Transformers Oblivion: Volume Two

Project Overview
“8 years since the events of Volume 1. Optimus Prime and the Autobots have made a new home on Earth from their secret HQ, the WatchTower. Kickover has isolated himself and begins to deal with repressed memories from Garrus 9. But while Decepticon activity is on the rise, and new threats are hiding in the shadows, the one question on everybody’s mind is. What happened to Megatron?”
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Chromedome is a mnemosurgeon, he specializes in memory. Even though interfacing with others memories can take a toll on Chromedome, he's quite insistent on helping others where he can, no matter how much it could harm him.
Gotcha, seems like we’re looking at some kind of repression. And it’s got something to do with how you escaped. You’re sure there’s nothing there? Anything at all?
I need to establish a link with your brain module so I can see your memories. It’s easier on both of us if I create a link through the back of the neck
True, but we’re all still living beings, Kickover. Just because it’s a different type of sentience doesn’t make us any less vulnerable

Arcee is one of the Autobots trusted allies. Having spent a great amount of time working alongside the Autobot head of security, Prowl, Arcee has become somewhat stern but when she trusts someone, she really values them.
I just can’t figure out what they’re up to. No damage, nothing stolen, no energon deposits, just seems like a bunch of recon missions
There was another Cybertronian on Earth and you never told us?!

Optimus Prime is the noble leader of the Autobots. Courageous, compassionate and strong
While leaving one of our own unaccounted for may not have been the wisest of decisions, I do respect Depth Charge honoring a promise to his friend. However, if this “Kickover”, may be able to help us it would be best for you to find him and bring him here.
Fate, Ratchet. I’m fully aware of Kickover’s past and the tragedies that befell him. But if we do not believe in others, then who will?
I cannot believe that you’re destined to be a Decepticon, regardless of what Shockwave created you to be.

Impactor is the ex-leader of the infamous crew, the Wreckers. Having spent years in the Stockade prison, he's resorted to selling illegal technology on the black markets.
Isn’t that sweet. You’re playing with the big boys now?
Nope. Had stowed myself onto a ship and recognised the technology. Thought it could be worth something
After everything Squadron X did?! They deserved what they got

Sunstreaker, the arrogant Autobot crew member. He cherishes his vehicle mode and finish far more than his skills on the battlefield.
I dunno boss. I kinda like to let my blaster do the talking
Oh c’mon. There’s no way they’d follow that freak-bot
Hey guys, when they made me, they broke the mold!

Scourge is the evil clone of Optimus Prime. He was created to be a weapon of destruction but there are still things he values, like honour, dignity etc.
You do understand, dear doctor, it’s imperative we find it in time. Back to base, the Leviathan will be arriving soon
I’m not your brother
Don't you see Prime? What is strength, if you don't make an example to your enemies? Make them fear you

Breakdown, the brutish Decepticon trooper. He's tough but arrogant.
So, the Wrecker's got a soft spot.
Boo hoo! I'm shedding lubricant
Only because I hate the Autobots more than I hate you

Straxus, the Decepticons scientist and medic. He can be twisted at times but there's a method to his madness. He's very calm, which if anything makes his madness more concerning.
I’ve analysed the locations that carried the scent. This is where the artefact was last active. Despite the time that’s past, it’s left a trace
The damage is severe. Without an ample power source to account for the deterioration of the spark, there's not much I can do

Scrapper, leader of the constructicons.
Then it's time we did the same, only heavier! Constructicons, transform!
We've calibrated the device to serve its purpose. It's nearly ready
Agent Eva Morgan is the Autobots liaison. She can be very stern at times, only because to her, the Autobots are like a bunch of children that keep sneaking out of the house. However, when it comes down to it, she would value them as friends.
Let’s skip the formalities, Prime. I just got word from the Pentagon that our satellites uncovered this
Looks like Prime’s doppelganger's out and about, alone. We don’t know what he’s doing but any Decepticon activity is still precarious activity
I’d be inclined to agree. He’s dangerously close to a populated area. It’s a small village due south but if it comes down to it I can order an evacuation
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