Wizardess Heart(Fandub)

Project Overview

Wizardess Heart is an otome game (female oriented dating sim) that takes place within the prestigious Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. As the main character, your goal is to prove yourself as a wizardess in order to be accepted into the academy, while on a 13 day trial period.  As you progress, you begin discover the secrets of the academy along with your Buddy, a randomly assigned partner who is meant to help your magical powers grow. Who will your Buddy be, and what sorts of secrets are they hiding, themselves? 

This will actually be a collab, in which myself and another will be dubbing many dating games. (In which, some them are The Arcana, Blood In Roses, Lost Alice, and Destiny Ninja 2 which can be found here on CCC) Casting calls for these will be out from time to time.

1. Before auditioning you must keep in mind this is a LONG TERM project. It could take months, or even YEARS to complete. So please, audition at your own risk(You WILL NOT be paid for this)
2. You will NEED a discord account.
3. You must be willing to give your email IF we ask for it! 
4. Please show emotions will auditioning, I don't want any robotic auditions
5. IF possible, please try to have minimal background sound! 
6. We are attempting to do a dub of ALL available routes, so if you can audition for more than one character it'd be very appreciated! 

I will be leaving the improv because I think it'd be nice to hear what you guys can come up with! Also yes, new roles will be added from time to time c: 

**Please continue at your own risk. There WILL be spoilers

Here is our fan discord server! https://discord.gg/K5KMWWP 

 We are in need of editors + artists, so if you are interested here is an application form! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1508sOd3ajPU8PemfVIsVXW33fqR1U35e-KJJpBVvXYk/edit 

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Latest Updates

  • Needing Auditions!

    Hello everyone! Once again, I’d like to thank you all for your lovely auditions. Without all of you guys, this production wouldn’t be happening! If any of you are still interested in being part of Ceragon Dubs (our production name), there is a re-cast casting call up. We are looks for extras and main characters! (If you audition as an extra, you may get a chance to become part of the production and possibly get a larger role as we are planning to do more projects in the future.) Some of the main characters we are looking for are from Wizardess Heart, Destiny Ninja 2, and Lost Alice! So if you are interested, please do submit an audition! Link to the casting call can be found here: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/wizardess-heart-fandub-re-casting
  • Once again, another thank you

    Thank you guys so much for your auditions! They were all wonderful, however we could only cast a few of you. If you did not get a part, do not worry!! More roles for Wizardess Heart WILL be open in the future! Plus, we have other casting calls that are in need of auditions. The role of Anna will be open for a bit longer, as we are waiting on one more person to audition, and once they do we will close her role and pick her voice. Thank you all for participating!! Also, we now have a open discord server! Which you can join here: https://discord.gg/K5KMWWP  Here on our server, we will provide updates for new roles, casting calls, etc. We will also be chatting with some of you guys :) Hope to see some of you there! <3
  • New Roles

    There are so many beautiful auditions here on this casting call, and for that I'd like to thank you all so much for audition! However, some main roles will be kept open for quite some time, as we aren't currently on those characters just yet. But eventually we will be closing them soon ^.^ New roles have been added! Some of which are familiars(also there's more rabbits, yay!), extra characters, and side characters! There are also some singing roles for those who are interested in singing, and also an artist role for those of you who love to draw! ^_^ If you can please check these new roles out it'd be amazing! But I totally understand if not <3 Anyway, thank you guys again so much for all of these wonderful auditions! They are all beautiful! :D Hope you all have a nice day/evening/night! And good luck to everyone :)

We will be needing all sorts of artists for these projects! Please link below some of your drawing examples/entries! However you must be able to do digital art, please! (Artists will help us create thumbnails for our videos)

And here, please state why you would like to be an artist.

Are you inactive, fairly active, or super active?

What is your style? (Cartoon, Realistic, Anime, etc)

How long have you been drawing for?

  • Say something you think would fit

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

This is basically self-explanatory XD. These voices will be for villagers and anyone who I see might need a voice. You will also be asked to be extras/background characters in other games 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • After your improv, please introduce yourself! Why would you like to be apart of this project?

  • Insert a demo reel here please! I would like to see what you can do! :D

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Yukiya Reizen
cast offsite

Name: Yukiya Reizen

Age: 18-20

Gender: Male

Likes: Nature, relaxing time alone

Dislikes: Magic

Hobby: None

Skills: Attracting Animals

Yukiya Reizen is another of the MC's classmates. He is known at the Academy for being cursed, as most people who associate with him, either in positive or negative ways, have had bad things happen to them. He usually sits alone in a corner of the class, and Elias (his roommate) and the MC are among the only people who associate with him freely, neither of them believing in the so-called curse.


Yukiya is originally from a small village, and grew up as the eldest of seven children in a large but tight-knit family. One day, Yukiya's village was attacked by raiders. Yukiya returned home from an errand in time to find them threatening to kill his parents and siblings.

In that moment, he was approached by a magical creature taking the shape of a large gray wolf. The wolf offered him the ability to use magic in exchange for his soul. Seeing no alternative, Yukiya agreed, and made a magical contract with the creature in exchange for magical powers. With magic, he was ultimately able to save his family and village from the raider attack.

Weeks later, to his horror, on the night of the full moon, Yukiya transformed into a magical creature himself. However, he was unable to break the magical contract. He eventually left his family, and went to Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, hoping that Headmaster Randolph might be able to help break the contract for him.

Unfortunately, Headmaster Randolph could not, but suggested that Yukiya remain at the Academy as a student in order to learn to control his powers. Towards the end of his route, the Elder Wing Rabbit edits the magical contract and gives the power to MC to restore him to human form on the night of the full moon with a kiss.


Yukiya is initially quiet and unexpressive, to the point of appearing cold and uncaring. He can act somewhat oblivious to things happening around him, often distracted by something outside a window, or lost in his own thoughts.

Nevertheless, he soon shows himself to be a kind and caring person, whether in his own or in other routes. He is also friendly with Elias, who is his roommate and best friend, collaborating with Elias on projects (such as for the Magic Competition).

