The Select [Minecraft Cinematic Roleplay]
Project Overview
Hey, how's it going? I'm Josh from Starlight Stories, a Youtube channel dedicated to making next level Minecraft Roleplays and we need your help. Yes, you! We need to bring life into these characters and you're the only one that can do that. So, pick a character or characters and have fun! Good Luck!
The Select is about a group of 4, Jack, Laura, Blake and Mckayla and they are known as hunters of dark magic. All their lives they've followed every order of The Council out of fear. But once, they've learned magic, the same thing that caused their pain could be used to avenge what they've lost. They decide it's time to put matters into their own hands and this is the beginning of their new journey.
➤ The spells are based from Latin so that's how it should be pronounced.
And don't worry too much about it. I'll teach you how to properly pronounce the spells if you're having trouble.
➤ Also you must have a Discord.
➤ The photos are just reference to what the characters should look like, not an exact photo but the inspiration of how the character looks. It's main purpose is to help you visualize the character you're auditioning for.
➤ We will be picking the actors the day after the deadline to ensure that other people still have a chance of auditioning.
Anyways, hope you have fun auditioning and Good Luck!
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Jack is one of the members of The Select (The hunters of dark magic). He is arguably the strongest out of all of them and they call him The Lion. He's around the age of 21 and he has a fairly deep voice. He's usually chill and casual.
Have fun and Good Luck!
It’s about time.
I’ll go ahead and find our little Fox. You guys catch up.
*casting a spell* Lacus Galvanae Magicus

Laura is one of the members of The Select (The hunters of dark magic). They call her The Fox and she's a master of the dark arts and illusion. She's around the age of 19-20 and she has a pretty casual voice, not too high or deep. She is also quite angsty.
Have fun and Good Luck!
You bet I am.
You guys want to fix this mess with dark magic? I know I’m all about that, but no! That’s just gonna make it worse..
*casting a spell* Revelare

Blake is one of the members of The Select (The hunters of dark magic). They call him The Owl, He's also the smartest among the group. He's around 23 and he's fairly mature. He's the most adult out of all of them and he often keeps the group from falling apart. He has a deep casual voice.
Have fun and Good Luck!
Quit it. Just focus on the spell. Jack, how’s your part going?
Just surrender! Magic can be used not just for evil. It's not too late.
*casting a spell* Deflexia

Mckayla is one of the members of The Select (The hunters of dark magic). She is the youngest and still in training, they call her the Raven. She's 18 and she is the nicest and sweetest among them. She is also the least confident among her friends.
Have fun and Good Luck!
What if I mess it up?
Let’s just get this over with.
*casting a spell* Vivifica Optimosa Obsterrepat

Lynx, used to be one of the most powerful witches back in her day but something happened that changed everything. Because of that, her heart is filled with revenge against The Council. She is very feisty and has attitude.
Have fun and Good Luck!
You’re turning back now? You said this would be the night that changes everything and that is exactly what’s gonna happen. You, Mckayla Vaylin will show those girls who they’re messing with.
*casting a spell* Ignus

Sabrina is the mother of Laura. She is the leader of their coven and is evil in nature, She's around 40 but still looks and sounds like she is on her late 20s. She speaks similarly to her daughter, very angsty.
Have fun and Good Luck!
You even brought friends? Oh, how you’ve changed my darling daughter.
Ouch! That hurt but I promise you when we’re done reversing whatever they did to you, you will gladly come back to us.
Sorry Sweetie. *casting a spell* Somnum

Master Nyle, is the strongest member of The Council. She is also the wisest. She is quite ambitious and she is willing to do everything to get there. She is one of the antagonists. She is quite old but because of magic she's managed to stay youthful (around 25).
Have fun and Good Luck!
There, you’re free to leave if you want to. But you’ll be throwing away the chance to learn more about magic. It is a shame. After all, we only want you to reach your highest potential as a member of The Select.
*casting a spell* Inrita

Master Hiro is a member of The Council. He is also an antagonist. He's strong but nothing compared to Master Nyle. He's retained the age of 21. He usually speaks a lot and could be quite annoying to the other council members.
Have fun and Good Luck!
Mr. Blake Strauss. I know you have plenty of questions and you’ll get the answers to them if you do exactly what we want.
Oh it is and if I remember correctly which I do, you failed and you paid the price with your friend’s lives.

Master Vyn is a member of The Council. He is also an antagonist. He's unlike Master Hiro, who doesn't talk much but prefer to do action. He is quite intimidating when he speaks. He is around 28. He has the oldest physical form compared to the other members of The Council.
Have fun and Good Luck!
Don’t compare me to Hiro. He is nothing compared to me. I am Master Vyn and I will show you the true power of a council member.
*intimidating* Do not ever underestimate me!

Axel is one of the highest ranking witch soldier of The Secret Society. He is loyal to the cause and The Council. He also is seems like a nice guy but deep inside he is evil. His voice is casual and deep.
Have fun and Good Luck!
Laura, what are you doing here? The Council is looking for you and your friends. If you go in you’ll never get out alive.
I knew it. Even when we were still together, you’ve always liked each other but I tried to let it go. I was even willing to let you two run… but not this time. This time, you’ll rot together.
*casting a spell* Phytonissam Mortale

Finn was a member of the former Select. He was the Lion back in his day. Even though he's the strongest, he has the kindest and purest heart.
Have fun and Good Luck!
I’m not leaving her side! But if this is the only way, then I will be back as soon as I can.
I’m not here to fight but I will if there’s no other choice.
*casting a spell* Lacus Galvanae Magicus

Calypso 'Cali' was a member of The Select and she was The Raven. Her healing was magic was considered legendary, she was arguably the strongest member of The Select back in her day. She has a sweet voice but she knows when to get serious.
Have fun and Good Luck!
I’ll take it from here Finn. I promise, she will be okay.
*starts crying* No! No! No! *gets angry* They will pay for this. They will pay!
*casting a spell* Accantus

Tera was the youngest member of the former Select. She was known as The Fox. Like Laura, she wasn't always among the good ones, she was supposed to be a queen of a dark coven but her friends saved her and since then she's made sure to punish the users of dark magic. She's around 17 or 18.
Have fun and Good Luck!
I was born ready.
When I heard from Cali that you came to my old home, I figured you’d need me, so here I am. Now, let’s go save her.
*casting a spell* Permutatio

Oliver 'Oli' was the Owl back in the old Select. He was wise and they turn to him for advice and he is more than happy to help. He has a deeper voice than the others. He speaks quite maturely
Have fun and Good Luck!
There is only one way you can get it without both of you getting yourselves killed and disrupting the energy of the forest. All you need to do is--
Enough talk! *casting a spell* Rigescunt Indutae

Kyle is a dark witch and a member of Sabrina's coven. He is exactly evil, he was just born on the wrong side and because of that he's grown to believe that their magic is the only way. Thus, making him very stern about their beliefs and he is willing to do anything for their coven. His voice is somewhat deep and casual.
Laura, we have to go. The coven is your only family, I am your only family. They will never accept you for who you truly are but I do.
*casting a spell* Igni
Public Submissions