YTTD Chapter 1 Dub

Project Overview
I am doing an English Fandub for Your Turn to Die!
Auditions are open for people of all gender identities, sexuality, ethnicity, age, etc.
My email to contact me is [redacted], my YouTube is Laila Rayn, and my tumblr is @lailarayn.
This will be posted on my youtube, and possibly some other platforms. This is for fun, so you won't be paid, but all voice actors and gamers will be credited in the description.
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Hey so I originally casted someone to play both Joe and Kai, but I've lost contact with them, so I've decided to open auditions for those two(also still looking for the two editing roles). Pushed the deadline!
3/6 roles filed and deadline postponed
The roles of Q-Taro, Sue Miley, and Mishima have been casted. In order to get more auditions for the other 3, I have decided to postpone the deadline to the 16th of August instead of the 31st of July. That leaves two extra weeks until the new deadline. I'm hoping this will help me get more options for the last 3 characters to cast.

I feel like Ryugi Sakamoto from Persona would fit his voice really well, basically just chill but hyped
"And I saw her swallow a doner kebab whole today! She's a real glutton to boot!"(excited and carefree)
"Guys...don't be fooled...I...I'm the Sage"(Desperate)
"Me and Sara are high school classmates. Sara was being harassed by a stalker, so I went home with her that day. Then there was an incident, so I called the police, but...I heard Sara screaming, so I ran upstairs. And there stood that damn stalker! So, I worked up all my courage to punch the guy. 'Course, I'm awful at fighting, so...since I don't remember winning, I'm guessing I lost."
"Haha...ha...Well...what to say...guys...Sorry...for tricking you...('cause of us, you...don't you feel bitter?)...I dunno...I just dunno...I mean...I just can't see you as bad guys...Even Sou and Alice...must be good people, really...Sara...Sorry...I even tricked you...Sara, you didn't vote for me...That's what made it clear...All of you guys...are my together and do your best...Last, there's something I wanna say...Sure enough...It's hard for a guy and a girl to say this sorta stuff to each other, huh...? I love ya, Sara! You're my best friend!!"

His voice sounds similar to Korekiyo Shinguji from Danganronpa.
"I am Kai Satou. I'm a rather unremarkable homemaker. It's a frying pan...and a ladle...and a spatula. Hm...My best meal is Eggs Benedict."
"Miss Sara. Earlier...I neglected to thank you. Allow me to state my gratitude for taking on such an important role. Thank you very much for saving us amid such great pressure. Miss Sara, you are no average high schooler. Keiji noted that you are clear-headed...But what's truly superb is your heart. Indeed, you have a mind of steel."
"When we came to the subject of designs...I realized I was in danger. I thought I might play dumb...but it was clear I would be most voted simply due to my lack of trust...yet...yet...I...I do not die...The surely Joe...I am convinced...he purposefully took actions that could be read as those of the Sage. And thus, please...Please vote for Sou!! He is a dangerous man!! He will certainly disturb our teamwork, and lead everyone into danger...!! I did indeed have contact with the kidnappers! But if you let me live, I will tell everything! I have vital information for our escape...!! Please...don't kill me...!!

Looking for a voice similar to Rantaro Amami from Danganronpa.
"Thanks for that. Joe here wasn't speaking up, see...Must've been wary or something...wouldn't even tell me his name"
"My name's Keiji Shinogi. Workin' as a policeman."
"You got it. So don't trouble your friendly policeman...Well, not that I'm really that sort of cop."

I put any for an accent because Q-Taro states in the game that it's "probably mixed from a whole bunch of different places", so whatever accent is fine.
Looking to sound similar to Nekomaru Nidai from Danganronpa.
"I'm Q-Taro Burgerberg! Baseball Player! Yeah, I'm a ballplayer, but if ya work out too much and hurt 'cherself, you'll never hit the big leagues."
"You're tellin' us to decide who's gonna shoot without knowin' what the game is?! Who's gonna want to be the targets?!"
"Yep, I hate lies. I got real acquainted with shootin' when I went to the US."

NOTE: A lot of people are mispronouncing his name, so know it's pronounced "So he-yor-ri"
I don't have a specific voice in mind for him, so do whatever you want. However, the voices that I could see fitting him best are Hanako from TBHK(dub), and Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa(dub), but I'm open to all voices.
"My name's Sou Hiyori. Err...well. Just a job-hopper. Ahaha..."
"...Enough...Hahahahahaha...!! Amazing, miss Sara. You're a prodigy at seizing people's hearts! Shameful, the rest of you. The riffraff. Don't you value your lives? Don't you doubt when others are kind? Do you not even have the brains to think for yourselves? Death is just a matter of time for you. That's the way weaklings live! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!"
"Uh...u-um...I think... I was investigating the laptop in the hidden room...And then I......? The Main Game...! That's right! Before the Main Game, I need to...I need to check the data on the laptop...! But the password...umm...(Keiji: The Main Game's long since ended)W...What do you mean, Keiji?! Over...All of it...?! W...Who...died...? Who...?! Who isn't here...Nao...?! Or else...was it Kai...? It can't be...Joe...?! Miss Sara, that can't be it, right?! Joe...Joe died?! Why?!"

"I am Kazumi Mishima. I teach at a certain high school...Mwahaha...Incidentally, I teach Japanese and Art...Mwaha..."
"Hmm! What is that?! That Cigar! A minor can't be carrying around such a thing!"

Any of Junko Enoshima's voices will do for her.
"Heehee. I am Sue Miley, The Laughing Doll. I am the doll who will guide you on this floor. Ehee. My master has instructed me to guide you brave souls, who have already overcome several trials, to the Main Game."
"Ehee...heehee...I know...I'll just have to tear you up first..."
"Hey! Gashu!! Gashu, are you listening?! You've really gone and mucked things up...! You've made a flagrant transgression...!! One that shakes the very core of the Main Game!! Are you trying to appropriate for yours-..."
I'm looking for a gamer to record a walkthrough of part 1 for the video with no background noise, facecam, or commentary without stopping. Also, there needs to be a long enough pause for each line of dialogue to be said without rushing. You'll be credited for gameplay. You don't need to be good at gaming, but it is preferred that you complete each minigame with one try.
To apply, send me a video of you playing a minute or two of the actual game(any part of the game will do). Note: You are more likely to get selected if you show yourself playing one of the minigames and completing it on the first try.
Say something you think would fit
For certain parts of the first chapter, I'm going to need someone who can tune a vocaloid to speak. To Audition, submit a clip of your or another person's utauloid/vocaloid saying "おんせい あんない を かいしいたします". It doesn't need to sound realistic. In fact, it's supposed to sound more like an automated voice. However, it does need to be slightly understandable. Also be sure to tell me the name of the utauloid/vocaloid you use. You can be amateur or professional. I mostly just need someone because I tried and I'm terrible at working UTAU.
Say something you think would fit
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