Transformers : MTMTE Season 1 [Animated Trailer]
![Transformers : MTMTE Season 1 [Animated Trailer]](
Project Overview
Hello there peoples of Casting Call Club, I am in search of assistance in bringing More Than Meets The Eye [Season 1] to life!
Before I go on, I request that you leave your discord name and tag with your audition and that you're active on the platform. I'll be giving you an invite to a discord server so that I can give you all the script and updates at the same time. Also, you won't have to say anything 18+, but if memory serves me correct, there are a few damns and uses of god here and there.
First things first, For the characters with descriptions, don't be afraid to experiment a little and bring your own take on the character! I may have specific voices in mind, but that doesn't mean you can't/won't be accepted. Also, I may ask you to play other characters as well, so there's always a chance you could get in the project even if you don't get the original role! I'm also going to be going through the characters and linking to videos that have the kind of voices I describe.
Secondly, Rodimus, Misfire, and Ore are more than likely going to be the characters with the most lines.
And Thirdly, I can't guarantee every single character will appear in the final product, as a few may get cut for a lack of need to appear [Which is why Helex and Tesarus aren't listed]. These Characters include Orion Pax, Roller, Shockwave, Spinister, General Neech, The Galactic Council Member, Kroma, Windcharger, Nightbeat, Quark, Jackpot, Overkill, Sunstreaker, Siren, Getaway, Tyrest, and Pharma.
By the way, you only have to pick one of the audition lines. I realize that in retrospect, giving a wide variety of long lines is rather absurd given the amount of lines each character is likely to have.
An Aside : I've already started Animating certain scenes, but the Project is likely to take around a few months before it's finished. I'll keep you updated on the progress of the project if you're brought onto it.
P.S. If you could spread the word of the project to people you'd think would be interested, it'd be mighty appreciated!
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Latest Updates
I'm sorry, I've been caught up with some personal things recently and I haven't had the proper time to really manage this. I may cancel this project, and in the event that that happens, I'll keep your usernames in mind if I ever decide to restart it, as making a trailer is something I would like to do! If I do decide to cancel it, I'll inform through update. As of right now, this project is in a weird limbo-like status, and I must decide how I shall proceed with it before getting any of you properly involved. Once again, I apologize for how unprofessional it's been.
The final deadline has approached, Casting decicisons will now be made!
The final Deadline pushback has ended, and I'll begin going through the remaining auditions! I apologize for my lack of updates and casting, It's been a rather hectic 2 weeks for me. However, just because the deadline has arrived doesn't mean I won't allow for any last minute auditions, so if you or any of your friends want to submit one, be my guest! -
Ensemble\Roles Update + A Request
Firstly, I'd like to say Thank you to everyone whose Auditioned so far, as they've all been wonderful. Now, onto the main subject, I've added more roles to the Ensemble, as well as some additional roles [Audio Engineer, Singer, Composer, Script-writer (Helping me compile a list of moments to include and voice-lines). Second, If you don't get chosen for a role, there's still a chance i'll request you for another role! Lastly, I have a request. I know this is a really pretentious (At least I think its pretentious) thing to request, but I wanted to ask if you could spread the word about the project to people you think would be interested in participating. That's all, and thank you for reading. -
New roles and additions to some roles
I apologize if it already informed you or you already know, but I'm just announcing the addition of multiple new roles, about 10 or more I believe. Some character roles have been tweaked, off the top of my head, they have been atleast Chromedome, Rewind, and Brainstorm.
Preferably sounds young and hot-headed, and somewhat like Judd Nelson. However, if you have a different take on the character you'd like to use instead, give it a shot!
"We're not the smartest, or the strongest, or the bravest, or the best."
"It shouldn't work- but it does. And it works because we've got one thing in common. Each other".
"Hurry up ugly! your dinner's getting cold feet!"
A stern, low-pitched, no nonsense enforcer of the law who takes everything seriously.
"He's dangerous. He's delusional. He's mad, I mean, literally mad. He owes me Money. I don't trust him, or him, especially not in their combined form, and those are just the A's".
"You should've put me on the door. I'd have turned away any wayward characters".
"Let me be less, abstruse. Mess up, and I will demolish you".
"I want the Medbay buzzing with positive energy so our Comrades are guaranteed a speedy recovery. Drift out".
"Your new crewmates, Ultra Magnus. Why are you frowning? I mean, why are frowning even more than usual"?
Highly irritable and antagonistic. Looking for a detroit-like (is that even a word?) accent, similar to Wheeljacks.
"Yeah, don't hostage takers usually have a list of demands? If you want a helicopter you're gonna have to ask me very nicely...".
"If there's one thing i've learned in life, its how to say, goodbye, and mean it. So without further ado...".
"Haven't you ever heard of KNOCKING!"
Low-pitched, dry, and elegant.
"Never hope. Hope is a lie.'
"Cybertron has been replaced by something new, something inferior. If there's something better out there, I want to find it. That's all."
"I'm going to kill you... Not today, maybe not for awhile, but I will kill you, and don't think you'll see it coming".
"The thing is- the thing is, I am an idiot. Taking a shortcut across the mitteous plateau just to make sure I reach the arc in time for take-off".
"this is a message for Rodimus. Do not leave Cybertron".
Cynical and dry. Preferably low-pitched, but if you have a different take on the character, shoot!
"And here I thought you brought me along for my dry wit".
"Please, please, please, don't do this"!
"Yaknow what? Forget it! Using my talents in the way You suggest is hardly going to help me draw a line under the past!"
"I'm an archivist, I'm archiving! This could be an important conversation! It could have repercussions"!
Eccentric and enthusiastic. English accent included (See Team Train-Wreck's MTMTE Comic Dub for an example).
"Um, good question. One of the duobots I think. Shock? Ore? I can never remember which is which. The blue one, Ore. He's sort of been, whats the scientific term, totally mashed into the generator itself".
"I'm too smart to die!"
"you're kidding right? If I open this case do you know what'll happen? End of the world my friend, end of the world. I'm serious! I'm almost certainly serious.. besides, I've got special dispensation from Rodimus himself! Its authentic, check out the rubsign".
Fast-talker with a New York Accent [See Team-Train Wrecks MTMTE Dub for an example].
"No no no, I'm here for the quest! Love a good quest. Haven't been on a quest since the whole Luna 1 quest, the moon quest".
"The wars over, it times to reclaim the suffix"!
"Tell him it's Riveting, he'll get a good laugh out of it"!
A grumpy old medic. Something like his FoC voice or Animated voice [Or even a blend between the two] would work fine.
"I'm leaving. With Rodimus. Tonight. I'm sorry, I was waiting for the right time to tell you".
" 'I want the Medibay buzzing with positive energy!', Idiot. Ever since his brush with death, he's been determined to embrace the transcendental. It just makes me want to punch him"!
I've got no set interpretation for First Aid aside from him being young, so go with what you feel is right and we'll see from there.
"Journal Entry 001, lets get this straight from the start; I'm nobody special".
"My names First Aid. I'm a nurse. I used to be a doctor but I was demoted. I was accused of..."
A charismatic, action-hero type voice.
"Aha, Scum, my name's Scum! Why is my name Scum"?
"All right then Mr. Persistent! Let's dance"!
"Rodimus is rebellious by nature. Try to impose your will on him and as a simple matter of principle he'll-".
"Because it's confidential! and because-". "Because I have a duty of care towards my patients."
"Everyone just- just stay calm!"
Needs to sound paranoid, and shaky.
"So as Director of Security, I'm supposed to let the Galaxy's most famous weapons engineer on board with checking his bags"?
"I think there's a Sparkeater on board...".
A former prison warden turned victim of PTSD, Fortress Maximus is serious, low-pitched, and highly irritable. Preferably similar to Jeff Bennett's Ultra Magnus.
"Hey- That's the same starfield as before! Why haven't we changed course"?
"Looks like It's gonna take a Death to send us on our way. Do I have a volunteer"?
"Three years, two months, and ten days! There: Specific enough for you"?!
An average guy.
"We're not used to not fighting, that's all. Peace takes time to sink in."
"Because they're not all psychopaths, are they? Shock says most of them were conscripted or brainwashed".
"Peace is the freedom to do whatever you want. Unless you're talking about Inner peace, in which case I doubt any of us will ever feel that again".
A blend between his FoC voice and G1 Voice.
"But this plan of yours, I want to place on record my severe reservations".
The ever-enthusiastic Pipes is just happy to be on The Lost Light. His voice is preferably on the younger-side.
"having a wonderful time. Um, bye"!
"Oh, sorry, I-".
I've got no specific voice in mind for Trailbreaker, so go with whatever you think fits, whether it be your interpretation or G1-based. So just shoot.
"Guys! I can't hold this forcefield much longer!"
No set interpretation for Jackpot, so go with whatever you think fits him.
"Sorry to interrupt the escalating drama, but we've got company."
"Guess. Its big- It's gray- Its taxpayer funded...".
Old. That's about it.
" 'Erratic behavior and obssessive compulsive tendencies...', Rungs words, not mine. Dammit, First Aid...! I can't ignore this".
Preferably similar to his G1 Voice, but if you think something would work better, then shoot.
"Shh... Enjoy the Movie pipes"!
New Zealand accent is required. Anything else is up to your interpretation of Getaway.
"No one had seen him since Aequitas, but there were reports of him Chasing Titans and getting chummy with the 'Cons; The kind of stuff that makes the Boss prickly".
