Wander - Animated Short Film

Wander - Animated Short Film

Project Overview

After wandering away from his mother at a Filipino wet market, Chris, an imaginative young boy, must find his way back to his while evading a monstrous figure that stalks the alleys.

Director LeAnn Schmitt and the Purple Yam Productions team are excited to announce their upcoming 2D animated film, Wander. LeAnn is a second generation Filipino American who is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Animation from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Wander features exquisite hand drawn backgrounds and animations that aren’t afraid to delve into the realm of wonder and ambition. This is the team’s senior thesis, and as such, they are going all out to show the world the skills that they’ve nurtured and cultivated up to this point! To animate a film of this caliber in a school year is no easy task, but with Schmitt’s grit, determination, and tenacity, anything is possible for this adventurous crew.


We are currently searching for some talented voice actors to bring to life our characters who will appear within the animatic! All roles will be paid, and rates are negotiable.

Audition Guidelines

  • Audio quality is a must with this project. We heavily prefer XLR microphones, though we are willing to accept USB microphones if they are treated well. No pops, hisses or background noise. Any auditions with any of these three things will be automatically rejected.

  • Maximum of three takes per line, please.

  • If you have Discord, please attach your name to your audition. We would love to add you to our Discord to be able to communicate with you! If necessary, we can also communicate with you through CCC or other preferred methods if cast.

  • Please submit your auditions in mp3 or wav format.

  • Label your files as, “Wander_CharacterName_YourName” (Example - “Wander_Chris_JohnSmith”)

  • Most importantly, have fun with it!


The film follows Chris, a 6 year-old Fillipino boy with an overactive imagination.  While visiting the wet market with his mom, he can’t help but wander off into the exciting and mysterious unexplored wet market stalls.  As he explores, his imagination brings the world around him to life, causing the contents of the stalls to seemingly spring up on their own.  His trip quickly goes from whimsical to scary, when his toy robot gets taken by, what appears to be, a terrifying gangly monster!  Now, Chris must run for his life, dodging the newly found dangers of the wet market as he does so if he wants any chance at seeing his mom again! 


The team will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible with updates, callbacks, and more. For any questions, please reach out to our gmail at projectwander2021(AT)gmail(DOT)com. We look forward to working with you! 

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Project Roles: Chris' Mom The Veteran Chris
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Chris' Mom
Role assigned to: michelle renee

Chris's Mom is a hardworking and busy 27-year-old woman who is always on the go to support her and her young son. Though she works hard to provide for him, she takes every free chance she has to spend time with him. She cherishes every moment, even if it's just a quick trip to the market. She loves him dearly!

Looking for a mature, motherly voice. 

  • (Upon arriving to the market with her young son, Chris)

    Come on, Chris! What do you want for dinner? 

  • (Frantically after searching the market for Chris)

    Chris! Why did you wander off? I've been looking all over for you. What happened? Are you okay? 

  • (Upon meeting The Veteran and thanking him for returning Chris' toy)

    Oh no no, it's alright! I'm sorry if he's caused any trouble. Sometimes he seems to get lost in his own little world. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Veteran
Role assigned to: CRossingVO

The Veteran is an elderly war veteran with no family left after the loss of his son, Tommy. He has a gruff exterior, but he's a big softie on the inside. Once he see's Chris lose his toy while navigating the market, he just knows he has to help!

  • (Huffing and puffing after running through the market)

    I'm so sorry, ma'am! Your son dropped his toy. I just wanted to give it back.

  • (Speaking to Chris while returning Ube, the toy robot)

    I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to get your friend back to you safely. I lost someone a long time ago and know how tough the world can be without them.

  • (Referring to his missing friend, his late son Tommy, to Chris)

    His name was Tommy. (Chuckling) But he wasn't a robot. You know, you remind me of him in many ways. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Chris is a soft spoken 6-year-old with a vivid, though sometimes overactive, imagination. He explores the world around him in awe with his best toy robot pal, Ube. Despite his curiousity to explore, he knows he can always rely on his mom if he feels frightened.

  • (Shyly upon meeting The Veteran with his mom)

    Hey, mister. Sorry for running away. Thank you for bringing my toy back.

  • (Speaking to the Veteran about his lost friend)

    Did you lose a robot too? What was his name? Mine's Ube.

  • I'm sorry that your friend is gone. (Pauses to think) Ube says he can be your friend!


Public Submissions

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