Transformers/Marvel Phase 3: Transformers War for Cybertron Auditions

Project Overview
So a while back i made auditions for Phase 2 of my Transformers/Marvel Stop Motion Universe, now that i am almsot done with Phase 2 with only 2 projects left to finish, its time to start the auditions for Phase 3, which will start in 2017 and end in 2018. so this audition will be for characters introduced in Transformers. War for Cybertron, this will serve as a prequel project which will detail how Optimus and Megatron became bitter enemies and how the war started, despite the title this has nothing to do with the game, i just took the title because i felt it worked for this project.
Also Audition for as many characters as you want, it can extend your chances of getting a role.Here are the characters, btw the characters that are listed as BACKUP, means i already have an actor for that character, but i may need a backup for Emergency reasons, i wont add Audition lines, just improvise or take some dialogue from the source material and send me the audio.
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Young and eager to do what's right,Silverbolt uses his morale for himself and others during air combat and is Starscream's pupil. He has questions about Starscream's ambitions ad wonders if his teacher is going on a dark path.
This is Commander Silverbolt in route over.
I understand Starscream...And I'm still worried about this.
TRAITOR! Sentinel Prime will hear of this!!!

an Autobot Scientist from Optimus Science Division.
Welcome Ironhide.
Who's there?

an artifical Cybertronian created by the Decepticons, used for labor work, but after being treated badly by the cons, she ended up defecting to the Autobots with Arcee, Chromia and Knock Out, she can be the serious one of the 4.
Follow us to the Pillar's, we'll take you to Optimus

former guard of the Allspark and best friends with Bumblebee, who ended up joining the Autobots, after the war broke out, when he became a soldier, he's one of these shoto first, ask questions later type of guy.
Let the adventure come to you

an medic and friend of Ratchet.
That doesnt look good at all
Dont worry i will help you

the brother of Sideswipe.
Hey, not the face, okay? I just had it chromed!

an Autobot warrior, who at times may not see eye to eye with some of Optimus plans, but is still loyal to him, he's based on his Movieverse incarnation.
Drop your weapons and we will go easy on you
What is the meaning of this?

an Autobot medic and scientist.
You are so done Decepticons!
I dont how i did it, but i did.

the Autobots chief diversionary tactician and former member of the Decepticons Defense Force.
We cant hold them!, where's our backup?
What do you think was that?

an member of the Wreckers, who like his teammaters can be a-holes.
Leave it to the professionals
an member of the Wreckers, who like his teammaters can be an a-hole
Oh shut up Topspin
Lets destroy these Decepticons!

an old friend of Drift, who joins the Autobots.
Dont do this Drift, please

an Autobot scientist and member of Optimus Science Division.
Why would they attack an archaelogical dig site?

an member of the Wreckers, who like his teammaters can be a-holes, he's based on his Movieverse incarnation
We aint going anywhere
Wreckers, destroy!

She is the news anchor of Cybertron
Today we have the reports of an war in Trypticon going on

an member of the Constructicon.
The constructicons at your service, Lord Megatron

Don't think. Just do it.

an brutal and hot tempered Decepticon, that have a huge dislike for Starscream.
The End of Everything
How interesting
One more word Starscream and you will cease to function!

an Decepticon that once served the Defense Force.
Who Cares?, I am Alive! i still function!

an Decepticon Combiner.
We will destroy them!
An Decepticon
I am at your service, Lord Megatron

an former con artist that now works with the Decepticons
I wont tolerate this Autobots!

an Decepticon that used to work for Megatron's Defense Force.
All Hail Megatron

an Decepticon that mostly works for Starscream.
Autobots Scums!
Thundercracker reporting, Lord Megatron

an member of the Wreckers, who like her teammaters can be an a-hole.
Cant you shut your vocal processors for just a minute?!?!
Who the heck are you?

an Cybertronian bounty hunter, collector of endangered species and expert Cybertronian wildlife.
Your head with be a nice piece for my collection
Well well what do we have here

an Decepticon that once served the Defense Force. he's based on his movieverse incarnation.
Autobots, foul Autobots, here we come. Let our long war resume—and let it end here
You, your time has come

An Decepticon and rival of Moonracer.
Just because i'd rather flee than fight, doesnt mean i cant!

an Decepticon condor that works for Soundwave, he's based on his Transformers 3 portrayal
As you wish
What did you told to Witwicky.

Megatron Second in Command, who longs to take command of the Decepticons. he's based on his Movieverse incarnation.
I shall be the leader of the Decepticons!
Sometimes cowards do survive.
What a treat, you and me alone

an Autobot Scientist from Optimus Science Division.
Get inside!
you wanna fight decepticon?
this is an great find!

an member of the Wreckers, who like his teammaters can be an a-hole
Time to destroy some Decepticons!
Shut up Roadbuster.
Come and get me!

an reverse engineered Cybertronian wildlife that serves the Decepticons.
Come and face me you Autobots!

Close medical friend to Ratchet which he spent time with at the medical university at Crystal city. Charasmatic and smart,Pharma uses his medical skills to aide his fellow Autobots in battle.
Don't worry. This won't sting so much
come now Ratchet don't end up going to pieces now.
Death may come for us all but not today on my watch

an artifical Cybertronian created by the Decepticons, used for labor work, but after being treated badly by the cons, she ended up defecting to the Autobots with Arcee, Elita-1 and Knock Out, she can be the calm one of the 4 and is willing to give up her life for the safety of her friends.
Stay there, sister
Why are the Decepticons attacking this place

an member of the Constructicon.
Ironhide, i have been expecting you.

the Decepticon leader and former friend, now arch-enemy of Optimus Prime, who plots to bring Cybertron to his knees and peserve their race, even if it destroying another. he's based on his movieverse incarnation.
Besides, what you would be without me, Prime?
Decepticons! Protect the Pillars
Cybertron you are last

the Autobots' medic, is probably the bravest of them all. He'll risk his life to pull any wounded comrade from the battlefield. Indeed, he did not join Optimus Prime's team to be a soldier; rather, he's there to save lives, and thinks Prime is the best chance the universe has for peace.
His levels are faint.
Optimus, sent this message!
This human is horribly misinformed

Megatron most loyal follower, who was responsable for the cover ups of the Apollo missions on Earth back in the 60s and 70s. he's based on his movieverse incarnation., so no vocoder effect (for now)
Decepticons, Mobilize it is time
Soundwave Superior

the mentor of Optimus Prime and Megatron, who wants to restore peace in his planet, even if it means taking questionable actions, he's based on his Movieverse incarnation.
I bring you Cybertron, your home! and you chose humanity!
In order to ensure our planet survival, a deal had to be made, with Megatron!
I am no longer your teacher Optimus, you are mine.

an Decepticon that once served the Defense Force. who served as the muscle of the team
See, me, I go by one guiding principle—keep it stupid... simple!

Arcee's adopted sister and Starscream adopted daughter.
I've been waiting for this
Lord Megatron, i am here to serve you

an Autobot scientist and inventor, who has a few glitches, mostly an unfortunate tendency to get words wrong. Occasionally he'll even lock himself in a verbal loop
Oooh! This wire needs surveillance—graciousness——maintenance! See? Fun!

an member of the Wreckers, who like his teammaters can be a-holes, he's based on his Movieverse incarnation
The ship? we were never in that ship.
Optimus! we are coming!

the Leader of the Optimus Prime, he was the pacifisit and optistimic leader of the Autobots, always trying to find other ways to end the war, but his view point will eventually fade away, as the war worsens, he's based on his movieverse incarnation.
My Name is Optimus Prime
Autobots, Roll Out!

an former member of the Wreckers, who joined the Decepticons because he held their belief and this caused conflicts with the Wreckers, but eventually Drift would regret his decisions, he's based on his Movieverse incarnation
There is hope, after all
No, thats Optimus Prime
We've been waiting.

the Autobots First Lieutenant, he's based on his movieverse incarnation.
Its Megatron!
You want a piece of me, do you want a piece?!
You mean its old like Ratchet?

an female Autobot scientist and medic, she pretty much prefers to not fight, heck she would prefer for there not to be an war at all, she can be like the mother-hen of the Autobots, one can count always on Moonracer and that she will be there to help anyone if needed.
I am so tired of this war!
Dont worry, everything will be fine

She's among Optimus's close friends along with Megatron and Dion. She works as a student under Dai Atlas who runs one of the Primus temples at Simfur and she's currently looking into being among the Elite Guard. She's also a close confidante to Optimus who she worries about the effects certain situations thrown at him and often prays for him.
Glad to see you've made it Optimus!
Commander Dai Atlas we're always at your service!
Optimus if there's deep secrets on your mind I'm always here to listen.

the All-seeing and All-Hearing guard of the Bifrost, who mistrusts Sentinel Prime and questions his motives, he's based on his MCU portrayal.
Because he is my King. And I’m sworn to obey him.
Be warned, I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as its gatekeeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed and you will be left to die on the cold waste of Jotunheim.

