Project Overview
The Official UCN II Voice acting role call, basically a FNAF Fangame That is an unofficial sequel to Ultimate Custom Night featuring characters who were not featured in UCN and some of them will have voices so I wish all of you the best of luck ;)
My Game: https://gamejolt.com/games/ucnII/362178
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So I don’t really respond on Casting Call itself, but for those of you who want to get into contact with me here are the places I shall be availabile at Twitter: @dillanspyxword Discord: Dillanspyxword#6954 Also be sure to share this with whoever you know if they wanna be in UCN II as a voice actor or actress or just wanted to say hi :)

Option 1: He can sound garbled and menancing like in the FNAF1 Night 5 Phone Call
Option 2: He can sound like Nightmare Fredbear, but more quiet and sympathetic to the player.
It's Me... It always has been me....
I know you are unaware of what you've done.
Your work is not over yet...

Toy Foxy should sound like Mangle from UCN except without the robotic sounds that come with it.
Soon you’ll be just like me... Beautiful!
Somehow I thought our time together would last longer... but it wasn’t meant to last.

The Voice should sound similar to Foxy.EXE from Fnaf World, except glitchier.
Listen to my Voice and you will find the key.
When you can see, how fast can you flee?

Nightmare Foxy should sound Bootstrap Bill from the Pirates of the Carribbean movies. You also have the option to hiss like a snake and/or use voice modifiers if you wish.
Was it me?
You’ve always been a little man... No matter how many times you die...

Security Puppet should sound calm and quiet in one moment, then sound loud and alarming in another moment driving off any bad things. Try not to add any voice modifiers unless I think they work for the character.
I’ll be sure to drive off any... unwanted attention.
Do you have a strange sense of deja vu like I do?
This is optional, but if anyone’s interested I would love an OST for the UCN II
Say something you think would fit
This is a listing for an SFM user for alternate office skins for the UCN II in the mere future, if you want to sign up to do so, list your discord name and a SFM Concept Picture of which office you’re gonna do, or a office combination of 2 of the games listed below
FNAF Games or Books Available to base your office on
Silver Eyes
Twisted Ones
Fourth Closet
Say something you think would fit

Option 1: In a nutshell, this voice should sound like a male version of Jack-O-Chica and should be coughing out flames every few seconds.
Option 2: He should sound like an embodiment of Fire Ready to burn the player where he sits...
The Fires within me burn eternal... and now you shall as well...
I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds...
It’s always Halloween at Freddy’s... When I’m here...

The voice should sound like a goofy but also rocking cartoon rabbit, and try to make it sound gender neutral since... well... he/she is a rabbit who cares right? ;)
Male or Female? Who cares I'm a Rabbit!
The original 5? Heheh Try the 6th one on for size!
This voice should be quiet and behind the scenes in a way. It should also be as bone chilling as possible if the player hears it... It should also be unclear if it's a young boy or girl.

This character should sound like a big wind up teddy bear boss of a kid friendly rpg, though emphasis on the big bear boss part
(If you need a point of reference, look at this video: https://youtu.be/cOuSfT72mKc )
I'll spin you like a pinwheel now! Bubba!
I'm gonna kick your butt now! Bubba!

Option 1: You can make it sound like William Afton before he became springtrap
Option 2: Make it sound like Dave Miller from DSaF ;) (Here's a link of reference for the voice: https://youtu.be/Kii9oMo7eqI )
I'm just a Video game sprite, old sport, not the actual purple guy
I take 10 seconds to draw old sport!

He should sound like a robotic shop keeper from a kid friendly rpg, You can get creative with this voice however you want just be sure it sticks with the character.
Welcome to Mendo Endo's Upgrades!
Want to upgrade your armor?

Basically try your best to imitate this voice right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFfU3lq-5-Q
Well Hello Again! H-H-Ha! Are you ready for Round 3?
Together again!

Basically try your best to imitate this voice right here: https://youtu.be/RhSgvSqKkUM
I survived once... I can survive again...
I have found this place on my own...
I always come back...

She should sound similar to Circus Baby, though a little more flirty and sarcastic than the original Circus Baby
The show will begin momentarily... Please stay in your seat...
This Character should sound quiet and nervous, as if auditioning for a talent show but has a case of stage fright. Voice Filters are not recommended for this character.
I hope my show was... acceptable to you...
I’m sorry it had to end this way... I guess the show.. must go on.
This Character should sound Calm but very scary, the same voice you’d expect to hear from the monster in your closet who wants to drag you down to the underworld. Voice Filters are recommended for this character.
I am your death... but even worse...
I am your worst nightmare...
This character should be very charismatic and be very “Early 2000’s” kind of hip. Think of something you’d hear on the radio like on Radio Disney or other radio stations like it. Voice Modifiers are allowed for this particular character as well if you’d like to experiment ;)
W-W-Welcome to the show! We have an awesome line up for you tonight!
Tune in f-for more songs here on R-Radio Freddy!
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