Veredilia: The Sacred Forest (Paid Roles)

Project Overview
About the game: Veredilia: The Sacred Forest is a 2D platforming game that takes inspiration from classic platformers such as Sonic, and fighting games like Mortal Kombat. You can take control of one of 3 characters, each with their own special moves. Solve puzzles, uncover secrets, and slash your way to victory, before it's too late. Do you have what it takes?
Synopsis: Welcome to Veredilia, a mystical and peaceful forest, and the centre of all things living. Now under attack by a mysterious and cunning evil overlord, he wants to conquer it so that all will bow to him at his command, and rule it for all eternity. Are you able to guard the forest and stop his tyranny before it's too late?
If you are interested in this project, please try out the current demo!
Veredilia Discord server:
- Our deadline is by the 11:59PM (GMT+11) on the 21st of January, 2022. You have until then to submit an audition and/or application. After this date, auditions/applications will be closed. If you didn't get the position you would have wanted, don't stress, there will be plenty more opportunities in the near future.
- You must be 13 or older
- You must have Discord (This will be my primary form of communication. My tag is giga6152#9394. It is also recommended to join the Discord Server [see link above].)
- You must be able to adhere to deadlines and work in a timely manner
- You must be able to commit to this project with a can-do attitude.
- Most importantly, have fun!
PLEASE NOTE: This is not final, and not every role will be included in here yet. New roles will be introduced when they are ready. If you wanted a role but didn't get it, there will be more opportunities for more roles later on in the future.
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Latest Updates
Well guys, it’s been an incredible 2 weeks. I’d just like to say that I am astounded by the number of people who submitted auditions for each of the characters. To those who have so far, thank you so much! We will be reviewing each submission and will be casting within the next week. If you didn’t get a role, don’t worry, more opportunities will come around the corner! Once again, I’d like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has participated. Good luck guys!!

Rein is young, heroic, brave, and somewhat cocky, but also sometimes shy in certain situations. He's calm, cool, and collected, and only ever gets angry in dire situations.
(Friendly, casual tone) I am Rein the Caribou. This is my brother, Toronto. We are the current protectors of Veredilia, the Sacred Forest.
(Firm, serious tone) It’s clear that they’re trying to invade our Forest.
(Happy tone) Nice to meet you, Vancouver!

Toronto is very tough, short tempered, impatient, angry, and serious in nature. He has a short fuse, and as such he can easily be set off. He also has a habit of being extremely cocky and careless.
(Cocky attitude) Sheesh. I’m ready for anything.
(Angry tone, shouting, about to start a fight) I’ll show you who’s the moose!
(Relieved) That’s enough of that freak.

Vancouver is cute, colourful, bubbly, cute, overly happy and hyperactive. She is also extremely girly, and tends to express her emotions in a way where it's never in the middle. This can range from her being extremely happy to her being extremely upset.
(Happy and excited tone) My name’s Vancouver! Vancouver the Kitsune! But you can call me Van if you wish!
(Feeling relieved) Thank you for saving me just then. (Worried and scared tone) I was really frightened by that creepy looking guy!
(Welcoming) Okie dokie! Come inside, and I’ll show you around!

Cassidy is kind, welcoming and mature. She is extremely calm and open to talk about anything. She should sound like she is supportive of the player.
(Calm and happy tone) My name is Cassidy. I am Vancouver’s mother.
Alright then, consider it official. Welcome to the Cottage.
(Accepting and inviting) Of course! They’re more than welcome to stay here for as long as they want!

Veleno is a sly, ruthless, and dangerous warrior. Being a key villain in the game, he will want to cause as much mayhem and chaos as possible.
Well, if it isn’t you two, once again.
(Antagonising and demeaning) Going somewhere, kitty?
(Ready to fight, shouting) Ha! We shall see about that! Gimme what you’ve got, moose!

Catharine is a goth-like girl. Her personality is a combination of both edgy and sexy. She can be hot-headed at times but most of the time she is calm and collected.
Yo, what's flamin', hothead?
(Uninterested) I'm Catharine the Tigress. What would you like?
I could (bragging) EASILY beat you in pool over a couple beers.

Sherbet is extremely sweet, colourful, friendly and adorable. She's very girly and happy. Her voice is fairly high pitched.
(Very happy and friendly tone) Hiya sweet tooth! Welcome to my candy shop!
My name's Sherbet! Sherbet the Bunny! It's nice to meet you!
(Super happy tone) That was so much fun!

Zayne is a young, cool, and slightly cocky character. He always seems to be excited when it comes to people buying some items at his new shop.
Hey, how's it going?
My name's Zayne. How can I help?
Good luck out there!
This role will be for talented sprite artists and background artists to help out with the graphics in Veredilia: The Sacred Forest.
- You must have Discord as this will be my primary form of communication. My tag is giga6152#9394
- You must be able to create sprites in the game's art style, and also be able to animate sprites effectively.
- You must be able to complete work in a timely and professional manner (i.e. adhering to deadlines, etc.).
- You must be able to commit to this project and work with a can-do attitude.
Say something you think would fit
This role will be for talented tileset sprite artists to help out with the graphics in Veredilia: The Sacred Forest.
- You must have Discord as this will be my primary form of communication. My tag is giga6152#9394
- You must be able to create tilesets in the game's art style.
- You must be able to complete work in a timely and professional manner (i.e. adhering to deadlines, etc.).
- You must be able to commit to this project and work with a can-do attitude.
Say something you think would fit
This role will be for talented composers to help out with the music tracks in Veredilia: The Sacred Forest.
- You must have Discord as this will be my primary form of communication. My tag is giga6152#9394
- You must be able to use references, both visual and audible, to be able to make the music for this game.
- The music for this game will mainly have influences from Sonic and the PS1 Megaman X games.
- You must be able to complete work in a timely and professional manner (i.e. adhering to deadlines, etc.).
- You must be able to commit to this project and work with a can-do attitude.
Say something you think would fit
This role will be for talented background sprite artists to help out with the graphics in Veredilia: The Sacred Forest.
- You must have Discord as this will be my primary form of communication. My tag is giga6152#9394
- You must be able to create backgrounds in the game's art style.
- You must be able to complete work in a timely and professional manner (i.e. adhering to deadlines, etc.).
- You must be able to commit to this project and work with a can-do attitude.
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions