Yandere Simulator | Minecraft series |

Yandere Simulator | Minecraft series |

Project Overview

Yandere Simulator (not official name for this series) 

explaining the roleplay (if you already don't know the plot of the game)

Ayano Aishi aka Yandere-Chan falls in love with Taro Yamada aka Senpai, but many girls get close to him each week (every one or two eps) and Ayano has to remove them from his life in order to tell him that she loves him. there are 10 weeks so 10 rivals.

you must be 13+ to audition

please include age, name (or what you want to be called), your time zone, and discord in your audition.

you must join the recordings when needed

you must have Minecraft Java to join

your PC has to be able to run 20+ mods

this roleplay will include murder/gore, su*c*de and other sensitive topics.

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • We've added a few more characters

    We've added 4 more characters, and they are the Student Council members, they are all separate from what we originally had. so if you're interested in playing a Student Council member, go ahead and audition!

Skin Creator
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Please send in a few of the skins you have made in the past

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Thumnail Artist/Main artist
Role assigned to: Reinmanz

You'll be the main artist for this series, please send 2-4 completed projects. if have any questions you may put them in your audition along with your discord and age.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Taro Yamada ||Senpai||
Role assigned to: Dark


Taro is Friendly and Respectful and Basic person who (for some reason) all the girls want.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • Basic
  • nice
  • (nice/friendly) "Hey Osana! what's that? *pause* oh is that bento for me? Thanks!!"

  • (scared/worried) "hey... what are you going to do with that knife? *pause* No! stay away from me!

  • (Mad/Frustrated) "HEY YOU! I know you did something with my sister! WHERE IS SHE?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ayano Aishi ||Yandere-Chan||
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Since early childhood, Ayano has suffered from an inexplicable, incurable condition. In short, this condition leaves her with a perpetual sense of being empty, hollow, and incomplete. As a result, she has never been able to experience satisfaction, fulfillment, or happiness, and has not been able to experience emotions in the same capacity as other people. As she grew older, she learned to pretend to be a normal person in order to avoid drawing negative attention from other, but was never able to feel any degree of empathy towards other human beings.

On the first day of her second year at Akademi, Ayano came into physical contact with a young man named Taro Yamada. In that moment, she gained the ability to experience everything that had been missing from her life; she felt complete, she felt fulfilled, and she felt powerful emotions. Meeting Taro was like seeing color for the first time, hearing music for the first time, and feeling warmth for the first time. In his presence, she felt overwhelmed with euphoria...but, as soon as they were apart, the feelings of emptiness returned. After just one meeting, Ayano had become hopelessly addicted to Taro's presence, and came to rely on him in order to feel alive.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • emotionless
  • love sick
  • Obsessed
  • (Emotionless/obsessive) "He... Will... Be... Mine... he doesn't have a choice."

  • (Honest) "Hey Osana *pause*, so you know they boy you always hang out with *pause* Taro Yamada...? Well.. uhm *pause* I... I like him *pause* and i would appreciate it if you would keep your distance. *pause* (a bit happy) Really? thank you... I promise I'll keep him safe and love him with all of my heart."

  • (Nervous) "Hey Senpai, *pause* I always wanted to tell you something, *pause* I- I like you senpai. I when I first met you I knew I wanted to be with you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Osana Najimi
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Osana and Senpai have been close friends ever since they were very young children. They have always lived next-door to each other, and have always walked to school together.

Despite their closeness, Osana is quite rude and harsh towards Senpai; she is always easily irritated and quick to anger when he is around. The reason for this behavior is because Osana has developed romantic feelings for Senpai, but she is afraid of letting him know how she truly feels about him.

She doesn't want him to know how she really feels about him, so she is mean to him at almost every opportunity. However, her true desire is to confess her feelings to him underneath the cherry tree behind the school...and if nothing stops her, that day will come very soon.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • loud
  • Annoying
  • tsundere
  • (Annoying/Loud) "Senpai! *pause* Here! *pause* W-what?! No I didn't make it for you! I- I just made to much food this morning! OK?!"

  • (sad/disappointed) "yes I know Raibaru, i was a bit harsh *pause* ok I was harsh... I don't know why I act like this around him! at this point he'll never like me"

  • (mad/annoyed) "HEY! I told you to stop calling me creep!! *Concerned* Wa-what?*pause* a hostage? *pause*(scared) ok... ok im sorry..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amai Odayaka
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Amai is the president of the school's cooking club. Her culinary skills are far beyond her age, and nothing makes her happier than seeing people enjoy the food that she has prepared.

Amai will be absent from school during the first week of gameplay, but she will meet Senpai at a point in time when Senpai is feeling sad and vulnerable. She will quickly forge a bond with him, during a point in time when Senpai deeply needs a friend.

