The Universal Artists

The Universal Artists

Project Overview

The Universal Artists is a cartoon group created by Mirabel Lynn Wieland and was formed in 2023 to replace The Data Crew after Alexander Mortensen's outing and firing. The group consists of Jennifer Wieland-Thompson, Jordan Goodrich, Michael Lawrence, Lily Wieland, Rei Saito, Lynn Wilson, as well as former Data Crew members Paul J Peterson, Quin Landgrabb, Naomi Perkins, Phillop M. T. Parker IV, Talya Carpenter, and Georgina Kane.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor(and actresses)

We need voices for several characters in the series, all characters except for Rei Saito are American, so we would need an actress who can voice a Japanese character and can say some Japanese language phrases throughout the series, as well as voices for the following characters: 

  1. Jordan Goodrich 

  2. Michael Lawrence

  3. Lily Wieland

  4. Lynn Wilson

  • english
  • japanese
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • female young adult
  • japanese
  • american
  • adult
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • audacity
  • adobe audition
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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