Willow Heart's Sonic IDW Comic Dub (Issue 1)
Project Overview
Hello all! The goal of this casting call is to find voice actors and editors for the
Sonic IDW Comic Dub series that will be uploaded to the Willow Heart channel!
This series will be covering all current and future issues of the comic and will be giving viewers a more lively experience.
The project will be non-profit and will be posted to the Willow Heart channel, found here:
For technical roles such as video editor and the audio roles, we will be selecting multiple people to bring onto the team, as we want a lot of people to be a part of this!
This will be a long-term project as the IDW series is still being produced, so make sure you keep that in mind when auditioning.
Well, that's all from me, we can't wait to hear all of the wonderful submissions, and feel free to contact me or post here if there are any questions or concerns.
Happy Recording!
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Thank you the OVER 150 People who auditioned! I am so grateful that so many people want to be a part of this project, and I can't wait to go through and listen to everyone's auditions! However, the project itself will remain open as we are still looking more more Editors. Thank you all once again!
The Narrator will be giving an overview to these stories. There is no voice in particular that we are looking for, besides having a semi-serious tone, so it is entirely up to your own interpretation!
"Sonic the Hedgehog has spent years fighting the forces of Dr. Eggman."
"Time and time again, the Mad Doctor attacks, Sonic strikes back, then relaxes until Eggman returns."
"But after their last battle... Dr. Eggman vanished.... but his robot army did NOT!"
The Blue Blur himself! Sonic The Hedgehog is a hypersonic hedgehog from the planet, Mobius. He is a Freedom Fighter, and the direct nemesis of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik and his robotic army. Cocky and full of attitude, he enjoys being with his friends, speeding to wherever he can, and saving whomever he can.
For the voice, we are open to both impressions and interpretations. If you are looking to do an impression, either Jason Griffith or Roger Craig Smith will fit the best.
"The name's Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog!"
*Urgent, yet confident* "Wuh-oh! That doesn't look good! Sounds like the locals are putting up a fight, I hope they don't mind me lending a hand!"
*Heroic, Cocky* "In that case, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing. Those badniks ARE a threat to everyone, organized or not. I'll keep traveling around, smashing every one I see!"
Dog Civilian trying to defend from Eggman's forces, eventually saved by Sonic. No preference on the voice.
*Urgent, Frantic* "Run! Get to the storm bunker!"
*Shivering in Fear*
*Awe-struck, relieved* "N-Not really... You're... You're Sonic! You're THE Sonic!"
Cat civilian defending from Eggman's forces. No preference for the voice.
*Frantic* "O-Okay! we're on it!"
Extra civilian defending against Eggman's forces. No preference on voice!
*Panic* "Hurry up! They're closing in!"
*Swooning* "...All this terror might be worth it if I get to say Sonic winked at me!"
Extra civilian defending against Eggman's forces. No preference on voice.
*Panic* I'm trying! It's stuck!"
*Hopeful* "I hope we survive long enough to get his autograph!"
Neo Metal Sonic is an upgraded version of Sonic's doppelganger. While only revealed at the end, he takes on a much bigger role later in the comic. Being a Robot Mastermind, the voice should be cold, but not emotionless. He is very meticulous and obsessed with power, which shows through his voice, despite being a robot. We do not have a preference on using an impression or not, but if you choose to do so, we would recommend to take inspiration from Ryan Drummond in Sonic Heroes.
If you plan on using a filter, please provide the lines both with and without it.
*Commanding* "Deploy a battalion to the next nearest town. He'll be drawn to it like a moth to a flame."
*Imposing* "Come... Show me what you're made of."
This will require you to animate the movement between the Comic Panels and help make action sequences more bombastic across the pages. Experience in Adobe, Sony Vegas, or any others is recommended.
Say something you think would fit
With this role, you will be working with me to give the world immersion through sound effects.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions