Warden of the Coast (Skyrim Mod)
Project Overview
Hey, folks! Warden of the Coast – Skyrim's first Bioware-style DLC-sized new lands mod – is now casting voice actors! The project boasts an extensive and complex quest tree, branching regularly and providing 5 main endings with 20+ sub-endings. Along with this, WotC offers seven potential romance quests and a regard/loyalty system rivaling (and exceeding) that of the Bioware titles this project draws its inspiration from.
Being a hobbyist project, I'll be unable to pay the voice actors, but I will do everything I can to help promote your profiles.
All roles are in English.
Plot summary:
“I am his servant, the Warden of his prison. I am not the first to have watched over this island, and I shall not be the last. But the final hour of my servitude has nearly elapsed, for the hand of prophecy has already guided my successor here. To embrace this calling is to fulfill your destiny. To oppose it...is to invoke the wrath of the Daedra. And when you fight the will of the divine, you cultivate your own destruction.”
The story follows the player's character as he or she finds themselves stranded on a volcanic island off the eastern coast of Tamriel. The Player must earn the loyalty of their nine companions, close shut the jaws of Oblivion, and find a way home all before the volcano at the center erupts.
Auditions and deadlines:
Auditions will remain open until the roles are filled. At the earliest, recordings will begin March 20th and lines will be sent out weekly until around May 21st, depending on how quickly roles are filled and the flexibility of the VAs who get them.
What to expect:
The project lead will reach out to you either via CCC or Discord as soon as you are cast to welcome you to the project. I am always incredibly excited to bring on a new Voice Actor :) Each script you receive will describe the mood of the character and the details of the scene. A pronunciation guide, format guide, and a schedule of when lines will become available will also be provided.
What I ask of you:
First and foremost, have fun -- we take pride in bringing together talents in different mediums to create something truly phenomenal, but none of it means anything if the people involved aren't passionate about their craft.
Please submit clean recordings (no air conditioners in the background, no fans -- I don't mind performing noise reduction on your files, however too much clean-up reduces the quality of your voice.) We welcome volume correction to your lines if you have audio engineering experience since you know your voice and equipment best, just let me know if you can do this :)
Feel free to cut your lines to your best/favorite takes. Three is the gold standard, but this is entirely up to you. Though please note:
I may ask you to re-record certain lines with some different directions.
You can provide the dialogue as one continuous raw track, cutting lines is of course not something I would ask of you.
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Iriel is one of the nine companions in the player's party. She was granted a powerful gift at birth that can effortlessly tip the scales of any skirmish into her favor, but she struggles with the responsibility such a gift carries in its wake. With the right mentor, she could develop powers equivalent to or even exceeding that of the Dragonborn. Looking for a female VA with a pleasant voice who can play the role of a determined apprentice well.
[In pain, seeking validation] I wanted to run, to cower away as the Reaping passed over me. But I couldn't...I couldn't let you face Dagon alone. Is- [coughing] is that what a hero would have done?
Notes: Pronounced Day-gone. The Reaping is an event that occurs annually on the island this mod is set in.
[Concerned] You don't have to believe me, but will you not at least help? The danger our parents face is lethal. Without you, I fear they'll surely perish.
[Confident] This will only take a second. Anyone who doesn't want their eyebrows singed should get clear.
Bryyn is one of the nine companions in the player's party. Preferring nature to people, she speaks her mind and has little regard for social etiquette. Bryyn may come across as blunt or insensitive, but it comes with growing up on an island where only the strong survive. Looking for a female VA with a strong voice who can play someone mad at the world particularly well.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Describing the fates of those who attempt to escape the island] Disappeared. Missing. Poof. Evaporated. Gone. Umm, “faded from existence”. Stop me when I get to an expression you foreigners understand.
[Grateful] Trust me on this - The world is not overflowing with people worth fighting for, but you're one of them.
[Indifferent] Welcome to the island, I guess. Try not to die.
