TMNT: Out of the Shadows Game Fandub

Project Overview
In this adventure, the Turtles investigate robberies from scientific buildings that have happened all over the city, and try to stop Shredder from creating a weapon that will help him cause chaos. Better hold on to your shells, dudes. I remember playing this game and I LOVED it. So I’m making a fandub of it. There’s no audition for Donnie, though. Sorry, guys. Please note the following:
You can audition for MORE THAN ONE role; however, since it’s a somewhat small cast, I may have one person for each role. We’ll see what happens.
You can either put your audition here OR you can email it to me at goldendonnie[at]gmail[dot]com
If you want to slate (introducing yourself and saying which role your auditioning for) I am cool with that
If you want to audition with a demo reel, that’s cool; however it would be cool to hear what your take on the characters
If you haven’t heard of this game, I STRONGLY suggest that you either play it (it’s on Steam) or watch gameplay on YouTube so that you have an idea about what this game is.
Be courteous of one another’s auditions. Any type of backlash or harmful criticism is prohibited
Have fun with this. This is TMNT we’re talking about here
If you have any questions, you can email me and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I possibly can.
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Latest Updates
The Prelude is up and you can find it here! Chapter One will be uploaded tomorrow!! YAY!!
Wow, it's been a while
Hey everyone. First off, if anyone was wondering, I apologize for being away for a long while. I ended up dealing with some personal issues that lasted for as long as they have. Secondly, I just need any updates on credentials. If you have changed your username and/or made changes online, you can email me all your credentials at goldendonnie[at]gmail[dot]com. I hope you all are having a good day/night, and it's good to be back -
Need Voicelines Very Soon
Hey guys! I've gotten a lot of great voicelines. Thank you so much for that, everyone who sent theirs in. However, I still need the voicelines for Leo, Mikey, and Shredder. Also, if you want to voice extras for Purple Dragons, the Kraang, and others, either message me or email me. Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and I'm excited to hear how the voicelines go. -
*cue air horn blowing* ATTENTION! CAST OF THIS FANDUB! *ahem* It has come to my attention that the Google drive for this project isn’t working well since no one can edit in it 😢 But fear not. I think I know how to fix this: To all the people who have been casted, I would like you to email me at goldendonnie[at]gmail[dot]com (use the @ and the . for the address 😅) with either “TMNT Fandub” or “Booyakasha” in the subject line. That way I can give you the link and permission to edit the drive. Or you can just send me the recordings through email. Whatever works best for you. And a big thank you to OrionMagnus for making me aware of this. -
Hey guys. Thank you for all these great auditions so far ^-^ There’s still time (like five days) so if you still want to audition or know someone who might want to audition, please hurry. I’ve also reviewed a lot of auditions. I will message people whose auditions I enjoyed and see what happens from there.

The oldest of the Turtles and the leader of the team
(to Purple Dragon) Get out of here. (to Turtles) Forget it; it’s a bust (calls April) April, you out there? We’re headed back to the lair; we lost them.
No...but we do swing. We use that crane, we swing into the top, hero style
But it didn’t do him any good in the end. I wish you could’ve seen it, Sensei. Even with all of his fancy technology, he couldn’t beat the four of us fighting together.

(sarcastic) Absolutely, Mikey. Ink is the key to outer toughness. Hey, maybe Don should get one to; get a big heart that says “April”.
So what’s the plan, “fearless leader”? We’re not just gonna knock on the door and say, “Hey, Shred. We just thought we’d swing by and rescue our friend.
(after hearing Donnie talk about the mouser production) That’s very interesting. And I do not mean that.

That smells awesome. PIZZA!
Purple Dragons, aliens, now cops. What’s next? Giant robots?
“Cerberus”? That’s dumb. It doesn’t even look like an aardvark.

The Turtles’ master and father
Trust yourself. You have the strength to make it. Plus if you don’t, I believe the water will put out most of the flames.
What you need is to think. Ask yourself, what are your next steps?
You have done extremely well, my sons. You have persevered against great challenges and hardships. I am proud of you.

And then the’s like Mission: April around here...
Ok. The reports were of armed gangs and a convoy of some kind. We should find out what they’re moving.
He’s gone. He’s building something new. Some weapon out of technology he stole from the Kraang. Now he’s taking a contingent somewhere to get the final pieces.

I have given you much. You swore the Kraang technology would make your weapons invincible. Do NOT let me down.
ENOUGH! I will take care of you myself!
I feel the power! Baxter, you’ve done it!

Sorry. This is the employee train, fellas. We’re gonna have to throw you off.
We should be on the lookout. The Turtles lost our trail, but they know we were moving equipment through the tunnels.
(after being beat by the Turtles) Father will finish you!

Mad scientist and inventor of the mousers. Quite a minor role actually. (That’s a joke from the show)
Right. I have just the thing.
(after being beaten) Look around you. You Turtles haven’t seen the last of me!
(after revealing the Cerberus Mouser) Meet my greatest invention yet: THE CERBERUS MOUSER!!

Just extras for the Purple Dragon gang. I will accept two or three for this role since they’re extras.
Uh...ok. Well, we can’t let anyone interfere with this operation.
Yeah, next rendezvous on Windsor — 8-11 Windsor.
(getting interrogated by Raph) I dunno nothing.

Alien brains in robots who all call each other “Kraang”. I’ll probably have only one person do the Kraang since they all have the same voice.
All those who are not Kraang must cease stealing and destroying property that belongs not to them.
(kinda a duo line)
I have no memory of borrowing 20 monetary units from you.The probability of that being factual approaches zero.
And yet it is still measurable. I have owned you, Kraang.
It is the ones called “Turtles”!

These are just extra like the Foot and the Cop in Chapter 1 of the game
Foot Soldier: Can you tell each other apart without those masks?
Cop: Down at the tattoo joint on Elms Street. There’s something strange going on down here. Send a patrol car.
Foot Soldier: *screaming and running away as a mouser chases him*
Public Submissions