Blood of the Wolf

Project Overview
What exactly is this project?
Contact Info:
Gmail: callarsonisback
Outlook: destroyerofwar42
Recording Requirement:
MUST HAVE A DECENT MICROPHONE- Meaning that you must have minimal background noise to none.
- My time is somewhat flexible so I can handle 1-2 weeks late of recordings but any more than that and you'll be uncasted unless for family or personal issues have occurred.
- Those who are getting paid for the first episode right away must be willing to get slightly late payment if my payday is slightly off; which most of the time doesn't happen.
- Be nice to everyone who helps out with the project or your position will be recast to someone else.
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ATTENTION ALL AUDITIONERS FOR EXTRAS I have chosen three extras: however, that doesn't mean that role is automatically closed I am still looking for more extras, so if you are wanting a part of this project then please don't hesitate to audition.
Hey everyone that auditioned for singing, yeah so realized later rather than sooner that I should have given an example of what I'm looking for. SO I added a link in the audition, good luck. -
Hey everyone, first of all, I would like to thank everyone who has auditioned for this project so far. You have no idea how grateful I am, now I've already have cast a few people already but there are still more roles to fill in so maybe you'll be the one I choose. Also, I wanted to let everyone know that I finally added a recording requirement and I put the discord link invite. Feel free to join the discord. -
Auditioners of Shiela
Hey everyone a little announcement for the voice actors auditioning for Shiela. When you say Drake's name, I want it to sound like you're extremely shocked. Not a low voice, yes I want it to sound like you're embarrassed for yelling at him but at the same time, you need to sound shocked to see him. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. -
Oh Before I Forget
Hey there I just wanted to say that for you actors you all know you aren't getting paid.... right now; however, if this first episode becomes a it on youtube and I get a lot of fans who want an episode two I will create a paetron and you guys will eventually get paid. But if it doesn't get at least a few fans who want a continuation right away we will still do episode two but you won't be paid but the behind the scenes crew still will. Sorry but I do have a budget after all, but I hope you guys will stick with me if I choose you.

Drake Malachi Hempshaw is a 17 year old male who gets turned into a werewolf one day from walking home to school. He has a southern accent a smooth, cool, and deep but not too deep voice. Since this is the main character only the best voice actor will be chosen. There will be some singing in here mainly once as far as I can tell, which will be House Party by Sam Hunt.
*Say something you think would fit*
*turns away from Trista* What do you want Trista?
*looks to his left as he hears a branch snap* What the heck was that?
Sheila is a werewolf she is clumsy in her human form, She has an English Accent, kind of a tsundere, brave, smart, loyal, and easily angered/annoyed. She is the first person of the werewolf tribe that meets Drake after he is attacked by a rogue werewolf.
(groans as she rubs the back of her head, pre-tears start to form blurring her vision, she wipes her eyes as she yells)
(her vision becomes clear again, she blushes and stammers while yelling shocked)D-DRAKE?!
(Sighs still blushing a bit and smiles cutely)
Yeah, my mom said that she needed me to get her a few things, she’s always forgetting stuff.
(says angrily but with a hint of gratitude)
You stubborn dumbass… !

Trista Margabelle McLean is the school's most popular girl, the school's biggest gossiper, and the most obnoxious Rich brat. she has olive tan skin 5' 10", Rich blonde hair, silver blue eyes, and too much make-up. She also annoys the piss out of Drake.
*Say something you think would fit*
(Shrill, annoying voice)
(Flips hair towards Drake, speaks in a snobby voice)
Here’s a little warning for you Drake, I am one of the most popular girls at school, so…
(Evil innocent laugh)
if you don’t want to have your school image ruined… you’d learned to keep that cute mouth of yours shut and pick your battles.
(pats Drake on the right cheek slightly hard)
Toodle-loo Drakie-poo!
(walks down the hall skipping)
Travis is a Irish-American werewolf he can be a jack*** at times but he isn't really that bad. He's very skillful at being silent and preying on targets. He usually gets the kill. He is also stone hearted to people that he considers weak until they can prove theirselves and earn his respect.
*Say something you think would fit*
You wouldn't last a day against Timber, he's the toughest of us all.
Welp.... you're screwed. See ya in the afterlife. *walks away*
Timber is the prince of the werewolf tribe and he's a snob to people a lot unless he really likes them, then he becomes a prick. But whenever you do something that he respects he will let you know but then will be his normal self to you again.
*say what you think fits*
*say in a distasteful voice* I eat worms like you for breakfast and give your remains to Hell.
*say with respect* You give a pretty darn good fight, I respect that.
Mr. Payne is the school's Health class teach whose's character reflects his last name.
*Say something you think would fit*
*say in a very strict and harsh judging voice* Mr. Hempshaw would you like to go up front and teach? *say bitterly and sarcastically* I'm pretty sure you can make my lecture on deseases so much more fascinating.
*say in a very bitter tone* Next time do so kindly to not fall a sleep.
*Sound like a sweet middle age woman* Hey Drake, how are you? Are you out of school already?
Yes dear, would you be so kind to buy some milk from the supermarket for me?
Bye Drake. *Hangs up*
Although Sheila's mom is in her middle age, she sounds like a young mom and not like some woman in her mid to late thirties.
*Give the best stern mom voice* Shala De Vel where in the world are you going?
I'll be open to a variety of voices for extra characters; such as doctors, sheriff, other teachers, etc. Let your mind be the limit of the other roles.
Say something you think would fit
Looking for upbeat rock style music, and some lyrics that go well with this. If you need help with what exactly what I mean please feel free to ask.
Say something you think would fit
To give you an example of what I'm looking for here's an example of the type of rock or maybe it's pop:
Sing something you like (Rock Style singing)
I will pay you 10 dollars per character that you draw. I also will need you to draw the background and buildings. This position will most likely be given to more than one person.
Say something you think would fit
You must be moderate to amazingly good at animating. A Hundred dollars is the highest I will go and it is a fixed price per episode. Tell me your skill of animating. (must be able to draw wolves and humans and other creatures)
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions