We are Dying | An original animated series |

We are Dying | An original animated series |

Project Overview

We are Dying is an original animated series that I'm working on, the goal of the series is not to make money but to share the passion and the message, even if the message only gets out to a small audience.

WaD takes place in Irenic, a planet that cannot sustain life anymore and is slowly dying. The world has sort of gone into anarchy, there are very few laws, and close to nobody trying to enforce them.

Elio Lennon was a great scientist, the one who was closest to making the next big break, however after he passed away due to health complications, his daughter, Aspen Lennon, tried to resume his work - and she failed, after that defeat, Aspen gave up. She never had that much willpower, anyway.

Lunette Fiore however - is the opposite. Lunette knows nothing of her background, hell, she doesn't even know who she is! She's lost most of her memories, after all. But she can shapeshift, and that's not normal. After she and Aspen have a run-in, and Aspen notices her strange ability, Aspen lets her crash at her place - everyone is dying, so why the hell not?

But things aren't so easy, for Lunette and Aspen discover something unexpected - one final clue on how to save Irenic. Maybe there is more to Elio's death than Aspen once thought. Maybe the universe is bigger than anyone ever thought, and perhaps Irenic has some deeper secrets hidden beneath the surface. Strange disappearances, ancient history, culty stuff going on behind the scenes - this story is truly a wild ride.

We are Dying attempts to be existential while remaining in a fantasy setting, the series explores the idea of death and the fear of dying, and how life is meant to be lived in the short amount of time you have. WaD also explores themes of finding out who you are, remembering your past and rotating your outlook on life.

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Latest Updates

  • New characters coming soon!

    Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all of the stellar auditions, I appreciate how much effort was put into every single one and they all sounded amazing. There will be new characters open for auditions soon and I have set the deadline to May 1st as we still need animators/artists.

Animators (2d)

looking for 3-4 animators, very flexible with whatever programs/devices you use, just no watermarks, please. 

Please provide at least 2 animations you have made, you will have to replicate the series art style for this role. Animations will be in around 8 FPS (so a lower frame rate) but lively animation is still ideal. 

Other info:
  • 2d animation
  • 2d animator
  • traditional animation
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Background artists

Looking for 2-3 background artists for WaD! The style shouldn't be super realistic and it is recommended that you use lineart to give it a cartoony look. 

All you gotta do for this is send in some of your previous backgrounds! I'd recommend sending in 2-3 pieces that you think fit the style best <3  

digital art only

Other info:
  • background art design
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Looking for 1-2 more storyboard artists, I'm not super picky about what devices/programs you use, just no watermarks, please!

Dynamic poses and good perspective is ideal, please provide at least 2 examples of previous works or a link to a social that shows some of your work. You will need to replicate the series style! 

Other info:
  • storyboard artist
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aris Relicta

  1. "How... pathetic."


  2.  Aris is not from Irenic, Aris is not from anywhere. She has found that she has no place in the world, and she’s sick of it. In order to survive, Aris needs to feed off of the life forces of other creatures, so she likes to pretend that she’s incapable of loving - when in reality she’s quite the opposite. Aris has a lot of love to share, but because of her curse she was never able to share it, and now she’s been repressing it for a long time. Aris has a medium-low / low voice, and she is the main antagonist. 

  3. Aris speaks in a very monotone and even quiet way. Like an oddly comforting way.

Other info:
  • amateur voice acting
  • character acting
  • “Do not pose me as your hero, Arami. I am incapable of holding you right.”

  • “Change is inevitable. You are still your fathers daughter.”

  • “Okay, fine. If you’re so convinced you could change if you just ran away… why won’t you do it? Is it perhaps because you couldn’t bear to see your brother turn into what you’re running from? (a beat) You’re not cut out for this… aren’t you.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Novalie Verlice

"Oh my! What have we gotten ourselves into here?


Novalie comes from a long line of wealthy people, and she shows it often. Novalie loves to brag about her status, it’s one thing she holds very dear to her. Novalie was raised to be graceful and elegant. Novalie is snobby and tends to be naive when it comes to issues in the world.

 Novalie has a very posh, medium-high, soft voice. A British or transatlantic accent would be ideal, Novalie is a side-villain

Voice description:
  • british
  • transatlantic
Other info:
  • character acting
  • amateur voice acting
  • high pitched
  • medium high
  • "Why, it may not be ideal, but it will truly be an adventure!" (cheerful)

  • “My, that does sound awful… Oh well! Better luck next time, I suppose.” (sympathetic to unbothered)

  • "Dont fret, Novalie Verlice has arrived! (a beat) Hm? No, I'm not actually going to do anything..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kit Byrne

"Anything is possible if you just stay determined and work hard!"


Kit is a strong fighter and a good mentor, despite her sarcastic sense of humour, Kit cares for those she holds dear to her. Kit remembers when she was lost and alone, having to train herself how to fight. But Kit isn’t in that place anymore, and now, she’s determined to make sure nobody has to go through what she went through, she’s ready to train a new generation of fighters. Kit is a side character and falls into the same group as Lazarus and Ambani, she has a medium-pitched feisty voice.

