Ultron vs Cell

Project Overview
This is simply for a fanmade non researched sprite animation of Cell (DBZ) Vs Ultron. (Marvel) I'm looking for voice actors who would love to play either roll. If any other questions please contact me on Discord, my username is Ramp#1496
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It's cell from Dragon ball z. Please note that you don't have to stick with any of the lines in the audition forum. You can say anything, just as long as you are pretaining to the character.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is cell, and this is the face of perfection."
"You are nothing more then scrap metal"
Any other lines that you belive would add to your audition.

It's Ultron from marvel. Please note that you don't have to stick with any of the lines in the audition forum. You can say anything, just as long as you are pretaining to the character.
"Filthy roach. How dare you attack your king."
"I am ultron, and there are no strings on me"
Any other lines that you belive would add to your audition.
Public Submissions