ULTIMATUM: The Slaughter of Amaranth

ULTIMATUM: The Slaughter of Amaranth

Project Overview

"Is there truly too great a price for perfection?"

A fangame based on the Danganronpa franchise. Sixteen students awake in a building after being put to sleep inside of a classroom at Amaranth Academy for Exceptional Minds, an all girls school. With a new killing game underway, Hecate and her classmates try their best to solve the mystery of why they're here, and to survive.

A prologue has been fully written, character designs are finalized and sprites are being worked on. Discord server has more information. https://discord.gg/8sg4jhxqqg

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Role assigned to: Kanoa

Can make original music for the game. Please show 3 examples of your work.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hecate Macara - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: YunaVA

Games Protagonist. Hecate is a soft spoken woman with a light, somewhat introverted voice. She's kind to people, though she isn't the best at keeping conversations going. When needed though, she can raise her voice and does get distressed fairly easily.

  • "My name Hecate Macara, the Ultimate Poet. Oh, you already knew that? Apologies..."

  • "W-what do you mean?! That's just...just not right...!" (Distressed, Fearful tone)

  • "That's enough! Y-you need to back off!" (Raising voice, Upset)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Vivian Wolfe - Voice Actor

A woman who is fairly normal and a chill person. She can be a bit sarcastic at times though, and will call you out if you're irritating her. She was born into an extremely wealthy family, though she makes a point that she isn't a snobbish rich person despite what people might expect. Her voice is an average pitch and has a laid back sort of tone to it.

  • "I'm Vivian Wolfe, Ultimate Jeweler. You seem chill, we can be friends if you'd like." (Neutral tone.)

  • "Sheesh, you okay? Watch where you're going next time!" (Annoyed, but slightly concerned.)

  • "What the hell are you talking about?! Do you even HEAR yourself?!" (Annoyed and Upset)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Magenta Marcelle - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sid

A childish, high pitched girl. She seems to age regress so she speaks childlike often, but at times she'll break out of that and speak with some malice in her voice. Often times she'll break into tears over any rudeness towards her. She likes cute things and offers to turn people into dolls. She's the primary antagonist of the game.

  • "WAAAAHHHHH!!! T-the mean lady over there told me to g-get lost!!" (Crying, Whining)

  • "Daww you're so cute! I'll turn you into a doll, kikikiki!" (Cooing, Giggly)

  • "Oh? Why would you ever suspect me of that, teehee! I'm just a cute little doll crafter." (Malice, Intimidating)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kim Yancey - Voice Actor

A rude, very snarky woman. She's annoyed most of the time, and will snap at people easily. She'll defend her girlfriend Terra if someone else is being mean to her, though. A very vulgar person as well. When not being rude, she can be really chill, however.

  • "The fuck are you talking about, dumbass?! Try thinking before you spew whatever bullshit you come up with." (Condescending, Snapping)

  • "Don't you talk to Terra like that, you piece of shit! I'll have you in a full body cast if you ever say that again. (Angry, Defensive)

  • "Heh, you're funny. Wanna get a bite to eat, or somethin'?" (Chill, Trying to be friendly)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Terra Knightly - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Vforest

Transgender women, not voice training, so she still has a masculine voice. An upbeat girl who thinks very highly of herself, but gets along well with most people. She's the girlfriend of Kim, and gets mushy and lovey-dovey around her.

Voice sounds similar to Makoto Naegi or Silver the Hedgehog, for comparisons sake

  • "I'm Terra Knightly, the coolest girl in town! You ain't so bad yourself, though!" (Confident, Friendly)

  • "Aww Kimmy, you're my knight in shining armor!" (Lovey-dovey, Happy)

  • "Heh. Looks like ya take the L again! I'm the Ultimate Chess Player though, so it's to be expected." (Confident, Bragging)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tsunade Amagi - Voice Actor

Very intense and loud sounding. She's a motivational, sportsman like person who takes her talent and others VERY seriously, and wants the best for herself and others.

  • "Your talent is like your whole life! Don't half ass it, put all you got into it!" (Pep talk, Encouraging)

  • "My desserts are way too good to be eaten!!! That's like setting a painting on fire that has just been finished!!" (Scolding)

  • "She has the right idea. If we're gonna survive we gotta keep a level head." (Agreeing, Normal tone)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Connette Freya - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Star ✨

A vulgar, loud and upbeat woman. She has a positive attitude and likes to have fun, but can tease a bit as well. She's a punk girl as well, and calls people an animal she assigns them rather than their name.

  • "Gyahaha, of course I ain't scared. I ain't the Ultimate Daredevil for nothin'!" (Confident)

  • "You alright there, mousey? Don't worry, I won't let anybody hurt ya, cus I'm gonna do it first! Hehe, just teasin'." (Teasing, Upbeat)

  • "T-this doesn't sound fun anymore, ahaha..." (Dejected, trying to stay positive sounding)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Erica Pham - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: lizzydacatva

Being the Ultimate Child Prodigy, Erica is only 9 years old, so her voice is high pitched and childlike. She tries to sound mature, but at heart she's still just a little kid. She gets annoyed when treated like a kid, though.

  • "S-stop treating me like a little kid! I'm... I'm a genius among geniuses!" (Annoyed, Whiny)

  • "*Sniff* M-mooomm... I wanna go home...!" (Scared, crying)

  • "Ehehe, that sounds fun! I wanna play! ...J-just for a bit, though!." (Excited, shifts to trying to be mature sounding.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Seok Sun-Hi - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: K

A high pitched, cute sounding woman. She at times speaks in puns and uses phrases like "Nya" and doesn't take things very seriously. However she can often say morbid things out of nowhere and not acknowledge them. (Emoticons in sentences don't have to be spoken out, it's purely visual.)

  • "I'm the Ultimate Acrobat, don't you fur-get it, nya! :3" (Cheerful, Playful)

  • "Did I fucking ask? Maybe you should just kill yourself already! ...Hm? What'd I say owo? I don't remember sayin anything like that! :(" (Pissed off, transitions to her normal self after.)

  • "Mreeeowww?! :0 You scared me!!! >:(" (Startled, Pouting)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Meng Zhenzhen - Voice Actor

An awkward and nerdy girl, self identifies as a femcel. She has a nerd like voice and stutters, while also being self deprecating. Also a bit of a pervert, and she enjoys stuff like fanservice and things like that.

  • "Y-yeah I'm the Ultimate Dungeon Master, just make fun of me already! I don't care anymore." (Yelling, self deprecating)

  • "W-wow... you look very... ehehe... W-what?! I'm not b-being weird!" (Pervy, Transitions to Defensive)

  • "I-if you really do wanna be friends...maybe...maybe we can hang out...?" (Nervous, Trying to be nice)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marcy Webb - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lilith

A meek but very sweet girl. She can stutter a bit and get overstimulated at times, and is shy around people initially. She tries to be as kind as possible even if she isn't good at talking to people.

  • "KYAAAHH!! S-sorry! You just startled me... I'm sorry." (Shocked, then Apologetic)

  • "Oh, t-thank you... I a-appreciate it." (Happy, Shy)

  • "If you'd like, I c-could invite you to my garden one day... If that's okay with you, o-of course!" (Friendly, Meek)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mei Camilla - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lanna Rose

Very sleepy and lazy. When not sleeping, she has a drowsy tone of voice and isn't very energetic at all. She can be a bit standoffish and not social at all, but is overall a decent person.

  • "YAWWNNN... Do you need something? I wanna get back to sleep..." (Drowsy, A bit annoyed)

  • "SNOORRRRREEEEEE" (Self Explanatory)

  • "Oh... that sounds like too much work. I'll pass..." (Lazy, Unenthusiastic)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alison Leah - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ora/Ellie

A total diva, being insanely full of herself due being a famous actress. She speaks in a valley girl accent, and can be really snobby and rude. She's nice to you if you admire her and compliment her, however.

  • "Yassss, it's like, so awesome to see another fan! I'll totally give you an autograph!" (Excited, Happy)

  • "Tch, you're like, so so lame! Talking to me like your talent is equal to mine." (Snobby, Rude)

  • "My upcoming movie is gonna be, like, the best of the century! It'll totally change your life." (Bragging, Egotistical)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paige Baxter - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Cass

Motherly but stern, she sounds somewhat like a teacher would. Being a librarian, she's also very particular about rules and mannerisms. She also enjoys hugs and caring for others.

  • "Aw, come here. I'll give you a hug, okay sweetie?" (Comforting, Motherly)

  • "Mind your language! We're in a school setting and will behave as such!" (Scolding, Stern)

  • "How sweet, of course I can be your friend. What's your name?" (Kind, Happy)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tamara Pinewood - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Faith

A cheerful and bubbly girl. She's sweet and likes to talk about her talent of mycology. She's also really perceptive and will often finish sentences or say what somebody is thinking.

  • "Hehe, my names Tamara. Of course I knew you were gonna ask, I'm very perceptive you know!" (Upbeat, Casual)

  • "W-what? That's mean, don't say that!" (A bit upset)

  • "Oooh! This here is my favorite of all mushrooms! Here, I'll tell you about it!" (Excited, Cheerful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Takata Miyako - Voice Actor
Role assigned to: QuinnTimbers

The host of the killing game. She speaks in a whispery, creepy tone often. Someone who also likes playing tricks on people, and can be really cryptic.

  • "Khehehe, how intriguing... a clashing of morals. Truly marvelous." (Creepy, Interested)

  • "Of course I'll let you out, simply press this... Khehehe, you truly thought it'd be that easy?" (Playful, Teasing)

  • "Hm, what I mean by that? Do you really believe I'd tell you? That's for you to discover." (Cryptic)


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