The Rescue Mission: A Toontown Movie

Project Overview
In the world of Toontown, the Cogs are invading, and Flippy has been captured! Can Skipper, the incompetent leader of the Resistance Rangers, and his friends save Flippy?
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The incompetent leader of the Resistance Rangers.
Wow, Flippy! I didn’t know your friend was a hibachi chef!
We have a mystery to solve, lady and gents!
I guess I left my candle at home today. Could have sworn I had it; oh well.

The brains of the group.
Oh no, it’s Sunday!
Okay, so we have three Cog buildings on Elm Street. Let’s split these up into groups.
All right, now that that’s settled, let’s go fight some Cogs, yeah?

The snarky, logical side of the group.
Who’s playing that?! It’s probably copyrighted!
Oh, sure, let’s just jump in a hole in the ground. We’re saved! Yeah, no, I’m not getting broken bones today.
Do we really have to stop in the middle of an emergency for a snack break?

The ill-tempered powerhouse of the group.
Why would you light TNT inside of a closed box!? Are you trying to kill us!?
That was way too close. I do not want to fight the law again.
Let's do it! Put 'em up, you traitorous little—

The happy-go-lucky mayor with a dark side.
I need somewhere to put my swimming pool.
Actually, yeah. That works. There's a mystery in Sellbot HQ, and I need you to solve it!
(groaning) Did anyone catch the number of that kart?

The cynical Resistance Ranger itching for the spotlight.
Really? I’m intrigued, I hope you actually do have proof.
You take that back right now, or I swear on my life, I’m gonna make you wish you hadn’t said that.
That doesn’t matter. You have violated the law; pay the Toon Council a fine or serve your sentence.

The big boss of the Bossbots.
So, let me get this straight. You disagreed with our earlier proposal because you only get 50% of Toontown after we take over?
Waiters! Is something the matter? Get to serving our drinks already! I'm not paying you to stand around and admire the scenery.

The Chief Justice of the Lawbots.
All right, what’s on the docket today… ah, we have Toons on trial! Prosecution, state your case.

A Cog looking to secure negotiations.
We are here to cement our deal. Your agreement is mandatory.
That is an idiotic thing to do.
A stage hand trying to do their job.
You’re on in five minutes, Skipper. What’s the matter?
Hey, so I gotta get back to the mixer console. Somebody seems to have slept on the job, but I wish you the best of luck!

A defendant for Toon justice.
These Toons are innocent! And I have the evidence to prove their… uh… not-guilt!
Hey! I had to train for a whole cream pie for that!

A senile old shopkeeper.
Hi! Have you, by chance, seen these toons?
Did you say something? I think my hearing aid is broken.
A conglomerate of Toons/Resistance Rangers in the background.
Flippy! Speak to me, bud!
(suspicious) Every Toon laughs at Flippy’s juggling… it’s what he’s known for.
(crying) Don’t go into the light, Flippy!
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