Wingz: Legend Of The Sparkle Eyes Original Animated Fantasy/Adventure Series | Wave 3 Auditions (Indie Animated Series?)

Wingz: Legend Of The Sparkle Eyes Original Animated Fantasy/Adventure Series | Wave 3 Auditions (Indie Animated Series?)

Project Overview

Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that magic could change the past or save the past. This is a story about magic and a magical school named, Wingz. But, it's not just about magic. There are secrets that are hidden from the present that reside in the past. If only one person had the ability to go into the past.... If someone had the power to go into the past then the truth would be revealed? But, what if going into the past could make you be stuck in the past or what if going into the past could change the present? So many people wish they could change the past... or see the truth they seek from the past... but will it be possible and will it be something the magic user, that has the power of the past, can handle?

Wingz: Legend of the Sparkle Eyes is an Original Animated series. It will have the characters animated in gacha but also animated in anime. This will be a long series with possibly over or around ten episodes.

This series is Directed, Produced, and Animated by Moon (Me). It will be a long series with anime animation, gacha animation.... indie animation? Who knows? This will be a long series with possilby over or around ten episodes. So far 20+ characters have been casted, these ten below are released, and many more characters are yet to be released.

Extra Info

  • My Discord Handle: moonlilystudios

Project Requirements-

  • You must be 13+ to audition

  • You must have discord. Please list your discord with your audition

  • Go quality audio

  • You must be VA Verified and to do that you must fill out the VA form listed about in Extra Info.

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Latest Updates

  • 2 Days Till Casting!

    2 Days Till Wave 3 is going to be casted! Get your auditions in before it's to late. Thank you to those who auditioned! If you don't get casted in Wave 3 don't worry Wave 4 auditions will be released July 9th 2024!

  • 2 More Weeks!

    Only Two More Weeks To Audition! Audition before it's too late!!! Thank you to everyone who auditioned!

  • Deadline Change Because Of Not Many Auditions!

    Wingz Wave 3 Auditions are getting a deadline change!!!

    New Deadline - July 6th 2024

    (BUT get your auditions in as soon as possible! Thank you for auditioning if you have!)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Imagine - Secondary - 6 Years Old - Pitch: High or Soft High

Imagine is a magical being. I can't say much about her since it might give to much away about the project but she is a very enthusiastic animal and can imagine the future.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female child
  • high pitched
  • high
  • soft
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (excited) I’m Imagining! I’M IMAGINING!

  • (concerned) That the past is not what it seems!

  • (Mad) Hey! I'm not a bear! I'm a monkey! Do I seriously look like a bear to you! Hmph...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rosalie Spencer
cast offsite

Rosalie Spencer- Secondary - 15 Years Old - Pitch: High or Soft High

Rosalie works in the castle of Lamont and is the Princess's personal maid. Rosalie is also the Princess's best friend... 

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Voice description:
  • high
  • high pitched
  • soft
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • (yelling, concerned) Princess? Princess where did you go?

  • (worried to surprised) I’m looking for... PRINCESS GABBY!?

  • (relieved) Princess Gabby! Thank goodness. You had me worried. Let's go back into the palace and please don't run away again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eni Akai
cast offsite

Eni Akai - Secondary - 16 Years Old - Pitch: high or medium pitch

Eni is a very bubbly girl who tends to talk a lot and sometimes doesn't stop. She is a blacksmith and loves to make weapons. But her biggest weakness is bugs...

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • medium pitch
  • medium high
  • high pitched
  • high
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (excited) Hello desk buddy!

  • (bubbly/overly excited) My name is Eni Akai! I’m sixteen, I’m a blacksmith, I basically make magic weapons, I’m very very very scared of spiders... and...

  • (realization/embarrassed) Darn it.. I’m doing it again... sorry I tend to say to much about myself...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Simon Taylor
cast offsite

Simon Taylor - Supporting - 17 Years Old - Pitch: Medium pitch

Simon is the type of person to not except things... like the fact of him not excepting break ups or not excepting if someone passes away...Etc. He can also get very mad if someone hurts the person he loves.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • medium
  • medium pitch
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (Neutral) The names Simon Taylor.

  • (Neutral to gloomy) I’m Princess Gabby’s... uh... nevermind... It’s nice to meet all of you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Leah (Silva) Veeah
cast offsite

Leah (Silva) Veeah - Supporting - 16 Years Old - Pitch: Soft High

Leah was brought up in a very formal house hold. She was taught to be formal not matter who you are talking to and don't pay any mind to those who are not worth talking to. Like bullies or people who will only use you for your money. Pay them no mind. She also grew up with only a mother figure because her father left when she was young. Which is why she has two last names.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • high
  • soft
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • (formal) It’s lovely to meet all of you.

  • (formal) I’m delighted to be here and I’m delighted to meet all of you. I hope we can all have a good time here together.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Piper E. May
cast offsite

Piper E. May - Supporting - 17 Years Old - Pitch: High or Medium (Up beat voice)

Piper is a spoiled princess. Literally. There is no other way to describe her. Piper is actually a real princess. She is the princess of a far away kingdom called, Maybell Kingdom.  Piper was spoiled as a child and expects everyone to bow down to her and to know her. She also tends to use others for her own benefit.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • high pitched
  • medium pitch
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (confident, stuck-up) Like I even have to introduce myself. All of you should know who I am.

  • (flabbergasted) What!? H-How don’t you know who I am!?

  • (flabbergasted) I am Princess Piper E. May! Daughter of Millot E. May and Princess of the Kingdom Maybell!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ellis Estell
cast offsite

Ellis Estell - Supporting - 16 Years Old - Pitch: Medium

Ellis is actually a nice and smart girl. Despite her being grumpy a lot, she can be a very sweet person that can look past evil, fake smiles or lies... even when she shouldn't. Causing her to follow in the footsteps of someone she shouldn't...

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • medium pitch
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • medium
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (annoyed) My name is Ellis Estell and I’m only here because my brother is here.

  • (annoyed, mumbling to herself) My brother just had to decide to come here and my parents just decided to make me come with him...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eli Estell
cast offsite

Eli Estell - Supporting - 18 Years Old - Pitch: Medium

Eli is a very upbeat guy. He's best friends with Gavin, a Main character already casted in Wave 2. Eli also cares a lot for his sister and wants to always protect her... but sometimes... Eli can kind of be a jerk...

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • medium pitch
  • male adult
  • medium
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • (neutral) Come on Ellis, I know you came because you would’ve missed Gavin and I.

  • (neutral/excited) My names Eli! Gavin is my best bro and Ellis is my little sis.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elysia Wynphine
cast offsite

Elysia Wynphine - Background - 17 Years Old - Pitch: High

Elysia is a very nice person when you get to know her but when you don't know her or don't know her well... she's kind of awkward. She also tends to say what she is thinking out loud.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • high
  • high pitched
  • animation
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • fast talking
  • (thinking out loud/confused) I wonder why I was put in this class... most of the students are so weird...

  • (talks awkwardly fast) AH... I’m thinking out loud...Um... I’m Elysia and I like.. um... reading, traveling, and making jewelry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Minya Tanoshi
cast offsite

Minya Tanoshi - Background - 14 Years Old - Pitch: Medium

Minya always says what she's thinking even if it's brutally honest. She also loves being competitive and thinks she will be on top of everyone. Minya also doesn't care what other people think about her but if they think bad about one of her friends she won't hesitate to stand up for them.

Before Auditioning Please Read The Rules And Extra Info Of The Project! Thank you!♥

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • medium
  • medium pitch
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • (neutral) Hello, my name is Minya. It’s nice to meet you.

  • (happy, excited) I look forward to learning magic with all of you!

  • (scary, plotting a plan) But, I bet I’m going to be on top of the class here.


Public Submissions

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