Transformers: Shattered Glass

Transformers: Shattered Glass

Project Overview

From the studio that brought you Transformers: Broken Mirror, Transformers Ascension and Transformers - Target: Alpha Trion comes an all new exciting stop motion adventure! Set in a mirror universe where the Autobots fight to conquer the universe and the Decepticons seek to protect it, Transformers: Shattered Glass (working title) is a soft reboot of the established SG Ascensionverse continuity, telling the story of Megatron and his Decepticons as they reunite on Earth and battle the Autobots once more.

Shattered Glass will be an approximately 45-60 minute stop motion animated movie, with an anticipated release of late 2023. Voice artists will be expected to reprise their roles in future sequels and spin-offs over the next few years.


Rather than single lines, I would like auditionees to use the sample scripts in the Google Drive link below and submit their reads. I really want to get a good feeling for the character relationships and vocal qualities side-by-side, and I think this will be the best way to do so. Also the benefit of context is massive in someone's performance!

All Decepticon roles listed above are principal roles. Optimus Prime and Hot Rod will be minor roles and have very little additional dialogue outside the script samples.




  • Decent quality microphone - please ensure you do not pick up excessive clipping/peaking or loud overwhelming bg noise.


  • Audacity (or any other audio editing software) is recommended for editing and exporting your audio files.

  • Please do not add any robotic voice effects to your lines!

  • This project is non paying.

  • If I require retakes, add new lines or make edits to existing ones, I will be in touch as soon as possible with notes attached to the script.

Once the deadline for auditions has passed I shall be in touch with the successful auditionees as soon as possible. If I'm struggling to decide on certain voices I may contact you and ask if you can record some additional lines before I confirm the role!

I am looking at the logistics of setting up Zoom or Discord calls with voice actors so I can provide live direction, possibly having multiple actors on one call as well. This will be confirmed after the auditions! (Don't worry, it won't be a dealbreaker if you don't want to do that)

Any questions you may have please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help you as best I can! Thank you!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Megatron (SG)
cast offsite

The Decepticon leader, missing for a thousand years following the destruction of Cybertron. Megatron is warm, charismatic & compassionate, abundant in empathy and even cracking a joke or two. His background as a mathematician serves him well in stressful situations - he is precise and confident, unflappable in the heat of the moment. Megatron is very approachable too, not in the same sense as G1 Prime was a father figure but more like a trusted teacher (he was after all a professor) who always had time for whatever problems you may have.

His relationship with SG Optimus is not the same epic rivalry of their counterparts, but Megatron knows that he can *really* get under Prime's skin and that it can give him the edge.

He & Starscream have been the best of friends for thousands and thousands of years - they trust each other totally.

Transforms into a Cybertronic tank and jet.


Vocally Megatron is very warm and smooth, but the most important thing for him is that the personality comes through. Keep in mind the teacher role - maybe think about your favourite teacher?

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • generic scottish
  • animation/character
  • SCRIPT #1

  • SCRIPT #2

  • SCRIPT #5

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Starscream (SG)
cast offsite

Megatron’s chief lieutenant, Starscream is an intelligent, loyal and relentlessly optimistic warrior. As a Knight Templar of the Order of Gaea, Starscream is deeply religious and dedicated to the ideals of personal liberty and peace. It is this faith that keeps him going, even in the darkest times. Starscream is a master swordsman and addresses Megatron as ‘Professor’. 

Starscream believes and trusts in Megatron utterly. He will never EVER let him down.

Starscream transforms into a Cybertronic fighter jet.


The key characteristics I want to hear are the optimism & nobility. English RP or Transatlantic accent.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • proper english
  • animation/character
  • androgynous
  • SCRIPT #1

  • SCRIPT #3

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shockwave (SG)
Role assigned to: whatthechuck3

Shockwave is Megatron's chief scientist and technologist. He is incredibly empathetic and emotional, but prone to sudden sharp outbursts under duress. However, in the company of Megatron, he does his utmost to remain composed. His 'ears' are indicative of his emotional state.

Shockwave was responsible for the creation of Grimlock, an experimental Decepticon super soldier. He feels immense guilt over losing control of Grimlock and creating such a destructive monster, but hopes one day he can make amends and rehabilitate him.

Shockwave transforms into a Cybertronic tracked vehicle. 


Shockwave should have a rougher quality to his voice, similar to that of the late Rene Auberjonois from Star Trek DS9.

Voice description:
  • all english accents
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • animation/character
  • SCRIPT #3

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kickstart (SG)
cast offsite

Kickstart prefers working alone, especially now the Decepticons are scattered and actively hunted by the Autobots. Jaded and tired, he'd rather hunker down and hide, but perhaps Megatron's return can convince him to make a stand once more.

Kickstart is irritated by everybody - the Twins' childishness, Starscream's optimism and Shockwave's judgement. Megatron's return (and the fact he remembers him and gives him a choice) seems to inspire Kickstart to be better.

Kickstart transforms into an Earth sports car.


Kickstart definitely has a rougher quality to his voice and would have an English accent. 

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • standard english
  • SCRIPT #3

  • SCRIPT #5

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Blackout (SG)
Role assigned to: Gage Broderick

Rambunctious, cocky and as green as their paintjob. Competitive with their sibling Grindor. Not incompetent but very rarely do they take any situation seriously.

The twins are 3 twin/sibling references rolled into one:

- Movie Blackout & Grindor (sharing a helicopter bodytype)

- ROTF Skids & Mudflap (colour scheme)

- Animated Jetfire & Jetstorm (personality/accents)

Blackout transforms into an Earth helicopter.


Youthful, energetic, ideally I want Russian/Eastern European accents. It is very likely the Twins will have the same voice actor so adjust vocal quality/pitch to differentiate.

Voice description:
  • generic russian
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • androgynous
  • male young adult
  • SCRIPT #3

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grindor (SG)
Role assigned to: Gage Broderick

The red one. Hyperactive, youthful and impulsive. Very competitive with their sibling Blackout. Not incompetent but very rarely do they take any situation seriously.

The twins are 3 twin/sibling references rolled into one:

- Movie Blackout & Grindor (sharing a helicopter bodytype)

- ROTF Skids & Mudflap (colour scheme)

- Animated Jetfire & Jetstorm (personality/accents)

Grindor transforms into an Earth helicopter.


Youthful, energetic, ideally I want Russian/Eastern European accents. It is very likely the Twins will have the same voice actor so adjust vocal quality/pitch to differentiate.

Voice description:
  • generic russian
  • androgynous
  • male young adult
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • SCRIPT #3

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Optimus Prime (SG)
cast offsite

Autobot Imperator, the violent conqueror Optimus Prime rallies his far-flung faction back to his side in the wake of the destruction of Cybertron. Formerly a chosen servant of Primus, Optimus now conquers the galaxy in HIS name, demanding that all life serve the Autobot Imperium.

Optimus does not regard Megatron with much respect and affection - Megatron has certainly made a name for himself but his resistance is an incessant annoyance rather than an epic rivalry.

Prime is easily riled up by his enemies. As much as he professes to not caring about Megatron, the Decepticon leader CONSTANTLY gets under his skin.

Optimus transforms into an Earth flatnose truck.


The gravel and the depth are essential here.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • all american accents
  • SCRIPT #2

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hot Rod (SG)
cast offsite

Sadistic showoff, enjoys the spotlight and the opportunity to execute Decepticons in violent grisly ways on live broadcasts.

 He transforms into a super car.


Very much as the Botcon fiction implies, very 'ayy fuggedaboudit' thick New York accent.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • american (new york)
  • animation/character
  • italian american
  • SCRIPT #4


Public Submissions

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