With her kind and caring nature, it's easy to see how Senpai could easily fall for her within a week's time. If nobody stands in her way, Senpai will belong to her in no time at all. Remember: the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Sweet
  • kind
  • caring
  • (Sweet/Happy) "Remember: The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"

  • (Gentle/reassuring) "Oh... its ok senpai! I baked some cupcakes! hopefully that'll make you feel better!!"

  • (Happy/Sweet) "Hello Ayano! welcome to the cooking club! I'm happy to have you as our newest member!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kizana Sunobu
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Kizana is the president of the school's drama club. Her short-term goal is to be the most popular girl in school, and her long-term goal is to be the most famous actress who has ever lived.

Kizana will be absent during the first two weeks of gameplay, but will set her sights on Senpai as soon as she returns to school. She is convinced that Senpai would make an excellent addition to the drama club, which might be just the thing to take his mind off of the events that he will experience during the first two weeks of gameplay...

Her personality is very distasteful, but her beauty and her ability to captivate an audience might be enough to get her into Senpai's heart. She might just be the "Juliet" to his "Romeo"...


Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • self-centered
  • Selfish
  • flirty
  • (Flirty) "Senpai~ Will you be my Romeo~"

  • (Rude/Selfish) "Ugh, you'll never be as good as me Kokona, now be a darling~ and change your hair"

  • (Envy/Jealous) "How dare my senpai talk to her and not me!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Oka Ruto
Role assigned to: Hime


Oka is the president of the school's occult club. She is completely convinced that ghosts, demons, and black magic really exist, and wants to dedicate her life to proving that these things are real.

Oka is absent from school during the first three weeks of gameplay for mysterious reasons. As soon as she returns to school, she is immediately smitten by Senpai. Due to the fact that she falls for him in an extremely short span of time, she believes that there must be something supernatural about him, and begins studying him intently.

She is an awkward girl who is regarded as "creepy" by the majority of the school, but she is actually quite harmless, and some people even find her to be endearing. Perhaps Senpai will think that there is something charming about her unusual nature...

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Shy
  • bashful
  • (bashful/shy) "t-that boy... I think he casted a hex on me..."

  • (shy/kind) "h-hey senpai... would you like to join me in summoning a demon?"

  • (scared/sad) "w-what? w-why is everyone laughing at me?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Asu Rito
Role assigned to: Chipmunk


Asu is the president of the school's sports club. She's the top student athlete in the region, and many of her classmates predict that she'll be winning gold medals at the Olympics in a few years.

she will quickly make friends with Senpai. Senpai will be feeling drained after the last four weeks, and some exercise might be just what he needs to put his mind off of recent events.

Her cheerful and energetic nature makes it very easy for her to make friends - or find her way into someone's heart. Her easygoing attitude and glowing smile might steal Senpai's heart in no time at all...

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • happy
  • excided
  • energetic
  • (Excided/happy/energetic) "Come on senpai! Why so sad? Lets go for a run!"

  • (happy/energetic) "Hey Senpai! You should join the sports club! it'll keep your mind off of whatever you are thinking!"

  • (Thankful/nice/happy) "Oh? Thanks Ayano for the water!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Muja Kina
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uja is a young woman whose greatest desire in life is to be helpful to others...although she usually ends up causing more problems than she solves due to her air-headed and klutzy nature.

Muja is studying to become a nurse, and will be receiving training from Akademi's school nurse during the sixth week.  She will become fond of Senpai very quickly, during a point in time when he definitely needs someone taking care of his health.

Although she might be a little clumsy and accident-prone, she is a very sweet and caring person, and it's very easy to see how any schoolboy might develop a crush on her - including Senpai...

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • kind
  • Clumsy
  • Sweet
  • caring
  • (kind/sweet) "oh don't worry! you can come and see me anytime!! I'd be happy to help!"

  • (caring) "oh my! are you ok? are you hurt in any way?"

  • (innocent/confused) "officer! i do not understand what you mean. I would never poison a student!! I dont know what happened!! (sad) Please... please listen to me.."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mida Rana
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Mida is a substitute teacher who absolutely loves her job; there is nothing that she enjoys more than having dozens of eyes all directed towards her...especially if those eyes belong to teenage boys.

Mida will appear at school in the seventh week in order to fill in for an unavailable teacher. She will quickly begin hunting for new "prey", and Senpai will catch her attention.

Her hobby is seducing schoolboys, and so far, no man has ever been able to resist her charms. If she decides that she wants someone, they have no hope of escape. Senpai won't be able to escape her clutches unless someone takes drastic measures...

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • flirty
  • seductive
  • (filrty) "hey there~ why don't you *pause* stay after class~? hm?"

  • (seductive/flirty) "Oh? why so scared? awww~ are you nervous?"


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Osoro Shidesu
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Osoro is the leader of the school's gang of delinquents. Very little is known about her past, or her goals. She has been known to be violent, so most people tend to stay away from her out of fear.

Osoro will be absent from school for a very long time, and will not make her appearance until the eighth week. Against all odds, she will develop a bond with Senpai, who normally keeps his distance from people like Osoro.

Senpai and Osoro are polar opposites - so, what kind of experience could possibly cause them to form a friendship? What does Senpai know about her? What does he see inside of her? And what could stop their friendship from blossoming into something deeper?

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Tough
  • Deep Voice
  • (tough) "You really think you can hurt me?? Hah. I'd like to see you try"


  • (Worried/sad) "Senpai! I swear I didn't mean to kill her! Please Senpai! You heard the things she said!!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hanako Yamada
Role assigned to: ari_sunshine


Hanako is Senpai's younger sister. She loves her big brother more than anything in the world, and depends on him for almost everything. She is very possessive of him, and becomes upset when he won't spend time with her.

After eight weeks away from her brother, Hanako decides that she just can't bear to be enrolled in a different school than her beloved sibling, and transfers into his school so that she can be with him all day long.

Hanako is deathly afraid that if her brother gets a girlfriend, he'll forget all about her and refuse to spend time with her. She has made it her mission to stop him from getting a girlfriend at all costs so that nobody else can have her big brother's attention. Senpai would never want to do anything that would make his little sister cry...this would spell doom for anyone who has fallen in love with Senpai.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female child
  • Cutesy
  • Sweet
  • clingy
  • happy
  • (Cutesy/happy) "Hey big brother!! I can't wait to hang out with you alllll dayy!!"

  • (sad) "Big brother... if you get a girlfriend will you forget about me?! *short pause* That wont happen will it?!"

  • (Happy/Cutesy) "I love you Big brother!!! Promise you'll never EVER leave me??"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Megami Saikou
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Megami has been absent from school for nine weeks under mysterious circumstances that she has not disclosed to anyone. She has still managed to keep up with her schoolwork by attending class through a laptop, and has also been able to manage the school's student council by attending meetings via video call. She is noticeably upset about this; she strongly believes that she should be attending school like a normal student, and is resentful of her current situation, although she is not at liberty to explain the reasons for her absence.

Megami, unlike all other characters, is fully aware of the fact that there is a dangerous person on school grounds. Once she arrives at school, she will do absolutely everything in her power to protect the school's population - that includes installing security cameras, hiring security guards, and instating a zero-tolerance policy for suspicious behavior. Megami clearly has some very important information that would cause her to go to such extreme lengths...

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • confident
  • (Confident) "Senpai! I think you have a stalker, but don't worry! I'll keep you safe!"

  • (Annoyed/mad/Confident) "Ayano Aishi! I suspect you behind all of the murders at Akademi, I also think you are Taro Yamada's stalker! Have anything to say about that?!"


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Raibaru Fumetsu
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After the school semester ended, Raibaru made a new friend - Osana Najimi. They spent a lot of time with one another, and quickly became the best of friends. In fact, the two of them grew so close that they even started to wear matching accessories! At the point in time when Yandere Simulator takes place, it's extremely rare to see Osana without Raibaru at her side. The two of them have become almost inseperable.

Even though she's not participating in the Martial Arts club anymore, Raibaru is still at peak physical condition, and is more than capable of breaking bones in order to protect herself or her friends. This means that the safest place in school is at Raibaru's side.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Protective
  • kind
  • (worried/sad/scared) "Oh my god! Osana! are you ok?! Osana! wake up! Please wake up!"

  • (supportive) "don't worry Osana! I'm sure he likes you!"

  • (Mad/protective/yelling) "YOU WONT HURT MY FRIEND!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chipmunk


"Info-chan" is the nickname given to an information broker who specializes in collecting and selling dark secrets.

Nobody knows her real name. Nobody knows what her face looks like. Nobody knows how she gathers her information. Nobody knows how she has gained such a dangerous amount of power and influence over such a short span of time. Some people don't even believe she really exists.

What people DO know is that, if you want a favor from her, all you need to do is text her a photograph of a girl's panties...and if she wants a favor from ayano,she'd better do exactly as she asks...or else.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • Mysterious
  • (secretive) "Ayano... i heard you are on your 9th rival... good luck"

  • (secretive/annoyed) "You do not have enough points for that!"

  • (secretive) "i saw you stalking a upper classman today. *pause* I heard that he has a very close friend named Osana... i want you to eliminate her... such as killing her"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vise President ||Kuroko Kamenag ||
Role assigned to: ThatOneSun


Kuroko Kamenaga was the school's previous student council president. She was defeated by Megami in the most recent student council election. However, Megami acknowledged that Kuroko was the second-best person for the job, and offered her the role of vice president. Kuroko accepted the offer.

