Within The Shadows Casting Call

Project Overview
You can submit your audition(s) here or email to me at sparklelittleblue @ gmail.com
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Sunny Flare sounds exactly like she does in the movies. She has on line here
“By the time you submit yours, it’ll just look like you copied us.”
When somepony offers you a free vacation, you just sign the paperwork and don't ask questions
We're just so proud of you, Twilight! You're growing up so fast. (unofficial)
Guess this is what its like to be big time prize winners. (laugh) I just wish I could remember what contest we won

Look, Twily, I know it's not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus they could really use your help.
*pick a line....i'm tired ;-;
*so very tired

someone to help with editing the slightly animatic for opening song
*Say something you think would fit*
Solar Eclipse has no design yet (the image is a sold idea I have XD) He's a very kind guy who's a bit funny.
Is it okay if I borrow your charger for a bit? I'll stay right here.
I think you'd make a good teacher

He is not completely designed yet. This image is a solid idea
Good morning, Lemon. I made some hot chocolate, you're favorite.
You're my daughter, Lemon Zest. I will never hate you.
You know, in so many ways...you're just like your mom

It doesn't matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses. The important thing is that we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation.
I wish you all the best of luck, regardless of the inevitable outcome
Reputation (Say it in 3 different ways, or if you want get creative and say something you thing would fit. Humor me XD)

“Why did we tell Rarity that we already submitted our video?”
They'll say it's our fault the spring dance had to be held in a boring old auditorium instead of on a yacht like we promised."
And Rarity helped show us that winning was the only thing driving us. We didn't even care if we had to steal to accomplish it.

If you don't know what Twilight sounds like....what are you doing here?
"I may know about a lot of things, but friendship isn't really one of them. And I'm definitely not gonna learn more about it by being alone all the time."
"Um... I guess? I-It's just... I mean... I heard that CHS is doing well now. With their reputation. And, I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. But we can't let them do it, you know? Win, I mean? Right?"
"Well spike, at least I (or I've) got you with me"

Voice reference/character moments
Are we gonna win?!
Wrong answer, try again!
Who wants to know?

That was a really bad speech, you should consider not speaking in public
We diffidently aren't here because we like standing in lines

(sweetly) "You are such a sweetie!" (bitterly/hissing) "I am watching you!"
"Yeah, she's going to let us have the spring dance on a yacht..."
(sadly) "Actually...we're all to blame." (bitterly/hissing) "Mostly it was her"
Public Submissions