"You know what your problem is Chromedome? You think that just because the wars over, we can afford to stop fighting"!
"Somehow- Don't ask me how, Rodimus has found 200 Autobots willing to join him on his fools crusade".
"Kid knows how to work a speech. We could be witnessing a mass exodus at this rate".
"Are you disagreeing? or are your pistons playing up"?
Young, and G1-ish.
"Did he seek you out? Rodimus, did he give you all that scrap about finding the Knights of Cybertron and returning to the golden age? It's all scripted y'know, Drift writes it for him"!
Just voices in the crowd. Preferably sounds like Brawn, Atomizer, and Powerflash [Whatever you think the ladder 2 sound like] along with other random voices.
"We kill Cons"!
Peter Cullen, but a bit younger. Subject to being cut.
"We have to steal the Matrix".
Similar to Springer, but a bit more low-pitched. Subject to being cut.
"I've got better things to do tonight than die"!
Similar to G1/Animated Shockwave, but less cold and emotionless. Subject to being cut.
"Remember me as I was".
G1 Windcharger.
"Well, if you're serious about driving I can set us down- or if you're Really in a hurry you can jump".
"Pax I was only- wow".
New York Accent. [If you have a different interpretation though, go for it].
"No, Quark, That guy screams lonely"
*Panicked* It came from up- *calmer* there..."
Knock-off Perceptor.
"You're telling me those Eyebrows Aren't secret recording devices? That guy Screams government plant".
"Did you just see that"?
Just sound like an authority figure confidently giving a speech.
"I will grant the Decepticon movement Formal Political Party Status if- and only if - atleast 10,000 "Decepticons" register themselves as such.
Menacing. That's about it.
"You're going to be cleansed and controlled- And its been a very long time coming".
"Best tip off. ever".
Just sound like a Reporter.
"Under the term's of "Proteus's Promise", Decepticon supporters have 48 hours left to register before-".
"We're receiving reports of a High-Speed Chase in Translucentica Heights, where-".
Go for how you think Misfire would sound, and we'll see from there. If you want to do different versions in one take, go for it.
"And the guy with the clenched fist and the air of quiet desperation is Krok. Hes a military strategist, so these days he has a lot of time on his hands".
"You know, there are some Decepticons who, upon finding themselves in a skin-covered room surrounded by aborted protoforms and mechanoids made of bark, would rub their hands together, marvel at the universes infinite capacity for surprise, and dive right in. I am not one of those decepticons. I say we run away screaming".
Something similar to the English dub voice of Sixshot.
"Actually, I think we're the ones who miscounted. There's six of us... and one of him".
"But there's always been a war, that's like saying there's no more blue! or- or the weather stopped."
Go for your interpretation of Crankcase, and we'll see from there!
"Hey Twitch! You really think Primus cares about People like us"?
Sound hyper and like you're not paying attention to what's going on around you. A good point of reference is The Alexicon's Spinister from their Lost Light Trailer.
A shaky, enthusiastic voice.
"He's come back to life! It's a miracle! A Miracle"!
Just sound like a creature, a good point of reference would probably be The Hunter from Left 4 Dead.
*Monstrous sounds*
Similar to his voice in The Alexicon's trailer, or his Team-Train Wreck voice. Subject to being cut.
"Come on Ratchet, Guess what's in the box"!
He dies in the only scene where he talks, so low-pitched, kind of menacing, but overall pretty weak.
"But the war's over..."
"But the wars what? The wars over"!?
"I could go on, but-listen! Have you noticed? I've stopped the Music. Is that significant? Why yes! Yes it is"!
Low-pitched, hushed, and overall pretty creepy.
"Wear.... My.... F a c e..."
Go for your interpretation of Kaon, and we'll see from there!
"Hold still, Genericon. Vos has a favor to ask".
Menacing and old. Think Atriox from Halo 2.
"Stay with Rodimus and the others too long and they'll change you. They'll turn you into something you're not. They'll turn you into one of them".
"Nothing. He just smiled".
It really doesn't matter to be honest. The audition line is all they say.
"And what did he say to that"?
Low-pitched, Menacing.
"Run as fast as you can, Chromedome. You're already too late".
Low-pitched and menacing.
Sound delusional and low-pitched. Subject to being cut.
"And on and off and on and off and on and off..."
Something similar to his Victory voice, but if you think something works better, i'd love to hear it.
"Why do you fight"?
"Pathetic! All of you! If God were on your side, you'd have stopped me by now"!
Just sound menacing, all he does is Roar.
Doesn't matter much.
"Everyone on board the Lost Light is cracked in the head"!
"Yeah, dysfunctional isn't the word! There isn't a Normal 'bot among you"!
Public Submissions