While Megami is absent from school, Kuroko is in charge of Megami's presidential duties. In short, Kuroko fills the role of student council president while Megami is gone. Kuroko is known for being formal at all times, which is reflected in the way she stands, walks and speaks.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • formal
  • female teen
  • (formal) "President, what makes you think this girl named... Ayano Aishi, is the schools murderer? *short pause* you shouldn't just jump to conclusions."

  • (Mad/Formal) "What do you think you're doing? You'll have to explain this to the counselor"

  • (worried/formal) "Please, I'm sure we can resolve this without violence."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Secretary ||Akane Toriyasu ||
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Akane Toriyasu is the Secretary of the student council. She's known for her gentle and friendly personality, but is also known for being a bit of an airhead - which makes it a mystery why Megami decided to appoint her to the Student Council.

As one of the most beautiful girls in school, Akane has a very large number of male admirers. often, her presence alone is enough to diffuse a troublesome situation. Perhaps this may be part of the reason why Megami decided to include her on the Student Council.

Voice description:
  • kind
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Gentle
  • (gentle/sweet) "Oh no, you shouldn't do that. I'm sorry, but the needs to hear about this"

  • (soft/sweet/gentle) "Sorry dear! you're not allowed to have that!"

  • (scared/worried) "Oh no. This can't be real! I have to tell a teacher!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Enforcer ||Aoi Ryugoku ||
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Aoi Ryugoku is the Enforcer of the Student Council. That means her job is to maintain peace throughout the school. She is a very physically imposing person, so it's no mystery why Megami chose her for this position. However, she's been known to take her job a little too seriously.

There are a handful of students at school who hide one of their eyes for some personal reason, but Aoi is currently the only student who is 100% confirmed to actually be missing an eye. As of now, there are only two students at school who know how Aoi lost her eye.

Voice description:
  • strong
  • female young adult
  • confident
  • female teen
  • (angry/confident) "HA, I caught you red-handed! Let's see what the counselor has to say about this!"

  • (mad/worried) "Damn it! This wont go unpunished! Gotta get a teacher!"

  • (Confident) "Megami! I swear it's that girl named, Ayano Aishi!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Treasurer ||Shiromi Torayoshi ||
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Shiromi Torayoshi is the treasurer of the student council. She's a peculiar young woman whose intentions are never clear. She is known for smiling at almost every hour of the day, in every type of situation, which is unsettling to some students.

very few students know anything about her. Just about the only thing that anyone knows for certain is that she is very eccentric, and takes pleasure in performing harmless pranks on other students.

Voice description:
  • very eccentric
  • female teen
  • (disappointed) "What a shame... *short pause* Well, here we go-."

  • (sneaky) "ehehe I hope Megami won't mind this small prank..."

  • (surprised) "Huh- Thats actually kind of impressive."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Bullies
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One person will voice each bully (mainly Musume) 

Voice description:
  • rich
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Popular
  • bullys
  • (sassy/bullying) "Hah, youre SUCH a loser!"

  • (whispering/secretive) "*giggles* i heard that some one is stalking the most basic guy ever! *pause* Its Taro Yamada!"

  • (bratty) "Oh poor Kokana.... You wish you had all of my money huh? well i have even more thanks to you dad. my daddy will buy me whatever i want. but you over here are sleep with men for money!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: The Rambunctious Ram VA

same as the bullies, one person will be voicing them all

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • mean
  • Tough
  • male teen
  • rude
  • (mean) "What? you wanna pick a fight?"

  • *say what you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Genka Kunahito ||guidance counselor||
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Genka is a strict disciplinarian, but she has been known to show mercy to students who can provide a reasonable explanation for their behavior.

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Strict
  • Understanding
  • (surprised) "huh... well... its nice to have some good students here"

  • (mad/annoyed) "You really think I'll believe that silly lie!"

  • (understanding) "I'll let this slide, but if I catch you doing that again you are expelled!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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fter an incident in 1989, the Japanese public began to associate Akademi Academy with the thought of murder, and enrollment rates dropped sharply.

In order to restore the school's reputation as a safe place for higher learning, the Headmaster mandated that all faculty members take courses in self-defense.

As a result, every staff member at Akademi - from the teachers to the nurses to the guidance counselor - is capable of defending themself against a direct assault from an armed attacker.


  • (confused) "hm? I swore I heard giggling..."

  • (Teaching) "Ok class! Today we will be learning...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Extras ||Students||
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Just a background character that will sometimes talk to the main character's 

  • (scared) "I-is that b-blood?! I gotta go tell a teacher!!"

  • (happy) "Hi Ayano! how are you?"

  • (scared) "A... M-murderer?! in this school?!"

body actor
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you just play as a body actor when needed

  • *tell me about yourself*


Public Submissions

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