Haden is one of the nine companions in the player's party. After serving in the Imperial Legion Haden set his aspirations toward becoming a hopeless drunk, choosing liquor as a way of escaping from the past that haunts him. Looking for a male VA with a friendly voice who can pull off both lighthearted banter and tragedy.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Uncomfortable] I'd...rather not say, if you don't mind. There are plenty of other things to talk about.
[Frustrated, as if arguing with someone who refuses to see your point] I mean this island doesn't exist, it's not on the map. There's nothing but open waters for 500 miles.
[Grateful] Victory or defeat, survival or death - I'm with you to the end. If that means taking an arrow for my friends, so be it. Men have died for less.
Jade is one of the nine companions in the player's party. Joining the Dark Brotherhood (the primary guild of assassins in the game) at an early age, Jade adopted a sarcastic, mysterious, and yet incredibly charming persona. Despite being highly talented in her line of work, Jade is not a heartless killer. And that glimmer of humanity often puts her at odds with the guild she owes everything to. Looking for a female VA with a stern voice who can play a sympathetic yet outwardly heartless assassin.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Unimpressed] Well, well. You must be this “Dovahkiin” everyone's so infatuated with. You don't look like much to me.
Notes – Pronounced Doe-vuh-keen
[Unimpressed] Maybe not, but an assassin can use underestimation to her advantage. A legend, on the other hand, is nothing without a credible reputation.
[Vulnerable/frustrated] Don't!...Look at me like that. [Hopeless] I'm sorry. I won't make it outside the family.
Katri is one of the nine companions in the player's party. Ever since her childhood friend was killed by Daedra, she's dedicated her life to rooting out and destroying them wherever they appear. Some may consider her methods ruthless, but their opinions will not dissuade her from her quest for vengeance. Looking for a female VA with an even-toned voice who can play a calculated and stern demon-killer.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
Stendarr's mercy...It's a vampire!Notes: Pronounced stenn-dar
[Casual] I've just heard, from a reliable source, that Daedra worship is prevalent in that area. As a Vigilant of Stendarr, I am obligated to investigate.
[Disgusted] I can't tell if you're serious. You actually think I'm going to follow you? After everything you've done?
Roland is one of the nine companions in the player's party. He is brave, selfless, and bound by honor to defend the innocent. Roland was passed down the title of Knight by his father who died trying to give the Knights of the Thorn a good name. He's haunted by the thought of letting him down, which can lead him to make irrationally heroic decisions when the situation doesn't call for it. Looking for a male VA with an even-toned and strong voice who can play the role of a noble knight well.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Cautious] What purpose have you in this desolate land? Are you in league with the servants who lay at our feet?
[Battle cry] For the glory of the Thorn!
[Casual] And stouter men to uphold them, for laws without enforcement are but ideals. Justice should be distributed swiftly and without the hindrance of mercy.
Tasius is one of the nine companions in the player's party. He's lost everything to the Daedra several times over. While remaining strong for his village and any others who depend on him, he battles inner demons and struggles with the purpose of living in a world as cruel as this one. Looking for a male VA with a kind voice who can voice a character plagued by loss and tragedy.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Warning those around him of an imminent explosion] Everyone get clear!
[Casual] Aye, like the tales of old. A portal between Mundus and the planes of Oblivion. Crafted by the Daedric Lord Mehrunes Dagon himself.
Notes: Pronounced Mon-duss, Day-drick, Meh-roones, Day-gone
[Sympathetic] You stand to lose a lot in a world like this. Pray you never lose yourself.
Tia is one of the nine companions in the player's party. She's energetic, optimistic, and always looking for material to fill her current novel. The opportunity to experience the action and adventure she's so fond of writing about firsthand is enough to interest her in joining the player's party. But she soon finds that reality is often less glamorous and more complicated. Looking for a female VA with an optimistic and innocent-sounding voice who can play the role of an over-enthusiastic author well.
