Project Overview
This is a fandub for Your turn to die! It will be posted on youtube (So, only try out if your comfy with all that jazz) and you must have discord so I can contact you! The deadline isn't true and this will go on until I get all the spots filled. I know a lot of people who don't like to read things out loud (Me) So I made this so no one has too! Please make sure there is no noise in the background when you are trying out, It ruins the quality of your amazing voice!(Depending on how popular this can or will get, you could get money. But that is not guarantied, so please don't expect it!)With all that being said, go ahead and try out!
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It's a male. with a gun, yurr
- male adult
- male young adult
{Postive} You got it. So don’t trouble your friendly policeman.
{Stressed} …I shot a person. Since then… I haven’t been able to fire a gun.
{Postive} Hey now, Sara. Your friendly policeman's with ya.

Base ball playgerrrr yeah. that dude.
- male young adult
- male adult
{Yas} I’m Q-taro Burgerburg! Baseball player!
{Angy} People who drag things down... are doomed to die sooner or later...!
{Stressie} BWAH! I said zip it!! It's traumatic, for serious!

my cutie patootie, ranmaru the sheep
- male teen
- male young adult
{Suprised} Hey... Am I... still alive...? Hey...
{I dunno} Well... actually, that's only for us supports. Your collar won't activate, Sara.
{Evil} We're gonna win, aren't we...?

that one dude that likes to box yk, he also has yummy snowcone hair.
- male young adult
- male adult
{Angy} I'm a boxer, goddammit!
{Angy} I was feared as the one and only Convertible of Destruction...
{Angy} Shaddup...! What'd you use this data for?! Depending on your answer, I may just have to kick your ass right here!!

a policeman. with a passion!
- male adult
- male young adult
{Happy!} I usually prefer "Mr. Policeman," okay? I'm not a geezer!
{Silly} Fists of justice, eh... I'm fond of it, but that's not really very nice.
{Happy} I've got my hopes up for you!
Public Submissions