Stoic,stern and powerful,Ultra Magnus officer of the Tyrest Accord uses what his teacher Delta Magnus had taught him and commands those who follow him into conflicts to make sure order is retained. He and Sentinel had a rivalry once and while it's settled,Magnus sometimes questions Sentinel's decisions at times.
Let me handle this right now
It's an honor to meet you SIR. Don't forget to address me like that next time.
Where's your badge solider?

the Autobot scientist and inventor that provides the weaponry to the Autobots, he's one the kindest Autobots out there, he's based on his movieverse incarnation
Bee, i think they're gonna kill us
They're great inventions

former owner of a popular bar in Cybertron, that joined the Autobots when the War broke out.
People don't like me—they just laugh at my jokes. There's a difference.

the king of Asgard and father of Loki and Thor, also an old friend of the Autobot known as Sentinel Prime, he's based on his MCU portrayal.
A wise king never seeks out war, but... he must always be ready for it.
I am Odin, King of Asgard and the protector of the Nine Realms.

the Autobots weapon specialist who used to work for the Decepticons Defense Force, but when the war broke out, Ironhide without thinking twice joined Optimus side and became one of his best friends and most trusted soldiers, he's based on his movie incarnation.
Feelnig Lucky, Punk?
Just kidding, i just wanted to show him my cannons

the Autobots technical specialist and member of the Elite Guard, he's NOT based on his movie counterpart, as i had introduced this version of Hound before his movie self was introduced.
I am Hound, member of the Elite Guard
I'll go and investigate.

an artifical Cybertronian created by the Decepticons, used for labor work, but after being treated badly by the cons, he ended up defecting to the Autobots with Arcee, Elita-1 and Chromia, he's can act as the youngest one of the 4. one thing he's NOT based on his TFP counterpart, so dont try to emulate TFP KO voice
Shut up Decepticon

Brave,rash and a bit cocky,Dion is considered to be somewhat of an outgoing guy and sort of a jokester though make no mistake he uses his bravery to help his friends out including Optimus and Arial
Coming at ya!
If that's your way to being snarky Barricade you have to do better then that.
Eh Optimus I don't think we may have time to do research.

an Decepticons obbessed with the Allspark and the future of their race and the mythical object known as the Tesseract.
I feel the power
Where is the Tesseract

the cold-blooded Decepticons scientist that works for the Decepticons, who influenced his ideologies to Megatron in the early days.
This is illogical

an female Autobot that is adopted hatchling of Starscream and was treated badly by the Decepticons, alongside Chromia, Elita-1 and Knock Out, the 4 ended up defecting to the Autobots, she can be the bad chick of the 4, so its better to not anger her, but she's a good person deep inside.
Arcee reporting, Optimus Prime.
We're locked and loaded
I am here to help

an Decepticon that is always angry and hates everyone.
Its time to end this Optimus!
We're done here, lets move on

Religious follower of Primus and city commander at Simfur,Dai Atlas makes sure the faith in Primus lives on through his people and himself. He has concenrs and doubts at the direction Cybertron is going especially with Sentinel and Megatron.
May Primus watch over all of you.
What is the meaning of this?!
I have concerns about Megatron

Barricade partner, who only speaks in Cybertronian gibberish. he's based on his Movieverse incarnation.
"Cybertronian gibberish"

the former Prime that betrayed the original primes eons ago, who was locked on a inter-dimensional scarcophagus for his actions, he influences Megatron, causing Megatron to take the wrong path and become the tyrant leader he is now. he's based on his movieverse incarnation.
Only a Prime can defeat me, now only one remains
Now i reclaim your sun

an member of the Wreckers and the only one that is not an A-hole.
I've got better things to do tonight than die

the Autobot scout and one of Optimus Prime's most trusted lieutenants., he's also the best friend of Sam Witwicky, Bumblebee cant speak after getting his vocal proccessor damaged, but uses his radio to talk to others, Bumblebee is based on his movie incarnation, but he does speak in the prequels. he speaks with his mature voice from the first TF movie, so dont make him sound like a teenager
I wish to stay here with the boy.
Your no friend, Decepticon
Be carefull

former commander of the Decepticons Defense Force, now one of Optimus Lieutenants.
Prowl reporting for duty
you are under arrest
Public Submissions