As this character has a romance questline, those auditioning must be 18 or older.
[Excited] Imagine the look on my little sister's face when I tell her I spoke with THE Dragonborn. She won't believe it!
[Taunting an enemy] Hey! Over here, you overgrown scamps!
[Emotional] I just...sometimes I wish life played out like a novel. That by the end we'd all learn something about ourselves and life would go back to a better version of the way it was.
Zavok is one of the nine companions in the player's party. Being a Daedra (demon), he loves to cause chaos and destruction everywhere he goes, but can only kill those his Master (The Player) permits. Zavok is fiercely protective of his master and will happily risk damnation if it means protecting him. Looking for a male VA who can voice a chaotic demon obsessed with destruction.
As this character is meant to imitate the voice style of characters already present in The Elder Scrolls, post-processing effects will be added to your voice. (Such as reverbs and pitch adjustments.) These effects will be applied by the project lead upon being cast for the role. No post-processing effects are required for the audition.
[Eager] Draw your blade, mortal! I wish to test your alleged merit for myself. One-on-one. No help from your pets.
[Confident] Let only the most worthy prevail!
[Casual] She has two unbroken kneecaps, master. That is an excellent opportunity for persuasion.
The Warden is the secondary antagonist for the mod. He comes across as indifferent and cold, traits perfected after decades of service to Mehrunes Dagon. However, he hasn't lost his humanity entirely, for he desperately wants his replacement to be a wiser and less adversarial Warden than he was. Looking for a middle-aged male VA who can play the role of a tired and broken man who's spent a lifetime picking between the lesser of two evils.
[Casual] When you cheat destiny it will exact its vengeance, relentlessly and without mercy. You would pay a heavy price if following in her footsteps.
[Casual] The sooner you affirm that fate is a force beyond your control the...easier it will be to live with your choices.
[Casual] There is only one servant in this room, and he sits before you.
Mehrunes Dagon is one of the seventeen Daedric Princes of Oblivion and the primary antagonist of the mod. Looking for a male VA who can imitate the accent and voice style of this character from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A reference for that will be provided below.
[Casual] There is no respite from the hand of destiny...
[Irritated] Have you any concept of the retribution I will prompt in response? You only fortify the inevitable.
[Annoyed] Aren't you forgetting something, mortal? [Angry] I OWN you!
Yngvar is a minor character for the mod's main quest. After a desperate attempt to escape the island, Daedra captured him and took away his sanity. Looking for a male VA who can pull off the role of an isolated man out of touch with reality. (Bonus points if you can do a Gollum – from LotR - impression)
This way! Follow good Yngvar![Boastful] Yngvar told Daedra the shrine was elsewhere, yes! Clever, witty Yngvar!
[Angry] Daedra ransack Yngvar's home! Stupid, careless Daedra! We hates them!
Vaermina is one of the seventeen Daedric Princes. Her sphere of influence includes nightmares, psychological terror and torment, dreams, bringing evil omens, and stealing memories. In the mod, a shrine of hers still remains on the island, from which the player can communicate with her. Looking for a female VA who can imitate the accent and voice style of this character from the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A reference for that will be provided below.
[Casual] We share a common enemy, mortal. Without my help, he will subdue you.
[Rushed] Time is of the essence, mortal. I have risked much in summoning you here.
[Casual] Forget not that it was a Dragonborn who ended the Oblivion crisis and banished him from Nirn. By enslaving the Dragonborn of this age, he will attain both revenge and immunity.
Notes: Pronounced: Nern
Sebrina is a minor character in Katri's Loyalty questline. Having been betrayed and killed by Katri years ago, she now exists as a ghost on a mission of vengeance. Looking for a female VA with an obsessive tone who can pull off a maniacal laugh convincingly.
[Casual] Again you step foot in my tomb. Will you not stay this time? I prepared a casket just for you. [Maniacal laughter]
[Amused] Fool! You cannot be rid of us so easily.
