Unknown | A Gacha Club Animated Voice Acted Movie (PAID ROLES)

Project Overview
Greetings everyone! I'm going to be recruiting some team members for a chance to be featured in a movie that'll be debuting during either fall or winter! The name of the movie is called "Unknown." Unknown is an adventure/fantasy/romance/mystery/thriller genre movie where two different kinds of species used to live together peacefully. The app that'll be used is a character creation app called "Gacha Club", so it will not be drawn frame by frame.
I'm also available to be recruiting artists such as background makers, thumbnail makers, general artists, etc.! The pricing will depend on how your drawing turns out. For more information, contact me through discord ItzSakurina#8590, or you can PM me here.
This project is a short-term commitment; after the casting is complete, you must have your DMs open on discord so that I can invite you into a server since it'll be easier for me to contact everyone, and I'll also be sending you the first half of the script and directions about a week later too. I'll give you 3 weeks to send me your work, no excuses unless it's a dire situation!
If it's not too much to ask, please support this project! I want to be able to pay the whole team who has helped me with the production and make this project happen! It's not highly recommended but any amount of donations are appreciated greatly! https://ko-fi.com/itzsakurina
A long time ago, there was a world where two kingdoms lived together in harmony. One of the kingdoms was called Animalia, the Land of Humans, beings who were born with unusual kinds of talents. And then, there was Lothlórien, the Kingdom of Elves, elegant creatures who were raised with nature. The two kingdoms were kind towards each other and had no trouble interacting with one another. But then, everything changed when the humans betrayed the elves. They wanted to conquer the other kingdoms so that they could become the strongest in the entire nation. Because of that, this declared war between humans and elves, and thousands had died from the battle, while others were seriously wounded. After the war, the two kingdom's hatred towards each other grew day by day, and had no intention of interacting with each other anymore. In the end, they decided to stay as far away as they could for their own safety. Up until the present day, the two kingdoms have not spoken to one another for the past 36 years ever since the war ended. This has officially started a new generation between the two kingdoms.
❓Story Plot❓
A girl named Faye has always been wanting to meet a human in person for as long as she can remember. But after finally meeting a human in person for the first time in her life, disaster strikes and things take a bloody turn! The next day, Faye and her friends woke up to discover that an insane amount of elves have been found dead in the town. After witnessing a gruesome scene, the gang wanted to help out and investigate who the mastermind was behind all of this chaos, but never got the permission from their king. Afterwards, they decided to start their mission in secret so that they wouldn't get caught. Along the way, they meet new faces, foes, and even obstacles they had to get through in order to achieve their goal. In the end, everyone was horrified to find out who the mastermind was behind the murder of the elves.
❗Important Things to Know Before Auditioning❗
- The movie will be split into two parts since each script has at least over 20 pages.
- Be able to STAY in the role you're casted as.
- Be responsible. If you have any reasons why you're unable to submit your lines and artworks by the deadline, TELL ME YOURSELF, DO NOT EXPECT ME TO COME TO YOU. I am NOT responsible for your work so I expect you to be available for this project.
- Respect the whole team in this project. If you're unable to follow this simple rule, it's unnecessary for you to even audition from the start.
- All communications will take place via discord.
- For VAs, XLR microphone is HIGHLY recommended when auditioning, USB microphone will also be accepted if not many background noises.
- For VAs, read the script you're in to understand how your character plays a role in the plot and how they might be like.
- The deadline to submit your audition is March 25th.
❗Auditioning Guidelines (For VAs)❗
- Please only record at least 3 takes per line, no more than that.
- You MUST have discord in order to audition.
- Please include your discord, your demo reel, and any information you want me to know in your audition description.
- Be professional. I'll be checking your profile to see your previous experience.
- This project will be 15+. If you're below 15, DO NOT AUDITION.
- Please state your name at the beginning of your audition.
- Have fun!
❗Application Guidelines (For Artists)❗
- You MUST have discord in order to submit your application.
- Please include your discord, your link to your previous artwork, and any information you want me to know in your application description.
- Be professional. I'll be checking your profile to see your previous experience.
- Please give a brief summary of who you are, how long you've been drawing, what are your motives, why you want to participate in this project, and how you'll be a great asset to the team if you stay for the project.
- This project will be 15+. If you're below 15, DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION.
- Have fun!
Those who don't follow the guidelines above, your audition and application will be automatically rejected!
Disclaimer: Since the movie is split into two parts, the first and second half of your payment is based on how many lines and how much work you have in each part.
PAYPAL ONLY: Payment will be sent via PayPal after I received all of your work. If you don't have PayPal and you still choose to audition, please note that you will not receive payment.
For VAs: Pay rate is $1 per line.
For Artists: Pay rate depends on your artwork.
You're allowed to audition for more than 1 role.
If you have any other questions, contact me through discord ItzSakurina#8590, or you can PM me here.
Art by Aiyuuno (Instagram)
Logo by MikaLogo (Fiverr)
Edit: Deadline was pushed back until March 25th. I’ll start shortlisting and rejecting on March 6th. And P.S. - I gave up on the stating your name and the brief summary in the beginning since many of the VAs and artists don't follow the rules at all -_-
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.
Latest Updates
Attention to the casted VAs! I've seen that some of you don't have your DMs opened so I've send a friend request to you! If you see it, add me so that I can send you a server link to the project! If you're not casted then ignore this announcement! Thank you!
Roles Casted!
Hiiiiii again everyone! Thank you for your patience! The roles have officially been casted, so if you got the part, congratulations! I'll send the server for you all to join as soon as possible! ^^ -
I Will Cast Soon!
Hello VAs! I wanted to thank you for all the insanely amount of auditions! This casting will be the hardest one yet since they’re so many to choose from! I’ll continue to look through them all and hopefully I’ll finish soon TvT Good luck everyone! ^^ -
Deadline Postponed
Hello everyone! I wanted to thank everyone who audition for this project, it really means a lot to me! But unfortunately, I have to push back the deadline for about 2 more weeks since there are some roles who don’t have suitable VAs yet. I’ll still start casting and rejecting but I’ll start on March 6th, so look out! Good luck to everyone who auditioned! -
Read the Guidelines Carefully!
I've noticed that a lot of people have NOT fully read the guidelines. I've said it in the description and I'll say it again. Your audition will be AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED if you don't follow the guidelines completely! If your confused to why your audition has been rejected, feel free to message me and I can let you know! ^^

Faye is the protagonist of the story. She's positive, kind, and always puts others in need before her. She's always finding a way to do something to save others, even if her whole life is the cost.
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Line Count: 176
Voice Pitch: Medium; Faye is energetic and has a sweet outgoing tone.
(Annoyed) Hey! At least I can set up traps better! Unlike you who had to relearn the basics of hunting since you're so forgetful!
(Awkward tone in fear of getting caught) H-Hey guys, I kinda forgot something in my room, would you all give me a moment to go grab it?
(Encouraging) Hey, it's gonna be okay. Your mother would be so proud of you for helping others if she was still here. Give yourself some credit.

Liam is Miranda and Candace's close friend. He gets serious sometimes and also becomes cold when the past gets brought up in front of him. He's also mature and is always looking out for his close ones.
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Line Count: 93
Voice Pitch: Medium to Medium-High; Sweet calm voice with confidence that helps him to get along with others and also a little straightforward. He gets serious when he hears something personal.
(Upset, sad) She was the only one who actually took care of me. The rest of my family didn't even bother to spend time with me...
(Showing gratitude) Well I'm glad you're owning up to your mistakes Miranda, that's not something you commonly do.
(Angry) Damn it! I can't believe we all chose to believe her manipulative tricks when she told us to get that blaster first! I feel so stupid!

Annie is Atlas’s close friend. She's very smart and is a very moody and unenthusiastic teenager. She doesn't tend to help others unless they're her close friend, and becomes serious whenever she encounters a dire situation. Her words only become threatening towards others when she either doesn't know them very well or she doesn't trust them. She may sound rude or threatening but she's only doing this to protect her friends.
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Line Count: 73
Voice Pitch: Medium-Low; Moody and a little monotoned.
(Unsure, annoyed) So what now? Am I allowed to tell you all the plans I came up with or do you guys not wanna hear it?
(Annoyed) Anyways, can we all start discussing the plan now? I'm not gonna waste anymore time interacting with those filthy humans.
(Taunting) Don't get too excited now. Who knows if we're gonna have to face another war again.

Willa is an energetic, high spirited girl who is close friends with Faye and the other elves in her gang. She’s also one of the most loyal elves in the Kingdom of Elves as well. She tries to see the best in people by encouraging them to give them their best shot. She may come out as shy and weak but she’s actually very powerful with using swords as her weapons.
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Line Count: 67
Voice Pitch: Medium-High; Sweet cute and a little bit bubbly voice.
(Worried) We don't know. Me and the others just came here to get supplies until we saw those corpses.
(Stern) You never told us there was gonna be another member on our mission, but since you invited her here, I guess she could help us out.
(Excited) Hey guys! Isn't this great?! I just noticed we're finally getting along with each other! Eeeeeeek I can't believe this is happening right now!

Candace is Liam and Miranda’s close friend. She’s a bubbly girl who helps Faye and her friends with their mission. She’s a bit soft and shy, but always loves to help others when needed.
Age: 15 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Line Count: 64
Voice Pitch: Medium-High; She should have a shy and a little bit of a childish teen voice.
(Encouraging) C'mon Liam. You can't always be upset forever. Things happen sometimes, and we just have to move on with our lives.
(Fear, trying to apologize) F-Forgive my friend. She's not exactly in a very good mood at the moment.
(Excited) That's great news Faye! I always knew you and the others could do something so amazing!

Roselyn is mature and also motherly towards her friends who she cares about, she’s basically their guardian angel whenever they encounter danger. She’s also very calm, which confirms that she’s not a very expressive elf.
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Line Count: 63
Voice Pitch: Medium; Calm and caring tone.
(Flattered, shy) Nah don't worry about it! I only did what I could to help you.
(Annoyed) Hey. We did NOT do 'absolutely nothing'. But sure, tell us what you have so far.
(Supporting) Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. I'm sure the king will show us a little mercy.

Nolan is the elder brother of Faye. He cares about his sister a lot and would do anything just to save her. Whenever someone tries to threaten her or anyone else he cares about, he won't be holding back.
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Line Count: 61
Voice Pitch: Medium to Medium-High; Very friendly and approachable at the same time.
(Sad, caring) You're my sister, I'm only telling you what's good for you. I hate it when I see you getting hurt. So just listen to me, okay?
(Shocked, upset) Faye! Are you crazy?! Do you even know how furious the king will get if he founds out about this?!
(Feeling bad) We know that, but you didn't have to do this for us, we were all in this together.

Miranda is Liam and Candace’s close friend. She does not show respect towards anyone she's not interested in and often comes out as rude unless she sees potential in someone. She can also be sometimes respectful too, the only problem is that she doesn't show it a lot.
Age: 16 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Line Count: 60
Voice Pitch: Medium; She has a sassy voice, also a tone that makes her sound like that she's either annoyed or pissed.
(Annoyed) Oh c'mon, that's basically the same tale everyone tells whenever they have family issues.
(Misunderstanding, realizing) I mean the fact that they actually wanna help their kingdom by finding out who killed all the elves they lived with. It made me realize how brave they all are for risking their lives doing that.
(Lying, nervous, pretending to tell the truth) Y-Yeah! What you saw the other day was just a coincidence! We didn't think we would become friends with the elves that quickly!

Atlas has a very charming and sweet personality. He's also one of the gang's most trusted leaders as well since he's one of the eldest members. He often comes out as very sarcastic so that's why his close ones view him as someone funny.
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Line Count: 52
Voice Pitch: Medium-Low; He should have a sweet charming voice and a sarcastic tone of voice whenever he's joking around.
(Delighted) Really? Well that's great to hear. (Teasing) It's about time you finally learned how to hunt properly like the rest of us.
(Stern) Let's not get too calm at the moment. Right now, we need to find out who's behind the murder of the elves.
(Despair, trying to explain) You have to trust us! We're being serious with you!

King Rowan is the ruler of the Kingdom of Elves. He's a stern and a cold man since he's always busy with his duty as a king and that he's basically in charge of the whole kingdom. He cares about his kingdom a lot and is very overprotective of the elves, so that's why he keeps them away from danger.
Age: 470 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Elf
Line Count: 39
Voice Pitch: Medium-Low; He's a fully grown adult, so he should sound like one. Despite being over hundreds of years old, his voice shouldn't have to sound so elderly.
(Stern, cold) What do you need, Atlas? Spit out what you have to say, I don't have much time to spent here.
(Yells in anger) What are you all doing here interacting with our enemies in the middle of the forest?!
(Showing gratitude) Thank you both. I'll be sure to tell my whole kingdom about how you and your friend were able to work with the elves and save both of our kingdoms.

Queen Helena is the ruler of the Land of Humans. Similar to King Rowan, she's stern but not very cold towards others, instead she's very caring towards her people. She's also very overprotective of her kingdom from danger and doesn't show mercy to anyone who interacts with all the people she cares about.
Age: 36 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Line Count: 21
Voice Pitch: Medium-Low; Caring, calm, stern, and a little cold is how I describe her tone of voice. Anywhere near those types of tone would be fine.
(Stern, upset) For the last time, it's not safe for you to go outdoors. You'll never know if you stumble across an elf during the night.
(Yells in anger) Liam! Miranda! Candace! What is the meaning of this?!
(Showing gratitude) You can call me, your majesty. I consider you and your kingdom as a part of my people now.
No specific gender for this role. Any is fine as long as you read the specific audition quotes.
Age: 26 years old
Gender: Any
Species: Elf
Line Count: 2
Voice Pitch: Any voice pitch is fine, they just need to sound stern.
(Yells) Your majesty! There they are!
(Stern) Times up. You need to leave now.
I need someone who's able to create a well drawn background for this project! The pricing will depend on how your drawing turns out, so the following price listed is NOT the actual payment you'll receive. Please link previous works below!
Say something you think would fit
I need someone who's able to create a well drawn thumbnail for this project! The pricing will depend on how your drawing turns out, so the following price listed is NOT the actual payment you'll receive. Please link previous works below!
Say something you think would fit
I need someone who's able to create well drawn props such as weapons, food, utensils, etc. for this project! The pricing will depend on how your drawing turns out, so the following price listed is NOT the actual payment you'll receive. Please link previous works below!
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions