Undiscovered || Gacha Club Series

Undiscovered || Gacha Club Series

Project Overview

Ansley Cyprus’s parents passed in a mysterious accident that remained unknown. Her grandparents agreed to take her in and care for her while they waited for someone else to take her in. Ansley moved into the attic where there were old boxes filled with junk everywhere and so she decided to look through them to find a box filled with drawings of mythical creatures and books written in symbols. Soon, at the bottom of the box, she finds her mother’s diary. She opened the diary and was immediately teleported to Elderwood Academy 20 years in the past.


1. If you are auditioning, you must be above the age of 13.

2. Please have little to no background noise and a clear mic.

3. Please do two takes of each of the lines.

4. Make sure to write down your discord tag.

5. This project will be long-term! If you are auditioning make sure you are here to stay long-term.

6. Lastly, please put emotion into your auditions! Thank you! 

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Latest Updates

  • Deadline reminder

    For those of you who have followed my project and are waiting to audition, I am reminding you that you only have until January 31st to audition!

    I'm looking forward to hearing them if you end up auditioning:)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ansley Cyprus
Role assigned to: Raikooa

Ansley Cyprus loves to solve mysteries, puzzles, and other brain games. She’s secretive but terrible at lying, loyal, obsessive, sensitive, and intelligent. Ansley hates being controlled or isolated. 

Voice tone: Medium, American accent

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • american
  • animation/character
  • “(Thoughts/monotone) I wish people looked at the world the same way I do; an endless investigation to see if life is as thrilling as others make it look.”

  • “(Annoyed/bursting into tears/yelling) What am I here for? Because– right now, all you do is tell me what to do. You’re controlling me. You’re putting me behind these walls to learn how to read symbols and flick a wand! Why am I your key to unlimited power? Why can’t you choose anyone else?”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kaia Levine
cast offsite

Kaia Levine is loud, expressive, impulsive, and powerful. She’s responsible and understands things quickly. She loves experiments and learning more about everything.

Voice tone: Medium-high, American or Australian accent

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • ausrtralian
  • american
  • animation/character
  • “Just a tad more of this and a little of that! And… Tada! That’s how you brew a water-breathing potion! I did it right this time? Right, Louie?”

  • “(Sad) We’re alone in this world. It’s just you, Lucius, and myself. We’re slaves to them. That’s all we’re worth to them– even if they pretend we’re worth more. It’s our place in this rotten world.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lucius Martinez
Role assigned to: Jacob Martin

Lucius Martinez is a massive bookworm and control freak. He as well is very powerful, honest, courageous, and moody individual.

Voice tone: Medium or Medium-low, American accent

  • english
Voice description:
  • male teen
  • english (american)
  • animation/character
  • “(Annoyed) We aren’t allowed out, okay? (Serious) We aren’t allowed to do anything unless we’re being watched. Our every move, our every word is being recorded and seen. It’s why we can’t have any secrets or make plans to leave because we are stuck here forever.”

  • “Ansley, I’m Lucius. Lucius Martinez. I’m one of your assigned partners. I’ve been told to go over all the rules, schedules and everything else Elderwood has to offer with you. For starters, we aren’t allowed to communicate with anyone outside of our assigned groups.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Owen Garcia
Role assigned to: Jordan Tae

Owen Garcia is a loud, expressive, and charming individual. He likes to spend his free time playing video games and watching movies or tv shows. He's also a massive extrovert meaning he enjoys engaging with others.

Medium or medium-low | American accent

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • american
  • "Well, well, well, look who's here! You must be Ansley. I'm Owen Garcia, it's a pleasure meeting you. *kisses hand*"

  • "You'd see me differently if he wasn't here. (Annoyed) Ouch, that hurt!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Headmaster Waylen
cast offsite

The most powerful leader and the potion-brewing teacher. 

Voice tone: Medium-low, English or American accent

  • english
Voice description:
  • british
  • american
  • animation/character
  • male senior
  • “Welcome students, today we are gathered to learn how to brew the polyjuice potion! The potion of transformation. A very dangerous yet useful potion. Before using it, students, I must warn you that the potion effects wear off after one hour.”

  • “You are the key, Ansley. You are so much more powerful than you think. The world between the normies and us wizards and witches will finally be at peace.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Medium-high or High (mature)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • all american accents
  • (scared) Get in before it’s too late!

  • I am Celestia, the holder of the time travel ability. I am here to teleport you to where you were destined to be.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Visions Voice
Role assigned to: Lusaerys


Voice: Soft Medium-high, echos, American accent

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • american
  • animation/character
  • "You are the key."

  • "If you don't defeat them now you never will, you must train, you must win."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Extra students
cast offsite


  • "Look! There's the golden trio!"

  • "And... that's how you brew a water breathing potion!"


Public Submissions

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