Other info:
  • amateur voice acting
  • character acting
  • “Why won’t you just let me protect you, you big dummy?” (light-hearted)

  • “This is Avalon, and despite what Lazarus says, she’s awesome.” (explaining)

  • "Well, we didn't technically try to contact you..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lunette Fiore
cast offsite

bo"Where am I... and who am I?"

Lunette has a love for adventure and a bunch of ambition, Lunette is super energetic and has a sense of optimism to her. Lunette isn't the smartest - well, with street smarts, anyways. Lunette is kind of naive and doesn't always grasp the reality of situations, Lunette is also very reckless, her feisty and mischievous nature gets her into situations she isn't exactly ready for. Lunette also has a slight edge to her and is a bit sarcastic.

 Lunette is the main character, she has a ton of lines hence why I am a bit picky for her voice - an ideal voice for Lunette would be raspy and medium or medium deep. Lunette is - well, nobody knows. But she's a young adult, probably.

Voice description:
  • american
  • female young adult
Other info:
  • amateur voice acting
  • voice acting
  • voice acting (beginner)
  • character acting
  • "Oh yeah, we could do things the boring way... or... we could spice things up!" (mischievous)

  • "W-well... I didn't need your help anyways, so... take that! Hah!" (Stubborn)

  • "Yeah, so I've pretty much been living on the streets for a couple of years... I befriended some weird little robots, made a cult with said robots ... and then betrayed them when things got too serious. Y'know, no big deal." (Laidback)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aspen Lennon
cast offsite

"I've tried everything, nothing works, Lunette. It's hopeless."

Aspen is the opposite of Lunette, she may have been super ambitious, but that ambition disappeared long ago. Aspen has a habit of shutting people out, she's very dismissive and can be quite mean. Aspen does care, she does want to love, but she's pushed everyone out and now feels like she's doomed, forced to simply isolate. Aspen is protective over the ones she loves, when she finds someone she trusts - she really does trust them with all of her heart.

 Aspen is the second main character, Aspen has a medium-low voice and sounds tired most of the time. 

 Aspen is 19 years old.

  • "I'm sorry you wha- Lunette! What were you thinking!?" (angry)

  • "Okay, fine, you want more enthusiasm?" (irritated)

  • "It's not that simple, I've been trying that. For years. Nothing's worked, I've... gotten used to it." (cold)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Arami Viotto
cast offsite

"Of course, why should I expect you to care, everyone has always favoured you."

Arami doesn't like the help of others, she is very free-spirited and believes in doing things her way. Arami is a wild child, she's been raised to follow orders, and she's been constantly monitored and now she simply wants to be free. Arami does have a glimmer of trust left, a glimmer of trust that let's hope nobody decides to break. Arami is cold and feisty at first, but she'll learn to trust you. Give her time. 

 Arami is a villain, she is about as important as Silas. Arami has a medium-high-pitched voice and a feisty way of speaking. 

 Arami is around 19 years old.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
Other info:
  • amateur voice acting
  • "Silas, don't you want to be free? We don't have to stay here forever, you know." (soft)

  • "Fine, I suppose I'll leave you to your planning. And I suppose you won't be needing me." (irritated)

  • "You can get anything you want! Everyone around you is constantly bending over backwards to make you happy! You - you- you're out of your mind!" (angry)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Silas Viotto
cast offsite

"Hm? Oh, do you want an autograph or something?"

Silas is charismatic and laid-back, Silas is bold, snarky and sarcastic. Silas has a habit of being a little bitch, he's mean, he's feisty, he has enough hatred and anger in his body to kill 10 people, and he is very unbothered by it. Silas is smart and determined, although he may seem unloyal if you give him a task and he respects you, he'll complete the task, no matter the cost. 

 Silas is one of the main villains of the project, he has a medium-pitched voice and a very laid-back way of speaking. Silas is around 20 years old.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
Other info:
  • voice acting
  • "That's so metal, but how exactly are we going to complete this task?" (snarky)

  • "Oh sure! Go ahead, ruin everything we've worked for. Brilliant idea! (a beat) Of course, this is sarcasm you little parasite." (sarcastic)

  • "I don't know what's gotten into you, but this little charade stops now, Arami." (harsh)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cypress Alterio
cast offsite

"Of course, everything has a meaning - you just gotta find it, first!"

Cypress thinks the world is in black and white, she has her opinions, and they keep to them. Cypress has a bubbly persona, they don't like drama and typically try to resolve things with more peaceful methods. They are a walking doormat. However, they still manage to make things worse. Cypress also appears naive, they appear clueless. But don't let this fool you, Cypress knows much more than she is letting on, they are just simply observing everyone around her.

 Cypress has a medium-high or high pitched voice. They also have a more feminine voice! Cypress is around 17 years old.

  • "Oh, Aspen! I um, I thought you died. Y'know, haven't heard from you in like... weeks." (shocked)

  • "I mean, it's not thaat bad... it could be worse. We could be dead." (Nonchalant)

  • "Aw, no need to be so indignant! Turn that frown upside down, embrace the light, live laugh love! Sitting here and angsting clearly isn't doing anything. " (optimistic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Avalon Aphelion
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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