Touhou Memories of Phantasm [English Fandub]

Touhou Memories of Phantasm [English Fandub]

Project Overview

Memories of Phantasm is a fan-made animated video series produced by Manpaku Jinja. Videos of this fan anime can be seen on YouTube. If you’re chosen, I will PM you through CCC or another platform such as Discord. Whichever you check more would be preferred.

What we ask of people:

-Please be able to have amino 

-Being active and cooperative

-Staying with us until the series is done if you’re chosen

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rin Kaenbyou

Rin’s voice is higher pitched, but still a normal pitch. She needs some playful energy. :)

  • “Mistress~ We aren’t worried at all~” 


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Suika Ibuki

Suika has a strong and powerful voice. 

  • “Hey tengu, come over hereeee! Rember you said you wouldn’t mind drinking sake?”

    (Drunk, energetic)

  • “If you’re talking about sake there’s as much (say: mush) as you want~”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shou Toramaru

  • “Let’s go, to bring our master back to life into this world again”


Public Submissions

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