Warrior Cats: Spiderstar's Promise

Warrior Cats: Spiderstar's Promise

Project Overview

Spiderstar's Promise is a story based on Erin Hunter's "Warriors" series. It follows young Spider through the hardships of Clan life and being cast out as a loner. Even though he's being tagged along by another loner, Heart, Spider often gets lonely and remembers his old friend, Winter. Will they ever see each other again? Spider thrusts his way to the top, aided by his kits and his blossoming supports. Will he make it to the top?

Audition to get the script to find out! ;D <3

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Poppycloud is Patchpool's father; a old and wise StarClan tom with an orange-patched white pelt. Although he doesn't have many lines, he might be my favourite character.

  • Poppycloud: *eyes glow white* In the mist, you will find the spider that will grow to be great.

  • Poppycloud: Come, Patchpool. Let your warrior ancestors lead you to StarClan.

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Yewstripe is a supporting character who followed Mistystar from the mountains to Mocha's barn; he is Mistystar's brother.

  • Yewstripe: I’ve seen every part of this mountain, and I’ve always dreamed of going out of this territory. I’ll always follow my sister and chief over her proxy, anyway.

  • Yewstripe: He was my mentor, I can't live in a place where my mentor was burned alive.

  • Yewstripe: You can't say that for sure, I'm going back. There is nothing you can say to stop any of us. We’re going to ask for Fjordstar’s forgiveness, after we bury my mentor.

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Role assigned to: deleted50576

Buzzshine is a combatant of the Mountain Renegade; a golden brown tabby and Fjordstar's proxy.

  • Buzzshine: I’m the newest combatant, Buzzshine. Well, second newest since Fjordfreeze. I’ll go get Mistyshrew for you, if you want?

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Quailflower is a strong grey she-cat whose daughter is Snowpaw (or later, Snowflight).

  • Quailflower: You must trust your leader, dear. Mistyshrew knows what she’s doing, and if it means living in a barn for a few moons, I’m okay with that.

  • Quailflower: I’m sorry, Mistyshrew, I want to stay here with my kits.

  • Quailflower: Fjordfreeze is right, Snowpaw. The Tribe has thrived here for moons without problem. Why leave now?

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Squirrelprance (Medicine cat)
Role assigned to: ambergaze

Squirrelprance is the medicine cat of the Mountain Renegade.

(She does not only have one line; they will be updated when the script is finished)

  • Squirrelprance: I’m sorry, Mistyshrew…

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Raggedpeak is a combatant of the Mountain Renegade: he is mates with Alpheart.

  • Raggedpeak: He was such a good combatant, and he told all the young ones long stories of the past. It'll be a shame to have to return to the Mountain Renegade without him.

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Slendershade is a small black tom, mentor to Hearttuft. He is skittish but friendly.

  • Slendershade: *storytelling* One time, Riverview and Yellowpaw were fishing here and they found a rabbit covered in them. There was no blood because they’d sucked it dry.

  • Slendershade: *irritated* You don’t even know where our camp is!

  • Slendershade: *commanding* You can leave by following this rock around to the other side. Head away from the forest from there.

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Glacierwing (Glacierpaw)
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Glacierpaw is the one who first introduces Spider to the Clan life by accident. She is a white she-cat whose sisters are Blossomfern and Wintersky while her mentor is Thawslip.

  • Glacierpaw: *young* Ugh! Hey, you’re not Blossompaw!

  • Glacierpaw: Nice to meet you again. Why are you here now, hunting prey for DriftClan?

  • Glacierpaw: Okay, well Blossompaw and I are going to do our final assessment now. I’ll see you later, kay?

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Blossomfern (Blossompaw)

Blossomfern is Glacierwing's sister: they're like two peas in a pod. Blossomfern has a light-hearted voice that is rarely snappy.

  • Blossompaw: -happily- I’m fine! It’s Heartpaw that everyone should be worrying about.

  • Blossompaw: I do.

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Thawslip is a warrior of DriftClan; he is Glacierpaw's mentor.

  • Thawslip: Clancats have always let their apprentices train in these clearings. Who are you to stop us?

  • Thawslip: Ugh… Come on, Glacierpaw. These kittypets may outnumber us now, but we still have our honor. Next time, the odds will be in our favor.

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Dampfoot is a warrior of DriftClan: he is the mentor of Glacierpaw's sister, Blossompaw.

  • Dampfoot: Get off our land!

  • Dampfoot: She leapt after a squirrel and another cat attacked her from the trees! We didn’t see where it went afterwards, but Blossompaw had a really hard fall.

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Riverview is a silver tabby tom - Spider's best friend from DriftClan. He's light-humoured and kind.

  • Riverview: Don't worry, the rocks aren’t slippery.

  • Riverview: I spoke to Rowanstar before I went to get you. He’s okay with it, so you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble. He trusts me more than any cat.

  • Riverview: Okay, well.. how about we go to the river? We can both catch something there, and you can rest in the sun if you want to.

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Forbiddensheath (Olivia)

Known as Olivia in the beginning, she becomes a warrior of The Mountain Renegade near a quarter into the book named "Forbiddensheath". She is a bold, beautiful mottled she-cat with murky green eyes. She is very daring and doesn't like to be qustioned. Despite this, she becomes Spiderfur's mate later in the series and is his chosen mate in StarClan.

**Her lines will be updated as she gets more lines in the script.
***Do not read Rowanstar's line, it's just to give you some context.

  • [Rowanstar: What are you doing on DriftClan territory?]

    Olivia: *sarcastic/fed up* Saving your tails from those foxes, clearly.

  • Olivia: You get your stupid warriors to do all the work for you, don’t you? Fight me, one on one, and I’ll show you a real fight!

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Yellowpaw (Yellowclaw/Yellowstar)

Yellowpaw is a light grey apprentice to Riverview. He is very light-hearted and caring and later in the series, he becomes leader. He is a very important impact on Spiderstar; he receives many omens and is worried a lot sometimes despite looking strong.

  • Yellowpaw: You’re a ’paw? You should be a warrior by now!

  • Yellowpaw: Slendershade might not be as good as Lionroar, but a mentor’s job is simple: teach the apprentice what you know. He can do that.

  • Yellowpaw: I don’t want to be special I just want to be a warrior and do my Clan good! *pause and sigh* Whiskermoon should be getting the visions, not me.

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Elaine is a beautiful young, flame-pointed she-cat with bright blue eyes. Her sister is Olivia [Forbiddensheath]. She has a soft voice as she is very kind and forgiving.

**Her lines will be updated as she gets more lines in the script and, trust me, she will.

  • Elaine: *afraid* Where do you want us to go?

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Whiskermoon is an all black tom with one white circle over his eye. He was originally a tom, but can also be a she-cat if you want him to be. He's mysterious and doesn't talk that much, but when he does, his (or her) words actually mean something.

  • Whiskermoon: He’s still on his paws, isn’t he? He’ll sleep in my den tonight and hopefully his wounds are pretty much cleared up by tomorrow.

  • Whiskermoon: *yawn, then muttering* He knows I was up late taking care of Yarrowmist, why does he not consider my schedule? He only wants to talk when it’s convenient for him. Ugh.

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Yarrowmist is a queen, meaning she's carrying kits or is a mother in the nursery taking care of them. She's the mother of Longkit and Littlekit, but does not wish to tell her Clanmates of their father so no one knows. She's very kind but protective of her kits.

**Note: Don't read Spiderpaw's line, it's just to give you context.

  • Yarrowmist: I’ve decided to name them Longkit and Littlekit.

  • [Spiderpaw: Doesn’t it get boring to be in here, not being able to hunt or patrol like the rest of your Clanmates?]

    Yarrowmist: A few short moons of my time are worth it if it means giving two valuable warriors to my Clan.

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Lionroar is said to be the most well-respected cat in DriftClan. He is an orange tabby tom with light blue eyes and a long tail. Lionroar is Spiderpaw's mentor and DriftClan's deputy.

  • Lionroar: He will be loyal, I can sense it in his voice and how he fights. He is very strong. He can do a lot.

  • Lionroar: I guess we can end it early, but we need to hunt on our way home. Some of us haven’t caught anything for the Clan and we mustn’t return empty-pawed.

  • Lionroar: -short-tempered sigh- To put it simply, he’s worried about Yellowpaw. Riverview is the most caring cat I’ve ever met, I don’t think he’d even kill a moth.

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Role assigned to: Iornhide132

Spider is a young tuxedo tom-cat; his mother is Mocha, his brothers are Hook and Stygian. Patchpool is his idol who was there when he was very young and who he strives to be like. He is childish sometimes and doesn't know the right place to put his paws. He gets into a lot of mischief and is passionate about a lot of things. His feelings are strong and he doesn't like to be bossed around.

  • Spider: *talking to himself at night* If you like the forest, I would like it too, right, Patchpool? Everyone else is used to you being gone, but I just want to be with you in the forest playing Badger together like we used to.

  • Line 2

    Spider: I know the rules, Winter. Mistystar was a part of a tribe and she said they share the same rules as Clans. I don’t want to be trapped! *pause* I thought you felt the same way.

  • Spider: *daring* Then do it. *pause* Kill an innocent cat who may be of powerful use in your tribe. Do it, I dare you. That's what your precious StarClan would want, right?

Voice Actor
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Role assigned to: ReeveCedric

Stygian is a soft-spoken dark brown tom; his mother is Mocha and his brothers are Spider and Hook.

  • Stygian: Where have you been? I was lonely earlier and I was looking for you. *sad sniffle*

  • Stygian: It was a StarClan cat. *sits up proudly* He told me that my destiny lies with the sun-drown-place. I wonder what that is?

  • Stygian: I’ll never leave you, mama, I’ll take care of you ’til the day I die.

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Hook is a sarcastic, rough, larger dark brown tom; his mother is Mocha and his brothers are Spider and Stygian.

  • Hook: I wanna play a game with fighting and survival, not building nests like a little coward!

