TITANS -- Red Arrow and Tim Drake

Project Overview
Hello, all! This is a self-run fan based audio project set five years after the end of the Teen Titans animated series. We need a Red Arrow and a Tim Drake to finish Episode 4, and to continue with the series.
Please note that you are signing onto a lengthy project if you join (which may include musical bonus episodes), and please know that your character will not be in EVERY audio episode.
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Coming back to Jump City after his emergence as Red Arrow, Roy first meets up with the student of Zatanna and wishes to join T.I.T.A.N.S. However, his appearance is a little...too planned, prompting skepticism in Tempest and Nightwing.
(At this point of his life, Roy isn't the braggart that he was when he went by Speedy. However, he will not back down from a challenge, and is quite confrontational. Please be ready to show confidence and superiority, especially when it comes to Arrowette.)
(Joking) "Nah, you'd get away with Grand Larceny. Easy."
(Confused) "You fight with tanks? Nightwing must have some serious connections."
(Irritated) "Look, I don't know what kind of problem you have with me, Fishstick, but I've changed."

The third young man to take up the mantle of Robin, Tim now lives in Wayne Manor with Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson. Having to get used to saving Gotham's nights by himself, Tim hesitates joining up with T.I.T.A.N.S.
(Please have a note of hesitant confidence in your tone, as Tim is a fledgling leader who is having to pick up the slack after Batman's disappearance. Have fun with this role!)
(Joking) "Oh, don't worry. The robbers got everything in the manor while you were away."
"I just wish Bruce was here, Barbara."
"So what's it like? Being Nightwing's info broker?"
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