Yukiya enjoys spending time in the outdoors, and is often found in quiet grassy areas or by the lake. He is usually accompanied by a large gray wolf, to all appearances his familiar (but is really the magic creature with whom he has the contract).

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Being around me is a bad idea(Warning, Harsh, Undertone of bitterness and regret)

  • Are you okay?(A little worried)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elias Goldstein
Role assigned to: JordonSzymanski

Name: Elias Goldstein

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Likes: Reading, sweets as he has a sweet tooth.

Dislikes: Frivolous and irresponsible people, hates rumours.

Hobby: Spends time reading and carrying out research on magic.

Skills: Memorising incantations

Elias Goldstein is a student at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. He is described as being 'smart but a little uptight' by his roommate, Yukiya Reizen. He is the youngest member of the Goldstein family, an esteemed magical family, and is the younger brother of Klaus Goldstein (by five years) and an unnamed oldest Goldstein brother.


Elias initially comes off as uptight and unfriendly. A stickler for the rules, and a lover of book learning, he frequently clashes with the irreverent, carefree Luca. As an honor student, the MC's frequent failures in class frustrate Elias to no end, particularly in his route when their academic marks are shared by virtue of being Buddies.

Over time, Elias' deeply caring and sensitive personality is revealed, although he continues to hide his insecurities under a layer of prickliness. Elias is also easily embarrassed, blushing bright red at any hint of impropriety.

Elias is revealed to have quite a sweet tooth, carrying chocolate around with him at all times. He also has a complicated relationship with his brother Klaus, who first taught him magic and continues to help him.

Elias is shown to play the violin, as well as the piano and the flute. He has also had voice, dancing, fencing, and horseback riding lessons.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I don't think I need a buddy. Not you, not anyone(Harsh, Cocky, Mockery at the fact he needs a buddy)

  • I command thee to return into thine true form!(Commanding)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Luca Orlem
cast offsite

Name: Luca Orlem

Age: 19-22

Gender: Male

Likes: Freedom and all ladies in this universe!

Dislikes: Stubborn studious guys

Hobby: Playing pranks on others

Skills: Skipping classes successfully in a professional manner

Luca Orlem is one of the romanceable characters in Wizardess Heart, infamous throughout Gedonelune Academy for his bad behavior and dislike of authority.

Although he plays a somewhat heroic role in his route, Luca turns out to be somewhat antagonistic in the other routes for the Tower of Sorrow Mystery Series. He is also very nosy in several other routes, particularly the routes of Vincent and Leon, questioning them and trying to put them on the spot.


At the end of Luca's route, in Day 11-3, you learn that he is the illegitimate son of Princess Aulelia, of the Gedonelune royal family. She died either childbirth or soon after, and Luca was left in the guardianship of Royal Advisor Conrad Schuyler, who later is a professor at the academy. He was unaware of all of this until Day 11-3.


Luca is regarded as a troublemaker and prankster by his classmates and teachers. He rarely attends classes, especially those he considers boring. He is carefree and flamboyant, and these traits put him in frequent conflict with Elias, who harbors a bitter dislike for him coupled with a fascination and envy for Luca's natural magic ability.

Despite his truancy and cavalier attitude towards his studies, Luca is highly skilled with magic. In addition to great magical power, his approach to magic is also innovative and creative, and he is sometimes compared to famous and powerful wizards like Claude Molders and Serge Durandal. However, his spellcasting is arbitary and seems to be self-taught, considering he skips most of his classes.

Luca frequently skips class and can be found usually napping in the Archives, near the lake, or in other quiet areas. He also has a penchant for slipping off the school grounds and visiting town. Luca enjoys drawing, and is known to be a bit of a clothes horse.

But it is learned in His Sweet 'n Spicy Special Lesson event that he hates sharing pieces of himself with people he doesn't trust, and that he has a hard time trusting people.

According to Professor Schuyler, Luca has been held back 4 times, suspended 3 times, put in the detention chamber 7 times, and given a stern warning 138 times.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Nothing will ever start if you just sit around waiting(Bubbly)

  • Pft...HAHAHA!(Laughing after tricking the MC)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Klaus Goldstein
Role assigned to: JFlowers3

Name: Klaus Goldstein

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Likes: Sugary tea, sweets in general

Dislikes: Bitter things, the smell of coffee

Hobby: Studying magic-related subjects

Skills: Extreme strict teaching method

He is an elder brother to Elias Goldstein.


Klaus is the second son of Walter Goldstein, a famous wizard known for his magical tools. Six years prior to the start of the game, as a student at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, Klaus befriended a classmate named Randy March, and also came into frequent contact with Randy's Buddy, Serge Durandal. Eventually, he came to view Serge as a rival. Klaus was later devastated when an experiment gone awry caused Randy to be petrified; Klaus blamed Serge for the incident and called him a murderer. Serge later disappeared to try to find a cure for Randy.

At the beginning of the game, Klaus serves as the Prefect of the student body, a position given only to the top two students at the school. However, because Klaus does not recognize any other student as being worthy of the position, he is the only Prefect at the time his route begins.

As Prefect, Klaus acts as the student representative to the faculty, and also shoulders various administrative and teaching responsibilities. In return he also holds a number of privileges, is exempt from curfews, and wears a special uniform.

In addition to being a Prefect, Klaus is also a certified Elite Magic Knight, exhibiting significantly developed combat magic skills. He has also researched dark magic in the past, in order to assist with its eradication. He is also responsible for being the first to teach Elias magic.

Due to his harsh personality, his status, and his family, the other students refer to Klaus as "the Emperor".


Klaus is characterized by single minded intensity, as well as a harsh, unforgiving, and frequently caustic demeanor. Beneath his exterior harshness, however, he is well-meaning and kindhearted. While he is a member of the Goldstein family, and very much both a magical and intellectual prodigy, Klaus is also extremely hardworking and very focused.

