Wings of Fire: The Graphic Novel (Comic Dub)

Project Overview
Wings of Fire: The Graphic Novel is written by Tui T. Sutherland with art by Mike Holmes. This project is a full comic dub. We are looking for committed voice-actors/actresses with quality microphones and strong acting ability.
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Clay is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. He is a little dim but very sweet. He cares a lot about his friends and would do anything for them.
(panicked) I don't-- we're just passing through-- I mean-- it was an honor to meet-- we have to go!
(relieved, shocked) I've never been this warm. It's all between my scales. My claws aren't sore. I'm not itchy! I love it I love mud I'm staying here forever.
(uncertain) Not-- not that-- I mean-- Maybe I was born that way... but does that mean I'm like that forever? I guess I hope I have a choice, is all.

Tsunami is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. She is hot-headed and defiant. Her loyalty to her friends is strong, and she is a powerful fighter.
(sarcastic) Watch out, Clay! It's really dangerous! You might stub a claw!
(angry) We're kept like prisoners in these caves! How are we supposed to save the world when we've never even seen it?
(amazed) You're practically glowing! I didn't know MudWings had so many colors.

Glory is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. She is very beautiful but incredibly sarcastic. She is not afraid to keep things real.
(hesitant, sweet) I'll never admit I said this, but... I would never have made it through the last six years without the four of you.
(blunt) Destiny is destiny, so whatever we do must be right. We don't need a bunch of ancient dragons telling us how to save the world. They're not in the prophecy.
(defensive) Of course I'm alive. I would have been fine on my own, you know.

Starflight is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. He is incredibly smart and very much a nerd. He should sound a little timid and uncertain of himself, as many have high expectations of him he is not sure he can uphold.
(scared) Wait! What about my friends? You can't just leave them behind!
(upset) I'm not supposed to talk about it. I... have a lot to learn.
(explaining) We don't know where the river will take you. You'll need to orient yourself. When it's daylight. We'll send a smoke signal through the skyhole.

Sunny is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. She is incredibly child-like and optimistic. Almost anything, if not everything, excites her. She is also terrible at keeping secrets, thus making her very oblivious.
(excited) You gotta see this bug I found at dinner! It's so weird!
(hurt) You've been planning this for forever? Why didn't anyone tell me?
(optimistic) Leave the caves? Without our guardians? Oh, no, we couldn't. We have to do what the prophecy says. The Talons of Peace understand it. As long as we follow it, everything will be okay.

Peril is young, with a voice sounding between 15-18 years old. She is a wild soul who does not understand the moral implications behind hurting others. She is desperately lonely and just wants a friend-- she will do anything for one.
(angry) I'm your friend! It's not fair that you'd leave me-- the others can have any dragon! I only want you!
(dejected but matter-of-fact) It's like you said. There are dragons they write prophecies about... and then there's me.
(explaining) After a dragon has a few wins in the arena, her majesty sends me in. I always kill them. I'm really dangerous.

Morrowseer is an older dragon, sounding anywhere between 40-60 years old (with a deeper voice). He is a strong leader who has a threatening persona. He is incredibly mysterious and very strong-willed. He delivered the Dragonet Prophecy.
(unimpressed) It's like you only have four and a half dragonets. Are you supposed to be a SandWing? Don't you eat? What's wrong with you?
(threatening) I'll be back tomorrow. To make sure everything has been... dealt with.
(demanding, even-toned) This dragonet is ours, and we're taking him. You can have the others... they're useless.

Kestrel is an adult dragon, sounding between 30-40 years old. She is rude, snappish, and aggressive. She has a past that has made her this way.
(annoyed) Webs, that's a RainWing egg, you brainless salamander. The prophecy calls for a SkyWing! And you bring us a lazy, stupid RainWing?
(provoking) Are all MudWings this useless, or just you? Find the monster I saw in you when you hatched! Fight!
(angry) If you don't stop that awful singing, we'll chain up your friends! Perhaps Clay would like to spend the night hanging from a stalactite. (beat. disgusted) You were all vile today. You're lucky we don't chain you all up.

Webs is an adult dragon, sounding around 25-40. He is kind and gentle but also a little timid. He does what he can to care for the dragonets and make them feel safe, but he is incredibly loyal to the Talons of Peace. He has a good heart.
(uncertain) He's kind of... cute. A little... blobbier... than I expected.
(regretful) This is for your own good. We only want to keep you safe. Maybe this isn't the perfect way, but...
(straightforward) I joined the Talons of Peace to stop killing dragons. Do what you must, but I won't be helping you.

Dune is an older adult dragon, sounding 40-50 years old. He is tough and cold-- a no-nonsense dragon. He will do what he believes is right without question. He is often very annoyed and likes to command authority, even though Kestrel maintains clear dominance over him.
(annoyed) This is your fault. I told you not to teach them that horrible song.
(panicked) They're the Dragonets of Destiny! You have to leave them alone!
(taunting) Ha. No one expected you to be any use.

Queen Scarlet is an adult dragon, sounding between 30-50. She is threatening, menacing, and aggressive. She will kill anyone and anything without a second thought. She finds entertainment in pitting other dragons against one another in her arena.
(threatening) I don't want any trouble. That's why it makes me so sad that it keeps coming to me.
(grand) My name is Scarlet. But you may call me Your Majesty if you want to live.
(sickly sweet) I always find the ones who betray me in the end. Isn't that right, Kestrel?

Queen Burn is an adult dragon, sounding 25-35 years old. She is menacing, aggressive, and threatening. She is the oldest and biggest of her sisters and fully intends to be queen.
(threatening) So, IceWing... is this egg a part of your pathetic prophecy? It would be so awful if something were to happen to it.
(blunt) My SkyWing ally is no fool. Queen Scarlet knows everything that happens in her kingdom.
(reassuring) Everything will be taken care of. I fully intend to give you everything you desire.

We need plenty of voices for minor characters and background roles. These range from young to old, male to female. The voices should sound natural and not forced. Feel free to try the lines multiple times with different voices.
(threatening, commanding) You will sit here and wait for the Queen to decide what she wants to do with you.
(excited) I knew it! I knew he looked familiar! I told you! You're our missing sibling!
(warm, gentle) We've been waiting so long for you. You're supposed to be our bigwings.
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