Transformers: GR (Audio Series)

Project Overview
Hello, everyone! This casting call is for Transformers: GR. An audio series that takes place in the Generation One universe before the movie takes place. This series will be written, directed and acted through sheer passion of the franchise. The goal of this series is to capture the magic of the Generation One cartoon and make it feel like a modern day episode of the classic show, with love from from the entire franchise sprinkled in, to give every Transformers fan something to enjoy. A pure celebration of the franchise.
We're casting for the voices of the Autobots and Decepticons. To be casted, a good quality microphone is required as well as being at least 15 years old. When the time comes to record your lines, we will go into a live Discord call so that I may give you voice direction. If you are unwilling for me to provide you live voice direction, then this series isn't for you.
All roles are in the English language. Voice actors must be comfortable using the language/vernacular of the time.
This is a non-profit fan creation.
Please leave your Discord usernames with your auditions.
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Wow! 66 voice auditions! I am honored that so many talented people are interested in this series! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Every single character will be casted in 11 days, so be sure to get your auditions in before then.

This version of Optimus Prime is based around his G1 counterpart. Instead of being the stoic leader like modern Optimus, he is much more caring and is more of a father figure.
The reference for his voice should be Peter Cullen's take on the character.
Hang on to your dreams, Chip. The future is built on dreams. Hang on.
On this day, one shall stand and one shall fall.
Just remember, there's a thin line between being a hero, and being a memory.

Bumblebee is the young scout with a golden heart. He is always looking out for his fellow Autobots.
The reference for his voice is Dan Gilvezan, who voiced Bumblebee in Generation One. However, a young voice would fit also.
The Decepticons! They're attacking the power plant!
We can't rush into things Ironhide. We need to plan this out.
You can count on me, Optimus!

Ironhide is a hothead who loves battles. While his arrogance can get him into trouble, he is a very skilled fighter.
The reference for his voice should be Peter Cullen's take on him in Generation One.
Taste Liquid Nitrogen, you Decepti-punks!
I swear Prime, every time I see one of them Decepticons, my circuits sizzle!
I think it's about time we bust us some Decepti-chops.

Hound is a war strategist, and has a smart and serious attitude to him.
We're supposed to be on patrol, not having fun, kid.
It would appear they're repairing the space bridge!
This is getting out of hand. I'm contacting Prime and his team!

Jazz is a relaxed and chill character. He's all about working in style and having fun.
The reference for his voice should be either his voice in Generation One or Troy Baker's performance in Fall of Cybertron.
Cool yourself, Hound. A little music never killed no body.
Decepti-creeps! Straight ahead!
You know what I say? If you don't ride in style, you might as well not ride at all.

Ratchet is the medical officer for the Autobots. Though grumpy, he cares for his fellow Autobots.
The voice reference should be either his Generation One voice, his voice in TF Animated or Transformers Prime. However, you are free to try something new.
Hold on Bumblebee, you're pretty scratched up.
If you would stop wiggling around, I might be able to do my job.
We need to evacuate the civilians! Before there more tragedies.

Wheeljack is an inventor in the Autobots, and is known for his inventions blowing up in his face.
The reference for his voice should be his performance in Generation One.
I present to you, my newest invention! The ShockBlast Canon!
Teletraan One indicates that a surge of energy randomly swept through the Ark.
Ok, I know my latest invention just blew up, but I promise I can get it into a stable condition, Optimus.

Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. He is trying to revive Cybertron, even if that means destroying the Earth.
The reference for his voice should be Frank Welkers performance as the character in Generation One.
It won't be long, until Optimus Prime admits defeat.
Decepticons! Transform and rise up!
You can't stop me, Prime! The Decepticons will destroy you all!

Shockwave is the lead scientist of the Decepticons. He is cold and calculating.
The reference for his voice should be Corey Burton's performance of the character in Generation One.
What is your command, Megatron?
Fear not, Megatron! Cybertron shall remain as you leave it.
The space bridge has been activated, Megatron. I am awaiting your arrival.

Slipstream is a serious member of the Seekers, despite not being able to tolerate them. Especially Starscream.
The reference for his voice should be her performance of the character in TF Animated, however you are free to experiment and give your own take.
You idiot, Starscream! You let the Autobots slip through our fingers!
We shall take the aerial advantage, and cut them off.
I grow tired of the seekers' incompetence.

Thundercracker is a member of the seekers, and seemingly the more rational one.
The reference for his voice should be his performance of the character in Generation One, however you are free to experiment.
This isn't one of your best plans, Screamer.
Skywarp, report! The Autobots have broken through our perimeter.
Starscream what are you doing? This isn't the plan!

Skywarp is a member of the Seekers. He has the unique ability to teleport. While good in a fight, he isn't the brightest.
The reference for his voice should be Frank Welker's performance of the character in Generation One. However, feel to do your own take.
What's wrong? Not equipped to deal with an enemy who can teleport?
You waste more energy with your mouth!
I think Megatron's plan is brilliant. Better than anything you come up with, Screamer.

Grimlock is the leader of the Dinobots and is one of the most powerful in the Autobots. What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in raw power.
The reference for his voice should be his performance of the character in Generation One or Fall of Cybertron.
Me Grimlock no bozo, me Grimlock king!
Grimlock destory puny bug!
Me Grimlock don't need lecture. Me Grimlock smart.

Bombshell is the leader of the Insecticons. He is fierce and the most powerful of any insecticons. He has the ability to plan a cerebro-shell in someone's mind, allowing him to mind control.
The reference for his voice should be his performance in Generation One. However, you are free to do your own take.
With one of my cerebro-shells planted in his brain module, he'd eat nuclear waste if I asked him to.
Insecticons, to me! Prepare to attack!
Poor Grimlock, you're not the smartest one, are you?
The music for the series will be inspired by the music used in Generation One. If you think you can fit the aesthetic, then feel free to audition!
Say something you think would fit
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