Heart of the world | A (animated?) Voice Acted Gacha Club Series

Project Overview
As the school year starts, Revanche is continuous of her mean streak. And this affects anyone victim to her antics. However, when two fellow students confront her, Revanche has to learn to change her ways, and be likeable. (Small synopsis)
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One of the lead characters of the series. She is victim to Revanche's antics, but keeps herself calm in any situation she is put into.
Has a medium-high voice tone, and is calm and composed.
- english
- animation/character
- north american
- female teen
"Cut it out, Revanche....We had nothing to do with your purse!" (Honest, annoyed)
"Let's go Adarii, she's not worth our time..." (annoyed, but calm)
"What do you need?" (calm, curious)
Another lead character of the series. She's Shae's best friend, and another victim to Revanche.
She has a medium-high pitched voice, but it's a little softer, and gentler than the other characters.
- english
- female teen
- animation/character
"Morning, Shae-Shae. Would you like some cookies? I made them last night with my dad!" (gentle, happy)
"Don't worry about Livian, she's my little sister. She's just....we'll say...special in her own way." (Considerate, a little thoughtful)
"Hmmm....in order to solve this problem, Mr. Hendrix, you need to consider the following listed here on the paper, at question 5." (Genuine, focused)
The main character of the series. She's got a bit of a mean streak, targeting Shae, and Adarii both. Although she's tough outside, she's a softie at heart.
Her tone is medium-high pitched, and she has a strong sounding voice.
- english
- animation/character
- female teen
"Oh em gee! Look at her, and her silly little dress~! Isn't it soooooo out of fashion~?" (mean, teasing)
"Hehe! You're so funny-! Wait...you were being *serious*…? For once in *your* life?" (teasing, expressing emphasis)
"Could you keep it the *fuck* down? I'm tryyingg to sleep!!" (annoyed, expressing emphasis)
A side character in the series. She is the younger sister of Adarii, being around the age of 10 years old. She acts out a lot, due to her loneliness, and needing a friend. Although she annoys Adarii to the core, the two of them are inseparable.
She has a high pitched voice, with a gentle tone in it.
- english
- female child
- animation/character
"Big sister, are you in your room? I wanna play with you!" (curious, cheerful)
"Don't tell my big sister what to do! She's a big girl, just like me!" (whiney, annoyed in an adorable way)
"You won't take long? I want to play with you as soon as you get back, ok?" (a little sad, gentle)
A supporting character in the series. She is a guitarist, pianist, and singer who performs music with her best friend, Mayven.
She has a medium-high pitched and cheerful voice similar to March 7th from Honkai: Star Rail.
- english
- female teen
- animation/character
"C'mon Mayvie, it'll be fun to do this song! I promise!" (cheerful, a little reckless)
"Hm? Oh! Ellora, come on in! I haven't seen you in forever!" (cheerful, tearful in a happy way)
"Good morning, Mr. Hendrix!" (cheerful, polite)
A side character in the series. He is the English teacher of the school the main characters attend, and is a kind man.
He has a medium-low pitched voice, with a voice similar to Zhongli's from Genshin Impact.
- english
- male young adult
- animation/character
"Now, now everyone. Settle down. We haven't started our lesson yet." (calm, instructive)
"What do you need, miss Solace? Is there anything I can do for you today?" (calm, curious)
"Miss Elizabeth, please don't go and blame others just yet. I haven't heard their sides of the story." (calm, a little annoyed)
A side character of the series. She is Mayven's girlfriend, who watches her concerts.
She has a medium-high pitched voice, with a gentle tone.
You may come up with your own lines for her as you please, just nothing inappropriate.
- english
- animation/character
- female teen
*Say something you think would fit*
As the name suggests, it's a background character. Come up with your own lines for him/her/them. Can be any age and voice.
- english
- female child
- female teen
- female adult
- female senior
- female young adult
- male adult
- male child
- male young adult
- male teen
- male senior
- baby
- nonbinary
- androgynous
- neutral
- animation/character
*Say something you think would fit*
An animator for the series. You MUST have experience at the least. If not, I'll be a little lenient depending on how much effort you try to put in.
*Say something you think would fit*
Please have experience when auditioning.
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions