The Siren's Crew

Project Overview
My name is Matt, 22 years old and the creator of this project.
I had this idea in my mind for some time, turning the adventures of some of my original characters into a web-series, or just having fun with mini comics.
The story is still being written, and many more characters to be added, so if you don't see a character you like/or all characters are take, stick around here, or message me personally and I'll notify you of open spots.
Hopefully we'll have a great time working on this and thanks for your interest already.
Some requirements for this casting call
- Decent mic, please as little background noise.
- I don't accept auditions from minors. As this project has a lot of adult themes, including some NSFW
- If you get the role, be respectful to the other members.
- Auditioning for more than one role is allowed, but you will be casted for a maximum of 3 roles.
- Must have Discord.
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Anne is the captain of the crew, so her voice carries leadership and confidence. She is very flirtatious, so a smooth sounding voice would be preferred, she is in her late twenties though can sound a bit more mature than she is.
As a Siren, Anne is a wonderful singer, so we are looking for that too.
My name is Captain Anne Lee. Call me Lee, most people do. And I must say, you really know a way to a pirate's heart, buying drinks on the first meeting.
(Smug, somewhat posh)
Slow down love, everything will reveal itself when the time comes.*Insert a song to show your singing qualities, the song may be of your choosing.*

Anne's best friend since childhood, and fellow half-siren. Joan is the first mate on the ship, therefore needs to show some form of strength in her voice. Though she is a bit of a goofball, the knows to be serious when needed. She is very laid back and easy to get along with. Her personality is as fiery as her red hair.
As a Siren, Joan loves to sing, so take this into consideration when auditioning.
(Stern and serious) So, you come here, hide away on this ship, eat our rations, and then DARE ask us for help? (Very casual) Okay, what do you need? I'm sure one of us can help you.
Alright then! Anne gave me command for the day, so you all know what that means...
TAVERN CRAWL!!!*Show a bit of your singing capabilities.*

John is one of the more powerful in the crew, having angelic blood running through him. I am looking for a more gruff, gravelly, low voice for him, he is often quite blunt and stoic, though has a soft and caring undertone. It just rarely comes out.
Phoenix! That's enough.(Concerned)
Are you sure you're fine. You took a nasty hit back there.(Blunt)
If you can't handle this, you're not made for life at sea.

Phoenix is perhaps the most powerful of the crew, the most unstable for certain, she is hot headed and lashes out easy.
For voice, a lower monotone voice would work, plus something that just sounds annoyed 24/7
Out of my way pipsqueak(Angry)
Fuck off!(Threatening)
You're gonna regret that punk!

Lieutenant Natasha Ace is a very stoic and direct woman. She rarely shows emotion.
From her speech it becomes apparent that she is well read, and her knowledge of technology exceeds many of the crew. Even having built her own cybernetic arm.
For her voice I seek something without a lot of emotion, and a stern, direct tone.
Excuse my intrusion, but it would seem that we have company, we should prepare to fight off the incoming fleet.(Stoic, with a hint of intrigue)
And who might you be to think that you can join our crew? What are your capabilities?(Calm)
The blueprints of my cybernetic arm is one of my own creation, though together with Delilah and Malign, we have been able to perfect it.

Von Durien is a stern woman, though does have the best for everyone in mind and shows some compassion when it is asked for, though it is hard for people to win her over.
Her voice should be sophisticated and with pride, yet caring at times.
Baroness Sophie von Durien. But only speak to me with my title, calling me by my other names is a right you have to earn.(Polite)
While I appreciate your offer to help, I take great pride in the work I do, therefor prefer to have no one get in my way.(Caring)
No need to worry, we all have our styles here, I am sure you will be able to find something that will suit you. You can go over to Grace, she will help you with your clothing.

