UCN: Fredbear's Revenge - Casting Part 1

Project Overview
What is this?
Ultimate Custom Night: Fredbear's Revenge is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fan Game that is gonna be an expanded version of the original UCN. UCN: Fredbear's Revenge is about William Afton being once again tortured by all the animatronics who are all sent out by Fredbear since he wants revenge on William after all the bad things that he has done in the 1980s. UCN: Fredbear's Revenge will be having more features than in the original UCN. It will contain cutscenes, voice acting, slightly longer gameplay, and much more that is yet to come. It will contain more animatronics that aren't in the original UCN with a maximum A.I. difficulty of 20 and some cool new extras.
The Gamejolt page of Ultimate Custom Night: Fredbear's Revenge: https://gamejolt.com/games/UCNFredbearsRevenge/648490
- We are looking for good quality in your auditions, this means that if you happen to have a crappy USB or computer microphone. You will not be chosen. We will reject these auditions as we won't be using them.
- Keep out as much background noise as possible. If you can't, make sure it's not excessive so that the audio engineering team can.
- If you are going to use your own effects, make sure they are not just simple robotic effects made from Audacity's echo filter. We want to have something more than that.
- Please send us your Discord name and tag. This will be the easiest way we can contact you.
- Do not slate your auditions unless asked to do so. This means, don't post another audition of the improved version of your last without us saying something.
Things to Keep in Mind
- Troll auditions are not welcome into this project as this is a serious casting call. If you do make one, your audition will be privatized or at least rejected.
- If you see GmodXtremeFan87 in the comments of auditions, it's because he is the owner of the game.
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Latest Updates
Hello everyone! I am proud to say that the deadline has come! I will be casting the characters on the casting call and later, I will be contacting the cast voice over with further details about the position they are in and the project. Thank you to those who auditioned for any of the parts!

Bonnie the Bunny is known to be the guitarist of the Fazbear Gang. He is a big indigo purple bunny with a red bowtie and with long bunny ears. While having a happy tone of voice, he shouldn't sound like a typical rockstar but have that accent ever-so-slightly. He should sound like his voice in the showtime song in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted. Although he is in night mode, he should sound a bit sinister as he doesn't entertain kids at night.
FNAF VR: Help Wanted Showtime Song: https://youtu.be/sI9sDa0QhXM?t=43
"Am I just a typical Rockstar to you? I don't think so, man." [Cocky, Ego-boosting] "It isn't just one simple task to know where I'm going." [Annoyed]
"You didn't forget about me, did you? Maybe you did as interpreted by your position right now." [Arrogant, Selfish] "This always has something to do with doors, right?" [Fed-Up]
"I mean, you tried so hard. And yet, you failed... Impressive." [Impressed]

Chica the Chicken is known to be the backup singer of the Fazbear gang. Chica is a big yellow chicken with a bib that says "Let's Eat" and a cupcake named "Mr. Cupcake." Chica sure likes to entertain. She should sound like Glamrock Chica from FNAF Security Breach with a country. She would obviously be a little more sinister as she is not on stage performing for children.
Glamrock Chica Lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqma6EzrnW4
"If I could use you as a new ingredient for my pizza, it would taste so good!" *laughter* [Sinister] "Hmm... how would you look dismembered inside a suit? Let's find out, shall we?" [Curious]
"You must really enjoy some pizza, don't you?" [Stoked] "I hope you don't mind me being here with you for a little while." [Sudcutive, Creepy]
"Tell Mr. Cupcake I said, 'Hi.' [Asking for a Favor]] Oh... wait, you can't... Oh well." [Disappointed]

Golden Freddy is a yellow Freddy model that was originally gonna perform in Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but the reason why the model isn't gonna be in the pizzeria is unknown. Golden Freddy is known to hack the guard's mind making them hallucinate its catchphrase "IT'S ME." Golden Freddy should have a genderfluid voice with autotuning similar to Glatos. Tenaxis' voice for the character is a good vocal reference for the style of voice I am looking for.
Tenaxis' Read of David Near's Golden Freddy Script: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMabgqCrXPw
"You did this to me.. you did this to all of us..." [Ominous] "Escaping from this nightmare has never been an option ever..." [Threatening]
"Why... why must you do this to me..?" [Desprete] "I'll never forgive you after that event that occurred on my birthday... you did nothing to help me..." [Angry]
"It's me... I'm always here... giving you a fright.." [Ominous]
Public Submissions