  • Hook: Don't be such a birdbrain. The clouds are just clouds, dark grey or fluffy white; it's the same thing.

  • Hook: *terrified* It hurt me! It stung the hay in front of me, I swear!

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Role assigned to: Kwimei

Mocha is a soft-spoken but fat barn cat whose pelt is dark brown and her eyes are green; she has three sons, Spider, Hook and Stygian whom she loves very much.

  • Mocha: And the last one, the biggest, will be called Hook. Stygian, Spider, and Hook. *pause of adoration* Oh, I love them so much, Patchpool. Thank you for naming them with me.

  • Mocha: Spider! Oh, thank the stars you're alright.

  • Mocha: I don’t want them to take you away from me, so since you’re both almost full-grown cats now… I want you to know that wherever your heart leads you. That is where you should go.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ambergaze

Winter is an all-white she-cat who is a traveller: her mother died before she met Spider and she has an unknown history with DriftClan. She can be snappy when she doesn't know someone but kind-hearted when she's close to someone.

** She is a very important part in the story so I might be picky about her voice actress; don't let that scare you away from her though! She is alive for a very long time so if you're chosen, be ready to stay with me for a while! ;)

  • Winter: Winter, but I guess you could call me Winterpaw. I’m not a Clan cat though. I’m a traveller.

  • Winter: *disbelievingly* So, Spiderpaw the traveller has two other Clan cat friends. Where are your so-called denmates then?

Voice Actor
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Heart (Heartpaw / Hearttuft)
Role assigned to: twilicat24

Don't let her "Significance" fool you! Hearttuft, a grey she-cat with blue eyes, is probably considered the villain of this story! She's a major brat (but I love her ok don't bash her xD) and she uses every cat around her. She's manipulative and controlling and she loves getting her way, however, she just wants to be loved. She was raised as a loner with her mother and then they parted ways because of a fight that wasn't Heart's fault. When she runs into Spider, both of their lives change. She is one of the main opposing characters

  • Heart: *sympathetic* I saw everything. My name’s Heart. I can tell you’re not like those other rogues… do you wanna talk?

  • Heart: What are you on about, bee-brain? Ducks are supposed to taste like that.

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Patchpool is the main supporting character that drives Spider to his goal. He is the one who first inspired Spider and he even gives him a life when he becomes leader. He is a young, orange patched white-pelted tom.

  • Patchpool: In the mist? And a spider? *pause* I promise to find whatever you're looking for, and find whatever I must find!

  • Patchpool: I'm not going to the forest, I'm going to live in a barn with an old friend of mine as a kittypet.

  • Patchpool: Hi Mocha. This is Mistystar and her combatants. We're here looking for a home. Would that be okay with you?

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Mistystar (Misty/Mistyshrew)
Role assigned to: Timeless-Anarchy

Mistystar (or Misty/Mistyshrew) was the first ever leader of the Mountain Renegade: her son is Fjordstar and her brother is Yewstripe.

  • Mistystar: I'm the chief here. *presses lovingly against Fjordpaw’s side.* I’m Mistyshrew. Follow us into our land, Clancat, or stray out here and risk get eaten alive by adders. *smirks*

  • Mistystar: *anxious or down* Patchpool has returned to StarClan, you say? *more brightly* That’s great news. He always wanted to see his father again.

  • Mistystar: Kittypets, Clan cats and tribe cats are very different, Spider. You’re living as a loner with us right now. You don’t know any of those lives. How will you adapt, knowing none of their morals or rules?

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Fjordstar (pronounced F - your - d - star) is the leader after Mistystar. Due to a mountain climbing incident, he is left with three legs. Despite this, he is a very strong and independent cat - very well respected among his Tribemates.

  • Fjordfreeze: I refuse to leave! This is our home, Mistyshrew. Are you really just going to abandon it so quickly? Our Tribe has thrived here for season after season!

  • Fjordfreeze: You’re all traitors. I’ll make you see. The Mountain Renegade will thrive!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ambergaze

Alpheart is a combatant of the Mountain Renegade: she is mates with Raggedpeak.

  • Alpheart: The barn was thriving with prey, and it gave us warm shelter for many moons, but this is not who we are, Mistystar.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ReeveCedric

Høyttaler is an elder from the Mountain Renegade: he was a mentor to Mistystar's brother, Yewstripe.

  • Høyttaler: Moons and moons ago, Mistyshrew, I knew there was something about you that was always right. You were destined to lead this Tribe from danger to safety. I would follow you across mountains if I had to, and I still will.

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Snowpaw (Snowflight)
Role assigned to: PatVoices

Snowpaw (or later, Snowflight) is a small white she-cat whose mother is Quailflower.

  • Snowpaw(flight): We aren’t gonna leave, are we, Quailflower?

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Ivycloud is Rowanstar's mate; a tortoiseshell she-cat with light brown eyes. Although she's not in a lot of the script, her importance is vital in the history of DriftClan.

  • Ivycloud, Lionroar & Riverview: *creepily* Yes, Rowanstar.


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