While Klaus has a position at the Ministry of Magic secured after graduation, his passion lies in teaching. His inspiration to become a professor at the academy was caused by Elias making a comment about how he was a good teacher, a fact Elias doesn't know. He also enjoys tea greatly (to the point where he doesn't trust others to make it for him), and is shown later to have a rather extreme sweet tooth, putting seven spoonfuls of sugar in his tea.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I'll make you pass the trial. So shut up and do what I say(Bossy, rude)

  • Are you even listening? I asked what you think you're doing here, Bunnyhead. (A little irritated)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Serge Durandal / Randy March
cast offsite

Name: Serge Durandal / Randy March

Age: 23-24

Gender: Male

Likes: Cute things, sweets, Taffy

Dislikes: Any magic that possibly hurts or endangers people

Hobby: Studying and experimenting in the fields of magic and wizardry

Skills: Competitive speed-eating of sweets

Serge Durandal is a famous wizard that attended Gedonelune Academy before he went missing six years prior to the beginning of the game. He is mentioned to be a talented animal tamer and is the idol of Liz Hart. Later in his route, he serves as prefect alongside Klaus Goldstein, and also becomes Klaus' roommate. During this time he lives under the moniker of "Randy March".


As a child, Serge lived with his grandmother, who owned a magical sweets shop, and she instilled in him early a love of magic. Later, Serge attended Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy as a student, where he became notable for his talents in magic. During his time at the academy, he befriended Randy March and Klaus Goldstein, with the former being his best friend and buddy.

Serge and Randy were very ambitious wizards, and often performed magical experiments together. One of those included finding an easier way to summon powerful magical creatures, such as unicorns. One day, however, the summoning experiment went terribly wrong, as the pair messed up on their summoning circle and accidentally summoned a basilisk, which petrified Randy, turning him to stone, rendering him in a state akin to death.

After the basilisk incident, Serge and Klaus were both devastated by Randy's death, and heavily strained the relationship between the two, in which Klaus started calling Serge "the 'murderer'". Serge also went back to the place where Randy had been petrified and planted carem seeds, as they were Randy's favorite flower.

Serge left the academy shortly after, blaming himself for Randy's accident, and traveled the world in hopes of finding a way to revive Randy, and even took up the name "Randy March" because he did not want to be the "Murderer Serge Durandal" and even went as far to blot his own name from the books at the academy. During his travels, he eventually went to Hinomoto and befriended Azusa Kuze, who would later become a transfer student at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy and Serge's roommate.


Serge is very optimistic, childish, carefree, silly, and even described by some as eccentric. He almost always has a smile on his face and is very open about his emotions, even to the point where he asks the MC to be his girlfriend in Azusa's route despite the MC dating Azusa at the time. He has no trouble saying things that would be considered "inappropriate." He is also very trusting of his friends, as he doubted the possibility of Azusa using dark magic when he was accused of such.

Despite his child-like tendencies, he has an immense love for all magic and is a firm believer that there is no right or wrong in magic. He especially extends this belief to the MC in his route, even after the MC had messed up a spell. Serge is also very knowledgeable in magic and loves to experiment with it, often on his familiar, Taffy. Serge is also very knowledgeable about magic in general and magical creatures as well.

Serge also has a more sadistic and manipulative side to him when he is conducting experiments, although he really only shows that side of him to Taffy.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • There's no failure or right or wrong answers in magic

  • Oh, my goodness! I've made a girl with my magic!!(Shocked, Happy, Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Azusa Kuze
cast offsite

Name: Azusa Kuze

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ??? 

Hobby: ???

Skills: ???

He is introduced as a foreign exchange student from Hinomoto.


Azusa lost his parents at a very early age, leaving him alone to take care of his younger brother, Tsukasa. Azusa found work as an onmyoji, or court wizard, to a noble family, raising Tsukasa simultaneously. Sadly, Tsukasa contracted a deadly disease and later died, leaving Azusa devastated and alone.

At some point after Tsukasa's death, Azusa was approached by a Nue, a magical creature of darkness. The Nue convinced Azusa that it could return Tsukasa back to life. Azusa later met Randy March, who had travelled to Hinomoto and was staying with the same noble family. Randy attempted to befriend Azusa, but it wasn't until Randy told Azusa about unicorns in Gedonelune that Azusa showed any interest. Later, Azusa travelled to Gedonelune with Randy and enrolled at the Academy as an exchange student.


When initially introduced, Azusa appears to be quite kind and polite, offering MC candy and sharing facts about Hinomoto. Azusa's real personality is quite blunt and rude, but when romanced, he does show genuine care for the MC through his actions.

I imagine his voice to be kind of quiet/low, and respectful. (But it is NOT required! Feel free to do your own) He must ALSO be able to switch between two voices. He will need to be able to do a harsh, cold, and power-hungry voice so please keep that in mind while auditioning. He will also speak Japanese for spell casting! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Are you my buddy? I'm honored about that(Shy, flattered)

  • Back to your nest, buddy. Try not to fall again, alright?(Soft, caring)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Joel Crawford
cast offsite

Name: Joel Crawford

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Likes: His first love

Dislikes: His first love's tears

Hobby: Collecting magical plants

Skills: Spellsinging


Joel was born to a family of spellsingers, wizards that manipulate magic through song rather than wands. Originally from the Ilgatto region of Gedonelune, Joel was born with heterochromia, resulting in one amber-colored and one turquoise-colored eye. This is a common feature of people from Ilgatto due to the magical flows in the land there.

As a child with the spellsinger gift, Joel was disguised and raised as a girl named June for the first eight years of his life, to protect him from being targeted by Leanan-Sidhe, an evil fairy that tempted wizards to trade their magic for artistic ability. As a result of being disguised such, Joel escaped the fairy's notice.

Joel's spellsinger father worked to subdue dangerous magical beasts in various regions of Gedonelune, and they eventually moved to Reitz, MC's home village. While disguised as June, Joel met, befriended, and fell in love with MC. The two became inseparable friends, promising to one day attend Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy together. When MC's parents were lost to the epidemic, Joel made her a promise that he would never leave her.

Sadly, when Joel's father's work in Reitz was completed, they were torn apart. The day before he left, a distraught Joel removed MC's memories of June out of love, to spare her the emotional suffering of his abandoning her. Nine years later, he enrolled in Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, and become known as a prodigy spellsinger. There, he waited for MC, hoping that one day she, too, would arrive and that they would be reunited. One year after he enrolls, she finally appears.


Joel's defining characteristic is his brutal honesty - often to the point of harshness. His inability to tell white lies puts him at odds with Eress, although by the end of the route they get along. Otherwise, he is fairly calm and confident but aloof, and not particularly sociable. Amelia describes him as giving off a "perfectionist vibe" and seeming "hard to approach".

As an adult, he remains deeply devoted to MC's well-being and safety, to the point of often making decisions that remove her ability to contribute to a task for fear of putting her in danger. He is incredibly protective of her, and takes the responsibility of her protection very seriously. While he does tease her for her somewhat mediocre magical abilities, he is also quick to give her credit for her good work. (Yes, you will be required to sing)

  • *Say AND sing something you think would fit*

  • I've been waiting for you (Loving kind of harsh, and a little flirty sounding)

  • Hey, are you alright? She's not dead, is she? (Worried)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vincent Knight
Role assigned to: Zaydin47

Name: Vincent Knight

Age: Estimated to be 25+

Gender: Male

Likes: Something tasty

Dislikes: Sweets

Hobby: Training

Skills: Other than Healing magic and cooking


Before becoming one of "The Four Knights”, Vincent describes himself as being quite a troublemaker when he was young. He also has a childhood friend, whose name is Anna, and the two are rather close.

Vincent has also been connected to the Knights for a long time, as his father was the Paladin: the person that holds the highest position among the Knights. However, his father died on the job when he was fairly young, causing his family grief (and instilled anger in Vincent). Vincent then promised himself that, even though following the same dangerous career as his father, he would never love anyone and thus he would have no one to hurt.


Vincent is a rather charismatic and upbeat individual that prides himself on being "mature". Underneath, however, Vincent is actually pretty shy and cynical, and isn't as mature as he pretends to be. Anna also describes him as the type of person to put on a smile to please people, even if the smile is fake.

I would like him to have a deep voice, however it isn't required! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Don't be so cute around me otherwise, i'll fall for you

  • No need to be on your guard like that. I'm not a scary guy or anything(Reassuring, joking)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Name: Leon

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Rich nature: Forest, Spring

Dislikes: None

Hobby: None

Skills: Light magic


A unicorn who finds interest in humans and their interactions with each other. He steals the flower from the fairies garden, seeing as it is known to be able to grant a wish. He uses it to ‘turn human’ expecting the flower to grant him the ability to feel as humans do, however, the flower only grants him a human form. He tosses the flower away after it did not grant his wish to the extent he wanted it too, leaving it on the ground for the MC to find.


Starts out emotionless and uncaring as he lacks the ability to express normal human emotions, however as the story goes on we learn a little bit more about him.

He's calm and quiet generally, assuming he is still learning the world around him and social interactions. He’s blunt at times and clearly clueless when it comes to social interaction, but it is shown that he can be quite a caring individual with his interactions with Liz.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Your smile is my light....Can I look at you a little more?(Awed and soft, super cute sounding and awkward)

  • Me? I'm not so sure....(Uncertain)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cerim Leiado
cast offsite

Name: Cerim Leidao

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Quiet place

Dislikes: Nosy people

Hobby: To search about different kingdoms

Skills: Offensive magic


Cerim came to Gedonelune Academy to do his duty as a knight and protect the sacred crystal. He and the past Leiados have been guarding the crystal for nearly a century.


Cerim can come off cold and reserved, not liking to talk about himself or matters regarding the Leiado family. As the story progress he opens up showing a more cheerful side of him. Cerim is a serious student with a great personality, who consistently achieves high grades. He only attends his morning classes

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Come on....At least let me act like your knight(Slightly annoyed and serious)

  • Who's there?!(Alert)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Guy Brighton
cast offsite

Name: Guy Brighton

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Catching up with friends

Dislikes: Studying

Hobby: Playing Sports

Skills: Ladilz


Guy came to the academy to learn light magic in hopes of taking down his father, who turned towards hatred due to lust of power from dark magic.

After coming to the academy, he learns quite a bit and becomes a very talented light magic wizard.

Guy reveals to have been holding back with magic to Liz Hart (MC), because he fears he will end up like his father if he was put with too much power.


Most of the time, Guy appears cheerful and carefree, often laughing off mistakes and faking his magic in fear of getting better, but as the route progresses, he is shown to be more serious when it comes to keeping people safe.

He is quite easy-going and protective of the people he cares about.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • You make me stronger. I need to fight for our sake(Calm, slightly motivated)

  • Watch out!!(Warning, Yelling)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Glenn Qing
Role assigned to: PRemington900

Name: Glenn Qing

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Something that reminds him of his hometown

Dislikes: Himself

Hobby: Training

Skills: All types of magic

He is an elite Guardian Mage sent from the Ministry to investigate, and protect students from the magical creatures in the grounds of Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy.


Glenn was born outside of Gedonelune, along with his younger sister, Byakuran. Their parents died when Glenn was still very young, leaving the two very poor, and Glenn had to raise his sister by himself. In order to do so, Glenn studied magic intensely, and eventually wound up working for the Ministry of Magical Justice.

There were also many wing rabbits where Glenn lived, which he and his sister often played with.


Glenn is a very level-headed and calm individual, to the point where he is almost expressionless. However, he will occasionally show a more playful and caring side to those he trusts. At the same time, he is fairly sentimental and loves his family deeply.

He is very dedicated to his work, and has been shown to be very knowledgeable.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I'll protect you. Even if it costs my life(Calm and Serious)

  • Shocked....?(Confused)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sigurd Curtis
cast offsite

Name: Sigurd Curtis

Age: ???

Gender: Male 

Likes: Creatures with wings, Coffee.

Dislikes: Inconsiderate People

Hobby: Teasing Klaus

Skills: Riding a cloud bird


With outstanding magic skills and intelligence, Sigurd is best known as the school prefect Klaus Goldstein's right-hand Man and a relative to both Goldstein Brothers. He is a skilful rider of a cloud bird named Smokey- but wouldn't describe his cloud bird as his familiar, but more like a 'partner' to him.


Sigurd is a gentleman and a cheerful person, he enjoys teasing MC and (mostly) Klaus. Once Sigurd tried to tell MC about Klaus's embarrassing secrets but he stopped him before he could finish it. He is also excellent in studies and sports is proverbial in the academy.

Sigurd seems to be perfect in every way, but Mr. Perfect has his mysterious side...

I would like him to have a respectful and kind voice, however i'm open to something else! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I saw you in the darkness. You brought light to me(Serious, slightly flirtatious)

  • I knew you were the new student. I heard you are starting from today(Explaining)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leslie Roseblade
cast offsite

Name: Leslie Roseblade

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Helping people and fashion

Dislikes: Lazy people

Hobby: Shopping

Skills: Archery


Leslie is from the House of Roseblade, which serves as the Guardian of the Forest for generations. His mother was also a Sol Maiden. His familiar is a bat that goes by the name Chica. She thinks of herself as a lady and expects Leslie to conduct himself like a butler, whom he disagree with.


He is a very nice and caring person who at first seems a little rude. He seems to not care for the Heroine, but over time developed feelings for her, to protect her. He can be possessive and is very protective.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I vow to protect you and the forest (Protective)

  • And you ended up wandering into this forest on the way? A likely story!(Unbelieving, angry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mel Glover
cast offsite

Name: Mel Glover

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: Snow Apples

Dislikes: Bothersome things

Hobby: Seeking magical plants

Skills: Purification magic

Mel is a gifted magical tree doctor. He wrote three major textbooks about magical plants. Mel doesn't talk much, and always feels bothered to explain something to others. His personality is misread by many but he is a truly gentle person deep down. Another fact, he is uh... 14. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I'm not even a student. So why would I become buddies with you?(Harsh, Rude)

  • You surprised me. (Monotone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zeus Brundle
Role assigned to: Pharaoh

Name: Zeus Brundle
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Likes: To be a boss
Dislikes: To obey someone
Hobby: Getting hero puzzled with a sudden favor
Skills: Creating magic circles

Zeus is the Prefect from the Night Class and the judge for prefects final trial. He is good at summoning magic, and often fights with Klaus.  He meets the main character at a party organised for prefects and perfect candidates, and falls for her at first sight. Klaus, an graduated prefect is back at the academy to hide the Devil's Whisper, a magical tool containing strong controlling magic, which was actually decided to be confided to the main character, without letting her know about the power of the magical item, disguised as a brooch. Deeper in the Story, Zeus and the main character get together, and Zeus takes the brooch in order to save Lucious, a cursed Prince Who, hundreds of years ago, was cursed to wander around a labyrinth with the hope of finally getting together with his beloved Princess, Claudia, with no results,ending up stuck wandering in the labyrinth Forever, Un aware of the fact that Claudia is long gone. Before finishing his mission though, zeus talks to Lucious about Claudia, Who eventually decides not to destroy the labyrinth, since its all he has from Claudia. Though, the guard of the labyrinth started destroying it by himself, which ends up into a fight between him and zeus. In the end, the brooch is returned to Klaus, unfortunately Lucious is still trapped, and the Main character and Zeus end up together.

  • *Say something you think would fit* 

  • Who do you think I am? I'm the pinnacle of all creations. Alive or dead(Arrogant and selfish)

  • Interesting! Who shuts their window on me?! Get back here!(Angry, ordering)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hiro Tachibana
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Name: Hiro Tachibana
Likes: Muffin
Dislikes: Boresome things
Hobby: Sleeping
Skill: Art Of Sword Drawing

Hiro’s sword is also known as the Armor Breaker. The Armor Breaker belongs to a family of magical swords that empower their users with new abilities at the cost of losing something else. After Zeus, MC, Alfonse, Caesar, and Klaus succeed in making him laugh, he tells the story of how he got the sword in the first place during his freshman year. He says that he was separated from Zeus in the labyrinth that year, and had the courage that he would come looking for him once again. He then decided to take a nap, and found the sword in his hand when he awoke. The cost was that he was no longer able to use magic. He mentions that he researched and used magic from Hinomoto before obtaining the sword. Hiro is a student at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy and is in the night class.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Not really. It’s actually kind of bright today(Stating a fact)

  • Let’s hurry up before it gets bright out(Kinda pushy, suggesting)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alfonse Goldstien
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Alfonse Goldstein, oldest of the Goldstein brothers, is Klaus and Elias' older brother. He is also known for being the "disgrace" of the family, the exact reasons are yet to be specified. In Klaus main route I, Alfonse was said to be engaged with Elaine.
In Season 6 is revealed that Alfonse is a prefect for the Day Class. Quite knowledgeable on magic potions, he previously joined the ministry’s research trip, just recently returning to Gedonelune.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I'm Alfonse. Nice to meet you(Introducing) 

  • Is there something on my face??(Worried)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Caesar Baroque
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Caesar is a student in Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, a prefect for the day class, and is specialized in curse magic. Caesar’s ancestors put Lucious in the labyrinth curse.
Caesar has a curse that sometimes transforms him into a pig. He had been studying abroad for a while, but just recently returned to campus.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Hey, there miss. Are you all by youself? (Questioning)

  • My name's Caesar. And you are? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Lucious is a Prince from the Kingdom of Nighttime. Long ago, while their kingdoms were at war, Lucious the prince of the Kingdom of Nighttime, and the princess of the Kingdom of Daylight had been ripped apart by her father, when he tricked the prince and trapped him down in the Underground Labyrinth where the Night Classes are held. There Lucious remained long after the princess had died. The heroine and others had tried once to free luscious from his prison, but their efforts had failed. Luscious is shy and resistant to opening up to others.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Aren't you guys forgetting somebody?! (Angry)

  • It's for the better anyway(Quiet, mumbling) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Amelia Nile
Role assigned to: Lexi Ly

Name: Amelia Nile

Age: Estimated to be around 18

Gender: Female

Likes: Probably boys and talking about her interests with her roommate

Dislikes: Seeing her roommate upset

Hobby: ???

Skills: ???

Amelia is MC's cheerful and talkative roommate.

Despite having frequently expressed her own desire for a boyfriend, she shows no resentment nor jealousy towards MC, and is a source of emotional support in nearly all the routes. She is also insatiably curious, wanting to know various details about MC's relationship. Despite this, Amelia never divulges the details of these discussions to other students. She is, however, fairly knowledgeable about other students, and shares her initial impressions of each of the love interests with MC.

Amelia is easy-going, willing to cover for MC when she needs to sneak out, and overlooking the occasional visit by MC's male love interest to their shared room. She also shares a love of cute things and sweets, enjoying the treats that MC makes. In Elias and Luca's routes, Amelia gets along well with MC's Carbuncle, frequently feeding it chocolate.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I've always wanted a roommate like you!(Happy, Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eress / Brunhild
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Name: Eress / Brunhild

Age: ???

Gender: Female

Eress is a fairy that is introduced in Joel's route when both him and MC save her from frogs.

Due to the temporary decrease of her magical power, she lost her memory and can only maintain her reduced form, causing her to be mistaken for a bug at first sight.


With short temper and easily offended especially when being called a bug. Eress dreams about true love and keeps her promises to the very end.

I imagine Eress to have a high-pitched, and kind of annoying voice. When Brunhild, i imagine her with a more soothing and elegant voice. However I'm entirely open to your own interpretations!

  • This baby has the soul of The Fairy King(Brunhild)

  • I can't remember my name!!(Eress)

  • What?! I'm not a bug!!(Angry)(Eress)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Headmaster Randolph
Role assigned to: ItsKocot

Name: Headmaster Randolph

Age: ???

Gender: Male  

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Hobby: ???

Skills: ???

Randolph is the headmaster at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy. He teaches classes on History of Wizardry, Contracting Magic, Barrier Magic and Magical Creature Ecology. As one of the Three Mages that protect the Dragon of Time, he is very close friends with Conrad Schuyler.


The role of the three mages has been passed down generation after generation amongst the great mages in accordance with the First King's orders. Randolph lived his whole life with both a daytime and a nighttime form, while his daytime self is the successor of the second mage that protected the Dragon of Time, his Nighttime self is the successor of the third mage. Thus the mysterious woman who appears in the East Forest being Randolph himself.


Having a playful side, he is tolerant and considerate towards the students.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • What does magic mean to you? 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Headmaster Rembrandt
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Willem V Rembrandt showed upon campus as the new Headmaster unexpectedly, just after Headmaster Randolph’s retirement. Willem wasted no time to reveal the secret of the Night Class and was working for a new future for the academy.
Headmaster Rembrandt is the first Dragonkin in the academy.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • A pleasure to meet you. My name is Rembrandt(Formal, Introducing)

  • Do not fear. The blood of dragons may run through me, but I will not snarl nor breathe fire at you (Reassuring)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Loran Merkulova
Role assigned to: hi im stel

Name: Loran Merkulova

Age: ??

Gender: Male

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Hobby: ???

Skills: ???

Loran Merkulova is a professor at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, and is known for being kind, thoughtful and greatly respected by the students. He teaches classes on Astronomy, History of Wizardry, Reading and Magic Potion Pharmaceuticals.


He was learning in Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy in his young age he always failed miserably like MC but he never give up until not long after he became a teacher in Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy.


As kind and caring as Merkulova seems, inside he is corrupted with the need for more power. In Elias's and Luca's route he agrees to help Luca retrieve a special stone from the Tower of Sorrow, thinking it would give him ultimate power. In the end, he is stopped and captured by Professor Schuyler and Headmaster Randolph and kicked out of the academy.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • The power of magic will shine on you, someday

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Conrad Schuyler
Role assigned to: KennyB

Name: Conrad Schuyler

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Likes: ???

Dislikes: ???

Hobby: ???

Skills: ???

Conrad Schuyler is a professor at Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, and is well known for being strict and intimidating. He teaches classes on magical tools, magic incantation, and curse spells. As one of the Three Mages that protect the Dragon of Time, he is very close friends with Headmaster Randolph. Not many students seem to like him.


More than 20 years prior to the beginning of the game, Conrad was a royal attendant wizard that served directly under Princess Aulelia. When the princess had conceived an illegitimate child, the then king of Gedonelune had flew into a rage and ordered for Conrad to kill the child. However, the princess entrusted the child to Conrad and asked him to be the child's guardian in her stead, so Conrad disobeyed the late king's orders. He then took the child to a neighboring country and left him with a caretaker at an old castle, and confined the child to a cellar for fifteen years. Later, he would then specially enroll the child at Gedonelune Magical Academy, which would not only serve as the child's "new confinement", but would also allow Conrad to keep an eye on the child.


Despite his cold appearance, Conrad is a very kind and trustworthy man. Although he is portrayed as a strict and unpleasant person, it is revealed by Luca's mother (in his route) that he is genuinely a nice person but he is too awkward to show that side of himself. He often shouts and rarely praises students when they succeed.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • My class won't be easy to pass. Prepare yourself 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Name: Taffy

Age: ???

Gender: Male

This beary rabbit-like stuffed animal was magically given a life by Randy March. Taffy was given to him by his parents when he was little, and he has made Taffy's birthday the same as his. Its not know what Randy used to give Taffy's life, however it was reveled on Joel route that Taffy may have a soul but it's still inorganic.


Childish, crybaby, but with a big heart. Taffy would do anything to help his "Master"

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I really really love my master!!(Happy, Loving)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Chica thinks of herself as a lady and expects Leslie to conduct himself like a butler, whom he disagree with. She also has a crush on the assistant prefect Sigurd. Chica has blue eyes and fur with shades of light salmon and light pink. Like her bat counterparts, Chica has her forelimbs adapted as wings. She also wears a blue necklace.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Leslie, a dash of delicacy is required when handling a lady(Scolding)

  • We hope to keep your acquaintance (Formal)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grey Wolf / Seth
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The mysterious wolf: a key characteristic in Yukiya's route. It always follows Yukiya around as if monitoring him and is likely to understand the human language. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • A pointless effort. (Bored)

  • The only thing you can do is fight(Convincing)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elder Winged Rabbit
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Living in the Northern Valley forest, they are extremely cautious and cowardly. Normally, they are light and small, except the fat one. The MC meets this fatty as her friend in Gedonelune. Although listed as male/female he is a male. I think a female may be better suited, as long as she sounds somewhat masculine. Males are also welcome to try out! He is the elder of all the wigned rabbits, so he is basically their leader

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Like! Like! Like you!

  • Yay! Break rules! Don't need 'em! (Happy, Excited)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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It is said that they bring happiness to people. Regular white carbuncles have the power of the moon, but the pink one appears to have a special, distinguished power 

  • *Squee!!* (Please provide multiple takes. They can be happy Squee's, sad, mad, etc)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Ronny is Cerim Leiado’s familiar. Like the members of the family Sciuridae, Ronny is a small creature with hind limbs longer than the forelimbs, three to four toes on each paw and variation of brown and white furs. He's got three white star shaped fur on his forehead and light pink nose. Ronny is very caring towards Cerim but also possessive, thus resulting on him being rude with anyone who approaches him. Ronny likes being called as "Sir Ronny", this might be because of the Leiado legacy as knights and as being Cerim Leiado’s familiar.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Why do I have to see your face everyday?! (Angry, Annoyed)

  • Oh, it's you Mc

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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This kind of dignified creature is only capable of inhabiting places where they have pure water, clean air, and soil. Since they hate human beings, they rarely show their appearance,, and think they are better than them. They are a majestic creature, and killing one is a great crime. They only appear to pure maidens. This unicorn refers to humans as 'foolish'. 

 I would like the unicorn to have a majestic and strong voice however that is NOT required! Do whatever you feel is right

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I have no need to talk with or understand foolish humans! (Angry)

  • Foolish human, release me from this cage before I am truly angered (Somewhat commanding)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winged Rabbit 1
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Living in the Northern Valley Forest, they are extremely cautious and cowardly. They are usually very light and small. 

From my own knowledge, wigned rabbits 1, 2, and 3 appear in Glenn's route. I may be wrong. Also they do not speak proper english as they are animals, haha. I would like them to have a cute, and bubbly voice. Or, you can do your own take!

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Nice smell! 

  • Glen here moment ago

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winged Rabbit 2
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Living in the Northern Valley Forest, they are extremely cautious and cowardly. They are usually very light and small. 

From my own knowledge, wigned rabbits 1, 2, and 3 appear in Glenn's route. I may be wrong. Also they do not speak proper english as they are animals, haha. I would like them to have a cute, and bubbly voice. Or, you can do your own take! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • MC is here!! 

  • Glen angry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winged Rabbit 3
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Living in the Northern Valley Forest, they are extremely cautious and cowardly. They are usually very light and small. 

From my own knowledge, wigned rabbits 1, 2, and 3 appear in Glenn's route. I may be wrong. Also they do not speak proper english as they are animals, haha. I would like them to have a cute, and bubbly voice. Or, you can do your own take! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • They came together!! 

  • No, crying

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Winged Rabbit 4
Role assigned to: Dawn

Living in the Northern Valley Forest, they are extremely cautious and cowardly. They are usually very light and small. 

From my own knowledge, wigned rabbits 1, 2, and 3 appear in Glenn's route. I may be wrong. Also they do not speak proper english as they are animals, haha. I would like them to have a cute, and bubbly voice. Or, you can do your own take! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Glen sad, lonely 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mysterious Beauty
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This mysterious beauty sometimes appears in the East Forest. No one knows who she actually is...

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Is that your final answer, my little sweet kitten?(Questioning) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ItsKocot

Connie is an injured dog in the prologue that the MC helps. He has a thorn stuck in his right forepaw

  • I'm Connie....(Happy, Excited)

  • Woof Woof!

  • *Sad Whine*

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This villager is the owner of Connie. He takes Connie to the MC in attempt to figure out how his dog hurt his leg 

  • Hey, miss! (Calling out)

  • Are you the wizardess that can talk to animals?(Questioning)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Acceptance Letter
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The letter is described as stuck-up by the MC. The Acceptance letter accompanies our MC throughout her journey to Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy, and is kind of impatient and somewhat grumpy. 

  • How long are you going to stand there fantasizing about yourself(Annoyed)

  • ...Anyway, this is the last step.

  • That's our school emblem(Explaining)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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The hen complains to the MC about laying all the time, and that she is tired from doing so. The MC recommends taking a break for the day and the hen agrees. She then flies off 

  • All they are about are eggs, eggs, eggs! (Complaining)

  • Buckaw!

  • Cluck, cluck, buckaw!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Student A(Rose)
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She is one of the background/extra characters that appear in most character's routes

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Me, too!

  • Mc! We're out of flyers over there...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Student B
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She is one of the background/extra characters that appear in most character's routes

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Just tell us what to do! 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lily (Female Student 'B')

She appear's in Glenn's route as well, however I may be wrong. She may appear in more, or less. There is already a character in the game called "Female Student B", hence why I put B as 'B' . She is apart of Elias's "Number One Fan Club, and would literally put her life on the line for him

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Are you the buddy of Glenn?(Questioning)

  • Don't try and play dumb!(Angry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Violet (Female Student C)
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She appear's in Glenn's route as well, however I may be wrong. She may appear in more, or less. She is apart of Elias's "Number One Fan Club, and would literally put her life on the line for him

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I heard he declared that in this very classroom!(Gossipy) 

  • You just don't know when to quit!(Angry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Boy Student A
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He is one of the background/extra characters that appear in most character's routes

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • I'll help!

  • Mc, one of the wall decorations fell off

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Boy Student B
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He is one of the background/extra characters that appear in most character's routes

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • It's our turn to save you

  • As I said, if you give me the money...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dorm mother
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As explained in the name, she is the dorm mother of the girl's dormitory. She should have a motherly and kind voice! She is explained to be just like a mother, strict at times but also loving and caring from the mc. She says she reminds her of a real mother

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • You're a proper student now, you hear? You ought to behave like one!(Scolding)

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I am not sure what language they are singing in, but hey google says its Turkish and Finnish. Anyways, I'll be needing a singer. If you want the song here is it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd5hgC35lq0 . The lullaby should have a very soft tone to it. Make it like an actual lullaby, one where kids would fall asleep to it :)

  • Sprikuenall kohdu... Sriitanmera muruto... (Google pronunciation)

  • Ra ho koradu... Stokunsa spira(Google pronunciation) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
'Little Mc'
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She isn't exactly a "Little MC" but its what we call her. She appears in the end of Sigurd's route, and is excited about being able to join Gedonelune! It's basically a repeat of the Mc's story! I would like her to have a high-pitched, cheerful, and bubbly voice! 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Th-This is it.... The Royal Magic Academy!!!(Happy, Excited) 

  • Um... The girl's dormitory is......(Confused, Nervous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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June (or Joel) was a childhood friend of the MC. June is the child version of Joel. Joel had to pretend to be a female child for most of his childhood, because it was to protect himself from being killed

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • That's so sad....(Sad)

  • It'll be okay, MC(Reassuring) 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Like Vincent, Anna is apart of "The Four Knights." She's known Vincent for the longest time, and often picks on him. She's very playful and takes an interest in the MC. I do imagine her with a bit of a deep voice

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Did you get kidnapped by Vincent again?(Teasing)

  • Vincent! Way to not pick up on a hint. Two girls around you want ice-cream. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Aster is Guy Brighton father and Glenn Qing's former mentor. Aster went after the crystal cave to kidnap Saella and use her powers, but facing his son inside the cave he became weak after Guy's light magic stroke him. Aster tried to escape dying the entire forest in dark magic but he was stopped by professor Schuyler. In order to quit Guy from killing his father, the MC and Saella combined their magics of light/song and snow purifying Aster dark magic and making him unable to use magic ever again. After fainting, Aster is carried by his son back to Gedonelune Academy to recover and later be send to the Ministry of Magic to face his judgment. In Glenn’s route, Aster sought to remove Saella from the crystal cave by way of manipulating Glenn into using the spell to do so. He states that he is responsible for the events that caused the stoppage of time in The Place Where Time Has Stopped, Glenn's former village. He holds Glenn's sister Byakuran hostage there to keep the guardian mage under his control. Aster refuses to hold up his end of the bargain, and the MC, Cerim Leiado, Glenn and Saella fight against him. The MC and Saella combined their magic in the form of a song, purifying the dark magic while Glenn and Cerim provide support. Aster vanishes in the burst of light, and is never seen again.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Finally...I finally conquerored Dark Magic! The world is mine now! (Power hungry)

  • You're the one that needs to wake up, Guy. Get out of my way! Dark Magic will give me everything i've ever wanted

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Saella is a famous songstress and taught humans how to use songs as a magic. Saella locked herself with the magic Crystal in order to protect it from dark magic users. Saella was losing hope on magic, but after watching over Guy and the MC she decided to free herself from the Crystal and to give magic another chance. She starts teaching on Gedonelune as a temporary professor and plans to open her own school in another world. In Glenn’s route, Saella was imprisoned in the crystal until Glenn managed to release her through the use of magic. Because of the feelings shared between Glenn and the MC, and their good intentions, she forgives them for releasing her. With help, she releases The Place Where Time Has Stopped from being frozen in time. She was the fourth official professor to teach in Gedonelune.

I imagine her with an elegant and soothing voice. However your own takes on her are alright as well! 

  • *Say and sing something you think would fit*

  • If this power must be used, then i'll make myself the sacrifice

  • That way, nobody will be able to force me awake ever again

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tsukasa Kuze
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Tsukasa Kuze is the younger brother to Azusa Kuze. Tsukasa died from an incurable illness year(s) ago, leaving his brother alone. Azusa himself believes that his brother can be brought back to life however, launching his motives throughout his story. Tsukasa is also the reason why Azusa is seen wearing a large pendant around his neck. Made as a lasting memento of his love just before he died. During Azusa's story the Nue takes Tsukasa's form, further tricking Azusa into doing what it wants to bring his brother back from the dead. This is impossible however, as the Main Character finds out, and soon discovers that it is in fact not is brothers spirit. Tsukasa does eventually talk to the MC, however never showing his true form in the very climax of the story line. The form he chooses is what you see through out the story as the mysterious golden butterfly that talks to the MC, giving you second chances should you pick the wrong options.  The butterfly is also seen in the pendant around Azusa's neck throughout his story. A visual tell of Tsukasa always being there and watching over his older brother.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • Pain... Help... It hurts...(In pain, begging, weary)

  • Brother... It hurts... Help...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Apparently Kate has been abandoned by her parents, and lives on the street. Compared to Mel, she feels like a failure. She has the power to transcend time and has also performed 'The Forbidden Summon'. She and Mel had the same master. She often comments about Mel's personality. She says things that he doesn't act like his age, and that he's more of an old man because he shrugs off everything. The MC says that Kate reminds her of a spunky older sister. 

Kate tells Mel that the Sol Maiden's Bow isn't a legend or a fairytale that it is real. Kate then asks you to go get the bow. After you find the bow, Kate tells you to head to the magical tree to purify it. She tells you with the bow, it can help the magical tree. Kate then tells you to make an arrow with magic, to fire it at the magical tree. She laughs at you, and tells you that the arrow wasn't supposed to be used this way. Kate also tells you that she lured you to the magical tree, you heard her voice all along. Kate tells you that she will make a forbidden summon that can get rid of all the light. The magical tree talks to you, once you get pulled into the darkness and tells you that Kate can bend time. The magical tree also tells you that there is many alternate realities. You learn from the magical tree that Kate can move freely in these alternate realities to gather darkness. The magical tree tell you that you are the one who made Kate's plans always fail in these other alternate realities. But the Sol Maiden bow is only around in the timeline that you are in now.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

  • You, bringing a girl here? What, is it raining cats and dogs? (Sarcastic, teasing) 

  • Hello. Who are you?(Curious)


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