[Amused] After all these years, you still can't live with it, can you? [Laughter] I'm flattered.
Monel is a minor character in Jade's Loyalty questline. He is a small-time moon sugar distributor, with a mind for business and extortion. Looking for a male VA with an even-toned voice who can play a successful no-nonsense businessman.
[Casual] Make any sudden moves toward the door and I'll have my servants cut you down. Consider that a guarantee.
[Curious] Now...why should I choose you over the many others who've gathered at my doorstep today?
[Puzzled] What are you looking at-. [Realizing it's a trap] By the divines! It's a setup! Guards!
Sir Aldus is a minor character in Roland's Loyalty questline. He's a valiant and courageous knight who's had his faith tested for decades, and has begun to lose trust in the divines. Looking for a male VA with a stern voice who can play the role of a warrior who's lost his way.
[Surprised] Do my eyes fail me, or has Sir Roland, Captain of the Thorn, paid me visit in my final hours?
[Surprised] It is a strange fate that you should also find your way to this secluded wasteland, and stranger still that you would happen upon my hidden abode.
[Casual] You sought my counsel, Sir Roland, and this is it; Trust no power beyond your own reasoning.
Isabella is a minor character in Tasius's Loyalty questline. She is a young innocent girl who struggles to master adept spellcasting. Looking for a female VA who can sound like an eight-year-old.
[Frustrated] Grr, at this rate I'll never be able to cast it!
[Excited, proud] Dad! Did you see it? I can do it again, watch!
Barberus is a minor character in Tasius's Loyalty questline. As with his brother Tasius, he is both wise and considerate. Looking for a male VA with a pleasant voice who can play the role of compassionate brother.
[Afraid something happened to them] Rayet? Isabella!
Notes: Pronounced Ray-ett
[Joyful] By the nine, that is most excellent news! The universe continues to surprise us.
[Empathetic] True regret, dear brother, is watching from the void as the people you left behind struggle with the meaning of your disappearance.
Dremora, or, to themselves, the Kyn, are a form of humanoid Daedra. They serve a range of Daedric Princes, most notably Mehrunes Dagon. They are noted to be one of the few forms of Daedra who prize honor. They have a very militaristic culture, with many ranks and subdivisions within the culture of each clan. Looking for a male VA who can voice a chaotic demon infatuated with destruction.
[Casual] So be it. Dagon's will be done, my Warden.
[Battle cry] To war! For Lord Dovahkiin!
Pronounced Doe-vuh-keen
[Casual] With this, the Reaping will be ushered in, and you will choose the gates from which it emerges.
Norstead Elder is a minor character in the main quest. Looking for a female VA with a middle-aged voice who can play the capable leader of a small village.
[A speech to her village] For too long have our neighbors profited off of our sacrifices, off the blood of our fallen brothers and sisters!
[Appalled] What? The audacity of that scheming snake!
[Afraid] Somebody help!
Eliona Elder is a minor character in the main quest. Looking for a male VA with a middle-aged voice who can play the capable leader of a small village.
[Casual] My people need something to believe in, something that makes them feel safe.
[Casual] This recent wave of Oblivion gates is no coincidence; the Reaping is nearly upon us.
[Annoyed] I'll offer you this warning once; make so much as one indention in our barricade and we'll ship you back to those cowards in quarter-inch pieces. Understood?
Sutherside Elder is a minor character in the main quest. Looking for a male VA with a middle-aged voice who can play the capable leader of a small village.
[Praying] Please, oh Lord – do not let their defiance bring into question our unshakable devotion to your name.
[Addressing his village, excited] Rejoice, children! For today, Dagon has smiled upon us!
Pronounced Day-gone
[Angry] To disturb our holy sacrifice is to bring forth the wrath of Dagon! Have you no concept of the devastation you've begotten?
Wes Elder is a minor character in the main quest. Looking for a male VA with a middle-aged voice who can play the capable leader of a small village.
[Having been found out, but denying it in hopes the player will still help] Certainly not! Such a peculiar assumption. But if she were to somehow mysteriously keel over, there could be a reward available for you.
[Concerned] I fear for the welfare of my village. The only way to ensure their safety is to...remove her from the equation, if you catch my meaning.
[Comforting] Be at peace. Dagon has spared us so far, there's no cause for his mercy to fail now.
Vaermina Cult Leader is a minor antagonist in the main quest. He has seen a future in which the player brings about chaos and destruction upon countless innocents, and takes matters into his own hands to prevent the player from doing so. Looking for a male VA who can play the role of a desperate cultist trying to change to course of destiny.
[Casual] Lady Vaermina has shown me a glimpse of your future, a fragment of the fate that awaits you.
[Casual] Surrender your weapons and dismiss your allies, and we will execute you in a manner befitting your prominence.
[Apologetic, seconds before death] Lady Vaermina; forgive me...
Vaermina cultist is a voice type that covers two characters throughout the main quest. One is a cultist who follows the cultist leader in his quest to change the course of destiny. The other asks that the player seek out Vaermina for help against the growing power of Mehrunes Dagon. Looking for a male va with a pleasant, even-toned voice.
[Casual] Orders came down. We are to execute the prisoner.
[Casual] It is unwise to defy the wishes of a Daedric Lady, especially when trapped on an island where allies are few and impotent.
Pronounced: Day-drik
[Casual] Greetings, Dovahkiin. Even on an island so small, you're a difficult man to track down.
Pronounced: Dovah-keen
Outcast Chieftain is a minor character in Bryyn's Loyalty questline. He is a tough and respected man driven by his hatred for the villages that cast him and his subjects out. Looking for a male VA with a stern voice who can play the part of a bandit leader well.
Hmmph, pity. You share your father's frailty.[Remorseful] By the time we subdued them, it...was too late. We built this memorial to honor him. He was a good man, beloved by all who knew him.
[Surprised] I'll be...you truly are Kazok's daughter.
Pronounced: Kah-zock
Witch is a minor character in both Haden's Loyalty questline and the main quest. She is a master in the arcane art of memory manipulation – the practice of removing certain memories and replacing them with fictional ones. Looking for a female va with a sinister-sounding voice.
[Casual] You may have trouble remembering the last few days, such is the way of memory manipulation.
[Angry] Fool! You've ruined everything!
[After completing a spell] Behold! Arise and embrace your new self.
Public Submissions
![John Combs](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/585692/default_3637805990c5b1-6f55-44c8-890f-c9eded403a85.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Karmen Kay](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/284/default_3468932a9aea90-1e2a-4f64-a0cb-d1926a1d1bda.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Mitchell Lee](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/282712/default_5219317bfc0e66-990d-4f86-ad7d-82a48c9782e8.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![John Combs](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/585692/default_3637805990c5b1-6f55-44c8-890f-c9eded403a85.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Karmen Kay](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/284/default_3468932a9aea90-1e2a-4f64-a0cb-d1926a1d1bda.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Daniel Berry](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/625612/default_783406f6813f31-ec0a-4b8d-8023-1938a1deef88.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Jeremiah Olivas](https://images.castingcall.club/image-916733-b5765992-32bb-49f0-8e9d-3d14980cbd42.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![John Combs](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/585692/default_3637805990c5b1-6f55-44c8-890f-c9eded403a85.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Atlas Analects](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/563747/default_IMG_0141.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Hanes Orrock](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/626380/default_704959332903508_713945617092007_438836377787170822_n1.jpg?aspect=1:1&width=400)
![Daniel Berry](https://d1m9vqlvl3fy94.cloudfront.net/user/attachment/625612/default_783406f6813f31-ec0a-4b8d-8023-1938a1deef88.png?aspect=1:1&width=400)