Grace is one of two teens in the crew. She is very bubbly and joyful, though is a massive trouble maker. She is under the protection of the Baroness mainly, and became quite reckless because of it.
Her voice is a bit higher, and loves to be sarcastic and teasing.
Grace is one of the crew members that loves singing.
Oh, you're in trouble now... You mess with one us, you get all of us on your ass.(Excited, Bubbly)
Of course I can help you! We have something for everyone, and if not. We can make it.*Sing something*

Venturian is a devil, though holds a position of respect, in contradiction of his fellow devils in the crew. He is the one that often keeps them in check. He is very well read and likes to spend his time with a good book.
He has a very posh personality, but can be quite modest, only using his title on formal occasions. His voice should represent this high-standard he holds for himself.
Here, this should help you on your mission, though I must warn you once again to be careful with it. We have experienced what happens if you do not use it correctly.(Friendly)
Just Venturian is fine, I usually only use my title for more formal occasions.(Deep in thought)
If I can somehow imbue the energy of the runes Tove uses and apply them to these blades, we would be just that much more powerful. Though I would need to be able to extract the energy somehow...

Tiana is a calm and quiet fairy, she is not shy per se, just rarely speaks, unless necessary or spoken to. Though she makes up for this silence with her courage and observation skills.
She is soft-spoken, has a soothing voice, but can shout out when needed.
Something is not right here, I'll go on a head to scout.(Softspoken)
Me? I do believe they have their purpose, though I detect a tremble in their voice, a sign of uncertainty.(As a warning)
Arrows at our 3 o'clock incoming!

Jade is a hothead, she has a short temper and is usually the one that starts a fight. Whether it is with enemies, or with the other crew members. She doesn't show a lot of emotion other than annoyance and anger.
Her voice is quite monotone, and deeper than average. Something that continuously sounds done with everything.
I'm Jade, from an ancient secret civilization. And no, I'm not telling you any more.(Threatening)
If you touch me or any of the others again, I will kick your ass so fucking hard they'll be able to pick your spine out of your mouth one piece at a fucking time...(Annoyed)
Just fuck off.

Brienne seems to be the most innocent of the crew, having a positive attitude towards basically anything and anyone. She is seen as the little sister by everyone in the crew, with the exception of Draggo, who she fell in love with and now is in a relationship.
Her Voice is soft and nice, though has a peculiar undertone, I imagine her voice being similar to that of Luna in the Harry Potter series.
But any other ideas are greatly welcomed.
Oh? A bounty? May I have it, then I can add it to the scores.(Casual)
Oh, many have died where we went. Phoenix really is something powerful, she is like an older sister, but much, much more violent.(Loving)
Care to go to the beach for a picnic, Draggo, my dear?

Draggo is the tallest, mainly because of his draconic lineage, though he is also the gentlest.
His appearance may very well be the opposite of his personality. Draggo is caring and will protect anyone in need like a litter of puppies.
Alright pal, I've had enough of you interrupting. So would you just fuck off and mind your own business.(Concerned)
You've have done far too much, you need a break.(Soft, loving)
Is there anything I can get you Brienne?

Lucien is a vampire, though has mastered to control his thirst. He is not the most social, mostly staying inside or below deck.
He is very polite, but never shows much emotion and his stature can be quite posh.
His voice should show he comes from nobility, but not in a way that he thinks himself better than others.
I was cursed almost a millennia ago, and in that time I had found ways to suppress my thirst for human blood. I am able to go weeks without drinking. But I am lucky to have these fine people that are willing to sacrifice some blood of theirs to avoid me going into a frenzy.(Slightly chuckling)
I do not envy the living one bit. The heat, the emotions. I have no worries for them. I am in a constant feeling of cold, unfeeling. Neither happy nor sorrowful. However I do experience certain other Sins; Wrath, Greed, and Pride and so forth. But Envy? No, not the mortals.(Warning)
It would be unwise to try and stop me, I have not fed in quite some time, and I am parched.

Ulvar as a child was enhanced by a group of alchemists that gave him superior physical abilities, like strength, dexterity, and durability.
He is a fairly serious guy and does not laugh a whole lot.
His voice is deeper and does not contain a lot of emotions.
Tracks are fresh, the beast went trough here only a few days ago. three at the maximum.(Threatening)
I'd stop where you are right now. You don't want to know what happens if we cross swords.(Calm)
It's been some time since we had some good meat. Robin, Kirian. Care to join my hunt?

