The Witch and The Bull - The Audio Motion Adaptation (Comic-Dub)

Project Overview
Hello, my name is Reece Cowan.
I’m the Creator and Director of the Audio Motion Adaptation of The Witch and The Bull.
For those of you who don't know, The Witch and The Bull is a highly popular webtoon created by the astonishingly talented artist, Moonsia. It centers around the adventures of our two main protagonists;
Aro, a powerful witch and the hero of our story, and Tan the Bull (who isn't actually a bull.)
“Audio Motion Adaptation” is essentially a long way of saying “comic dub.”
The key difference being an increased emphasis on using audio, instead of motion, to breathe life into an already thriving story.
Much like a radio drama we will be using music, sound staging, effects, ambiance, and voice acting to further immerse the audience.
How Long is this Project?
This is a one-off. We will be adapting a short story arc ranging between the midpoint of Episode 3 to the midpoint of Episode 4.
From the entering of Tan into the bullfight to his rescue by Aro and their subsequent escape.
However, there will be more projects of this style in the near future. So keep an eye out.
Audition Guidelines:
Please record using an XLR microphone.
Please record in a quiet space free of excess background noise.
You may record up to three takes for each line. Make sure additional takes are distinctly different.
Please record takes in the ABC format. (IE. Line-1_Take-1, Line-2_Take-1. Line-1_Take-2, Line-2_Take-2, etc.)
Do not slate your audition.
Please submit auditions in the .wav file format.
Include the following information in the description of your audition: Email Address, Discord Username.
Getting Casted:
After the deadline has passed all auditions will be reviewed. How long this takes may vary depending on the volume of auditions.
If you have been cast you will be sent an email which will include an invitation to the official Discord Server.
After joining the server you can get to know your fellow cast members.
We will begin the process of scheduling live recording sessions that work with everyone’s busy schedules.
Getting Paid:
Once all of your lines have been recorded your payment will be sent out via PayPal.
Finishing the Project:
After all lines have been submitted it’s simply a matter of waiting.
The project will enter the motion editing stage, followed by the sound design, musical scoring, and final mastering.
Then, wonder of wonders, the final product will be posted online and shared with all of you!
I can’t wait to hear your takes on these wonderful characters.
And don’t forget to have fun!
- Reece Cowan
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Latest Updates
Hello everyone! I am absolutely floored by the number of auditions and the amount of talent that's come with them. It will make a few casting decisions quite difficult! Today is the deadline, so if you want to audition, get them in by the end of the day. Starting tomorrow I will begin making casting decisions, and those of you who are cast will get an email, as well as a Discord invite. I'm excited to start working with you! Good Luck! - Reece C.

Bio: Aro is the owner of the small but popular cafe, Kikiriki. She's been living in the big city for a year at this point. She's made many friends, her best friend being Bex. But she's uneasy, and hides a secret. She later reveals herself as the powerful and dreaded "Constellation Witch" when she saves Tan from the bull-fight.
Character: Aro is confident, fierce and kind. She never hesitates to stand up for what is right, even when it puts herself in harm's way. She has a love for making coffee. She isn't phased by people in power, and doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She won't take shit from anyone.
Voice: Medium Pitch. Young Adult - Adult vocal range. Feminine, mysterious, and confident. Think Esméralda from the Disney rendition of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame."
(Apprehensively) Yeah... Close enough for the blood to splatter right onto us...
(Standing her ground) If that's how it is, then.... SO BE IT!
(In a commanding voice she shouts this powerful word of summoning) DRACO!

Bio: Tan is (or was) the Royal Advisor to his childhood friend and King of the country, Deo. He's the brains of the operation, and essentially runs the kingdom. He is not shy about expressing his distrust of the Witch population, even after two years of peace following a war with the Witches.
Character: Tan is handsome and he knows it. He loves food, and doesn't mind abusing his royal status to get what he wants. He also seems to take pleasure in finding ways to tread on the Witch population. He's arrogantly suave when trying to interact with women, but cowardly when faced with real danger. He's more or less a handsome, arrogant asshole.
Voice: Medium-Low Baritone. Primarily masculine with a touch of the femininity that comes with the posh, royal lifestyle. Think the voice of Disney's Hercules (adult) if he had grown up on Mt. Olympus chilling in luxury with the other gods instead of in poverty on Earth.
I got brought to the arena? ...Shit! This is serious...
(Indignant) Raging my ass... I'm defenseless!
(Whimpery scream as Mega Mustache leaps toward him) HOLY SHIT! (frantically running) HELP! Someone Please...! HEEELP! I'm not a bull! I'm a human!

Bio: Not much is known about the crowd favorite, Mega Mustache. But what we do know is he's the 99 year old champion of the bull-fighting ring. Legend has it he was born with a full mustache.
Character: Confident in his fighting skills. He only cares about the fight. He's not afraid to fight anyone.
Voice: Mid-Low Chest Voice. His voice has aged gracefully with a Spanish (Spain) accent. Think Rider from Fate Zero (English dub,) but with a weathered Spanish accent.
(Stern, with warning) Anyone who chooses to interfere with the game... Becomes my enemy as well!
(Lowly) I do not wish to kill you, (now fiercely as he springs to action) but you leave me no choice!
(on the attack) Yaaaah!! (startled) Hm?!

Bio: Draco is one of the magical beings that Aro can summon using her powers as the Constellation Witch.
Character: Draco is a summoned being, and while he does call Aro "master," they seem to have an old friendship and mutual respect. Draco caries himself like you'd expect a magical being made of stars would. But he also seems far too fond of Humans as a delicacy.
Voice: Regal with the munchies. The voice for this character could go many ways, so show me what you've got.
(emerging from the stars) I have awaited this moment for so long!
(licking his lips in anticipation) And you prepared a human feast for me? I'm flattered with joy!

Bio: Bex is Aro's best friend. At this point in the story not much is known about her beyond that.
Character: She's very extroverted. Enjoys a good bull-fight. She's very supportive of her friend, even when she doesn't fully understand what's going on all of the time.
Voice: Mid-range vocals. High energy.
(Excited) These are good seats right?
(In awe) The bowstring and the arrow just appeared in her hands!
Character: They're the energetic announcer for the popular bull-fights.
Voice: Any voice, male, female, young-adult or old could work for this. As long as it's high energy, enthusiastic, and a real crowd pleaser.
(Amping up the crowd) On the left side is the 99-year-old... Mega Mustache!
(With regal enthusiasm) FIGHT!
(Yelling at the fight) Hey! go back to your seat lady!
[Various Crowd Sounds: *Cheering* *Laughing* *Screaming in Terror*]
Just a lady in the crowd.
(Yelling at the fight) Yeah! You're ruining the game!
[Various Crowd Sounds: *Cheering* *Laughing* *Screaming in Terror*]
Just a bored lady in the crowd.
(Bored, annoyed) Is she one of those... What's it called? .... Vegans?
[Various Crowd Sounds: *Cheering* *Laughing* *Screaming in Terror*]
(Screaming in terror) RUN!
[Various Crowd Sounds: *Cheering* *Laughing* *Screaming in Terror*]
(Screaming in terror) GET ME OUTTA HERE!
[Various Crowd Sounds: *Cheering* *Laughing* *Screaming in Terror*]
One of two guards that try to get Tan the Bull into the ring, (with much effort.)
[Various effort sounds: *oomf* *hhnngg* *woah!* etc...]
One of two guards that try to get Tan the Bull into the ring (with much effort.)
[Various effort sounds: *oomf* *hhnngg* *woah!* etc...]
Public Submissions