teenage girl' that you see in movies and shows. More a part of Ashley's group than being Yumi's friend.

  • “Hahaha! Soooo true. You’ve always been kind of a softie, Yumi. Besides, it’s not my fault if the nerd can’t take a hint!"

  • “You threw a good few kicks at that poor pedicurist is what you did.”

  • "I’m heading up to my boyfriend’s family’s condo in about a month! EEE! We might even get some ‘alone time’ here and there~. Can you say ‘free real estate’?”


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