Yui is a ghost. She died many years ago in a blizzard. She is curious to all things she finds pretty. Even having a collection of frozen humanoids in her home.
If you could have an echo filter for her that would be amazing, though if not, it can be worked with.
Her voice is soft and can sound innocent at times. She doesn't have a Japanese accent, but a light one would be preferred.
You are so young and beautiful, yet, also full of knowledge(Casual)
Oh, I have seen many beautiful faces. Many I have frozen to keep in my collection.(Timid)
I often go into my mist form to go around and look at beautiful faces. Many would see my spectral form will flee in fear.

Lea is very cocky, full of himself, and slightly narcissistic. Though helps out when needed on the ship. He loves getting into trouble and often brags of his misdoings to bait people to attack him. So he can make his fabulous escape.
His voice is on the mid-low range.
Oh come on, you really took on a bounty and didn't ask for the bonus. Tsk, tsk, now that's just lazy.(Cocky)
What? You think you're gonna be able to catch me? Pfft. Go ahead and try.(Curious)
Wait, you seem familiar. Have I threatened you before?

Gorthdan is a Half-Orc, he is quite friendly, though can be fairly oblivious at times.
He has a lower voice, but always sounds friendly.
Gorthdan is one of the crew that likes to sing.
I'm usually that person who has no idea what's going on(Happy)
Well this calls for a feast! I'll go get my lute.Show some singing if you want

Tove is the biggest prankster out of the bunch, perhaps this is of his devilish heritage. But he always makes sure that the receiver of the jokes are okay and that there are no hard feelings.
He's a joyful guy, who usually is the lead of a group outing, though is nice enough to let others have the spotlight when it comes to it.
Tove likes to sing as well
Fist fighting CAN be romantic!(Calming)
Geez, don't be such a baby about it, it was just a prank.*Sing a bit*

Cerdic is like the older brother. He treats everyone with respect and protects when needed. But he takes great pleasure in teasing others. Having a great prank-war with Tove.
He can be a bit aloof, but he does know when he needs to keep his head in the game when it is asked of him.
Cedric is one of the members that likes to sing
(Farily casual)
Alright bud, why don't you drop that thing and we can talk like civil folk?(Teasing)
Seems like someone's getting eyes from the tavern maid.Sing something

Kirian is a very polite guy, though can be a bit awkward. He is cursed to transform into an animal when his emotions get too out of hand, though he has controlled this curse to some extend. But can go rogue if he is poked the wrong way.
Oh, we've met. Just before I was a silverback gorilla. Sorry about hurling that branch at you by the way.(Awkward)
Eh, I usually just swing around the ship, other than that, I don't do much for fun.(Thinking)
I don't think we've ever had such a problem before...

Allyson is a serial romantic, she finds pleasure in teasing and flirting. To the point that some of the crew have to step in when she gets a bit too forward. Though she respects boundaries when clearly given.
Allyson is a member that sings
Have we met, I could've sworn I slept with you once.. We haven't? Would you like to?(Slightly judging.)
Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?Let's hear a bit of your singing

Emelia is a cold woman, and not just in a literal sense. She is strict, and usually gets what she wants by manipulating others. She has little remorse to her opponents, not hesitating to suck them dry with her blood manipulation.
Darling, I would say you're exactly what I need, but I am not a liar. So if you would kindly get out of my way and never speak to me again on this matter.(Calm)
Scarrmy, Mei, darlings. Would you be so kind to prepare our opponents for their exsanguination?(Manipulative)
My dear, you may have just a mere small cut on your cheek, but I can pull out all your blood, that is, unless you give me what I want.

Mei is quick-witted and quite sarcastic. She's always curious about new things, and loves to cause trouble with her fellow crew mates.
Oh wow, you got cool magicy stuff. But I have knives!(Clearly up to something)
Oh yeah, You should totally give that snake to Tove, he loves those things.(Cheeky)
What? You want this? And what will you give me for it?

Delilah is quite flirty, though unlike Allyson, she's a bit more selective. And she knows boundaries better.
Though she is fairly quick to pick out those she would like to charm.
Well, hi there. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. May I treat you to a drink?(Confident)
Of course I can handle it, I may not be the strongest here, but you got to give me a bit more faith.(Direct)
Okay, so how about this; You, me upstairs, ten minutes?

Ray is an undead, former servant of a necromancer that recently freed himself from the grasp of his master.
His time there left him secluded and anti-social, though the crew tries to get him more involved, it's hard to get through his shell.
(Monotone, cold)
I'm reading, could you not talk to me...(Casual)
Yes, I am dead. Sort of. I have no pulse, no blood flow, no breath. But I am still standing, and you won't be able to change that.(Lazily)
Sure, one moment, I'll summon your skeletons in a bit.

Katherine is very excitable, and very in tune with her mischievous, childish side. She's very playful and optimistic.
Hi! I'm Katherine and this is the crew! Yes, we may be criminals, and we don't always get along, but were one big happy family!(Tired)
Phew... I'm pooped. Imma head down and take a nap. See ya!Sing a bit

Jasmine is very mature, and carries a lot of decency and manners due to her noble background. Though in her time with the crew, she has grown to become more shameless and flirtatious.
She is one of the members that sings
You see, I am a sand specialist, able to manipulate even the tiniest grains. Quite useful when you spend a lot of time on beaches.(Decent)
All in due time, for now we have other matters to attend to. We shall meet again.Show a bit of your singing

Mariah can be quite cold at times, she is very selective in the people she keeps up with. Though unlike the other rude people in the crew, Mariah likes to think about her actions before striking.
Just because you can do something that we can't, doesn't mean you are better.(Thinking things through)
Alright, we have the engines, fuel, all the levers and buttons work as they should. What else...(Judging)
That's all you got?

Darganian may share elven DNA, his personality is far closer to his other half. A stubborn, greedy, short tempered dwarf.
So what I am short? I can still kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back.(Grumbling)
You interrupted my drink for this?(Greedy)
You don't lay a hand on my stuff while I'm gone you hear!

Meriel is basically the mother of the group, being kind and caring. Plus taking care of wounds as the main healer.
Meriel does not sing a lot, and usually just to calm others with a lullaby.
(Soft and calm)
Got in a fight again huh? Come, let's see the damage.(Kind)
Sure I can help, whatever can I do for you.Sing something soft.

A cursed elven species that was banished to the mystic realms. This trapped background made Scarrmy secretive and not eager to share much he has.
I... don't think my story is a first conversation subject.(Defensive)
Just because I am a banished, doesn't mean I am guilty.(Scared)
Uhm, we got trouble!

Morgan is the newest and youngest member of the crew. They were mostly adopted by the chaotic Cedric, Tove, Kirian, and Allyson. They're still working on their confidence, but they have grown to trust the crew. Though nothing beats the bond they have with his six animal companions.
(Unsure of themselves)
They saved me and my friends form the water. I may not be able to do much, but I do whatever I can.(Awkward)
I... don't really know anything about that.(Trying to be intimidating, but scared.)
Don't hurt them! You'll pay if you even pull one hair out.

Mia is a junky, she is also the alchemist of the crew. She is arrogant and maybe a bit too careless.
Want a smoke, I got some stuff that makes you hallucinate without having a headache after.(Angry)
Dude! Are you mad? If you dropped that the entire ship would've blown up!(Arrogant)
You do realize who you're talking to right? I'm a member of the Siren Crew, you don't wanna piss me off.
We will probably need some extra's. Just have fun with this.
And if you want to be an understudy to a role that has been taken, just let know what character you want to understudy for
Just do some improv, or leave your demo reel.
To start with the mini comics, we would need some artists that are able to make line art for quotes and mini comics.
Any art you may send me as examples.
Say something you think would fit
To write stories and mini comics, writers are needed. We will work together to make smal bits of lines to get to know the characters and work on the main story aspects.
Say something you think would fit
We need people that can edit the audio over the art for everything.
Let me know your experience, and preferably with some examples of previous works
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions