The Newfounders

Project Overview

Hello there! Thank you so much for taking interest in my project!

The Newfounders is a web animated series that utilizes a mix of frame-by-frame animation and tweening, also known as PMV animation, depending on the scene. Please read this document before you submit your audition: please read!

This project is 13+ and contains subjects that may be triggering to some viewers. All trigger warnings are listed in the document.

In this world, cats act adjacent to humans, with nations full of magnificent architecture and technology. One of these nations, however, is ruled by an unsavory queen who thirsts for domination; and little does the world know, she took down and imprisoned her own twin sister in order to criminally achieve this position. Her thirst for power has begun seeping into other nations, as she tore through Xartin and took their territory for thier own. Now she has a new target: Visionary Nation.

As a kid, Amethyst's heart was always elsewhere. She didn't want to settle for the quiet life her village held. She wanted to change the world. And so, what was once a far away dream, became a reality as she worked together with her girlfriend Orchid to create Visionary Nation. Visionary Nation is a nation full of people tired of tyrranical governments, tired of lifetime debts, tired of societal norms. They have found their escape, working towards a well-kept and harmonious nation for all.

But how can we forget the people who made this possible? No, it wasn't just Amethyst and Orchid. Oceanus and their intensive knowledge in architecture was the first to seek refuge in, and help to physically bring forth, this project. With continuous help from a couple more newcomers, Cotton and Spike, things couldn't be better. People were moving in and thriving. Countless organizations stepped in and offered supplies and services. Did it involve a lot of debt? Perhaps. But The Newfounders always pursue.

That is at least what they hoped. Can they face the looming threat of the Queen, or will they be destroyed for good? What have Spike, Oceanus, and Cotton gone through to have this project be their final hope? Tune in and find out.

Want to see content of the series so far? Here are a couple of links!

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

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  • Regarding Deadlines

    Hi guys! Please ignore whatever deadline is listed, I can't see extras and animators closing unless this project gets flooded with people! So feel free to always audition for being an animator or extra, or, any roles that are still open! :)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lady Theta



She should not have a super high-pitched voice.

Traits: extroverted, judgy, leaderly, ambitious, determined, blunt, confident, and caring.

Want to know more? Here you go!

Amethyst is an extremely determined and ambitious person. After all, she and Orchid's sheer determination lead to the creation of Visionary Nation. They are extremely confident and not a lot of things will ever damage the core of who she is. She is very leaderly and makes the calls for The Newfounders. This, however, makes them sometimes seem bossy and she doesn't always hear everyone out. They can be quick to judge someone's character as well, and they are quite deadset on her views of people. Orchid loves her dearly, however, and the two have an extremely loving and balanced relationship. Amethyst is a very caring individual, and though she can be blunt and brash at times, there is no question for how much she cares for the wellbeing of her friends and Visionary Nation residents, though tensions rise between them and another Newfounder... She despises unfairness and unfair governments. They have a lot of care for strangers they may never know, as this was her reason for creating Visionary Nation with Orchid in the first place.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Demigirl
  • animation/character
  • adult
  • animation
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • any
  • “I’m afraid you have another car repair customer, my love. Don’t worry, I’ll get Spike to bring something back. It’s about time he was more useful around here.” (Loving, playful, sassy)

  • “And may I ask, where are your disguises?” (Slightly annoyed)

  • “HEY! What in HELL is the meaning of this?” (VERY angry)


All role information can be found here! Please check the document out and apply on the Google Form here. Applying on castling call club is for the voice actors only, it is much easier for the other roles to apply on the Google Form! Please note there is no deadline for applying for any animator roles and you can be excepted quickly :)

  • english
Other info:
  • firealpaca
  • krita
  • clip studio paint
  • procreate
  • adobe photoshop
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Sm00thmilkTheMeep

PLEASE NOTE: please only apply for Orchid if you are 18+! This is because the VA of Amethyst is on the older side (23-28 age range) and they're a couple. Since this show involves cats and is for an audience of 13+, Amethyst and Orchid are only only shown to be romantic, so I think 18 would be old enough for this role!

Headcanon voice: Perfuma from She-Ra (2018)



Age: 19

Her voice can be a little high compared to other girls, but not too high

Traits: hard-worker, extremely empathetic, very kind, people pleaser, puts others before herself to an extreme level, observant, and introverted. She has a playful side around Amethyst, and this side generally comes out the closer you are with her and the smaller the group

Want more information? Here you go!

Orchid can be summarized as the caretaker of the Newfounders. She is extremely empathetic and kindhearted and always looks out for those around her. She tries her best to help out and feels saddened and very discouraged when she can't and when things go wrong. Oftentimes she can be so empathetic that she does not leave time for herself. Orchid is extremely loving towards her partner, Amethyst, and the two work well with eachother, brighting up eachother's lives. Orchid is also extremely inventive and along with Oceanus works through the mroe technical side of things. She loves creating different inventions and loves performing creative activities.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • female adult
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • any
  • “YESS! My third perfect job! Thank you so much, Oceanus!” (Excited and happy)

  • “I understand, Oceanus, you’re hungry! You can just say so! *laughs* Anyways, I will gladly prepare something instead!” (Gentle)

  • “Your Queen has become so sour! She used to act like a completely different person! Can you really trust her to stay consistent with any decision that she makes?” (Firm and frustrated)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite



Age: 18

Please only apply for Oceanus if you are autistic, as they are! Their voice is a little bit more monotone than the others.

Traits: Workaholic, intelligent, wordy, introverted, cautious, caring, thoughtful, and secretive

Want to know more? Here you go!

Oceanus is an extremely hard worker - without them, Visionary Nation could not have come to fruition. On the daily, Oceanus is dedicated to the lifestyle of leading Visionary Nation, and they often prefer to work and spend time by themself, as this is where they are most productive. Despite being rather solitary, they care deeply for their friends and want the best for all The Newfounders, and think deeply and intelligently about how the group faces challenges. Oceanus is also autistic, which affects them in a multitude of ways. They talk in a very wordy, often blunt way and are easily overwhelmed sensory wise. The Newfounders have become accustomed to the way Oceanus talks and how their autism affects them, and Oceanus also has had therapy to help them generally feel better, along with being able to communicate better with others. Oceanus being "different" unfortunately gave them an extremely tough childhood, as they were often bullied and lacked friends (this is what a lot of their playlist is about). Oceanus also adores delving into and hyperfixating on different media and subjects in their free time. Their main struggle is burying their feelings down and being secretive, along with overworking themself.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • androgynous
  • neutral
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • any
  • “I often perform all nighters. And I wasn’t utilizing my body as intensely as you all were, dancing and prancing and such.” (straightforward)

  • “Cotton, I advise that you be careful with those claws! We do not desire scratch marks on our humble abode” (Mildly concerned)

  • “Dwelling on the subject of work, I contain a stack of mail, including strongly worded letters from Calseas, that are necessary to address. For this abundance of work, however, I require some food. Could you contact Spike to bring some back? I acknowledge that perhaps he is busy, but the thought of continuing work-” (Straightforward and a little nervous)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Star



Age: 19

Spike should not have a super deep or scratchy voice.

Traits: he has a shell that comes off as cold, distrusting, negative, and blunt to most. He is very thoughtful, desiring to think things through before acting; he is also very passionate about what he believes in. For those he deeply trusts, his shell is less severe, and he is protective, caring, and cautious towards them.

Want to know more? Here you go!

To most, Spike presents himself as an irritable, quippy guy. He can be cold, and very secretive and distrusting. This shell gets less intense the closer he is with someone, and he can have very fun times with The Newfounders (most of the time involving partying). Around his best friend, Cotton, he is very caring, playful, and protective -- he considers her the sister he never had, and Cotton considers him the brother she never had. Spike also deeply cares about Oceanus. Oftentimes, however, he can struggle at being social, being too harsh and blunt. He is extremely secretive, the only one he has truly opened up to being Cotton. He goes through a lot of hardship and struggles with his mental health throughout the series.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • adult
  • any
  • “I find it really inappropriate that you literally carried us without our permission.” (Annoyed)

  • “Aww, Oceanus, not even my seasoned claw marks? They'd make some good decorations.” (Teasing and a little cold)

  • "I CAN'T LOSE SOMEONE ELSE! Please, you're one of my oldest friends…you can't be torn into bloody pieces, you…we’ll lose…" (in agony, emotional)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Le💕🥰



Age: 15

Her voice can be pretty high, but not extremely high. She has ADHD, so please only apply if you're neurodivergent!

Traits: She is energetic, excitable, stubborn, impulsive, confident, fun-loving, optimistic, and emotional

Want to know more? Here you go!

Cotton is an extremely energetic and excitable person - she can see the wonder in everything and is fascinated by the world in front of her. Like Amethyst, she is ambitious to create change in the world, and is extremely stubborn, never giving up easily. She adores fun times (to the point where if nothing is happening, she gets very bored) and is a very optimistic person. However, when push comes to shove, she is very emotional, and especially tends to express anger. Cotton cares deeply about The Newfounders, especially her best friend Spike. She can be quite emotionally intelligent at times and seeks to impress and recieve approval from every Newfounder. She also has ADHD, which contributes to her excitability and energy. Consequently, this leads her to not be able to focus well at all on monotonous tasks that she is not interested in, and at times, for her emotions to control her more than she controls them.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • any
  • “THIS NATION IS THE BEST! They love us, and they PARTY CONSTANTLY!” (Very excited)

  • “Ughh, not only is it overpriced, but the wait time is this bad? Not to mention we had to end training early!” (Annoyed)


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Arielle Skye



Age: 63

She is an old gal, so she should have an older voice. Her voice is gentle, but she should have the ability to make it raspy and intimidating. She is the former queen of Calseas, overthrown by her sister, Rivulas.

Notes: her voice is needed in season 1, but not further seasons.

Want to know more? Here you go!

Emeraldis's core traits are her wisdom and humor. She has always desired to preserve peace and create the best conditions for everyone in Calseas. She is charming and humorous, easily being liked by most of The Newfounders. However, she can be oblivious to social cues, as she did not have a social life at all for the longest time. She also never desired to be Queen, and being in this role made her miserable. Due to unforseen events in her life, she suffered from misery and loneliness for a long time, that is until she met Cinnamon, and then The Newfounders.

Voice description:
  • female senior
  • female adult
  • any
  • animation
  • adult
  • animation/character
  • “I hope you're right. I mean, I'm sure afraid. Seems like if I walk out alone I'm bound to lose my head. Sighs I've been cramped here for so long…” (Solemn, which now changes to excitement) "we're going to Visionary Nation, right? I've been super excited to visit after hearing the news Cinnamon has brought to me about it! I think Rivulas is just waiting for the right time to off me, so…it's time I escape! I’ve needed some more people to be able to cover for me, and finally, they have come!”

  • “My diet consists mostly of those dreaded things.” (Playful)

  • “Hey! That's no way to talk to a queen.” (Playful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Dreamy Sheep



Age: 63

She is Emeraldis' identical twin sister who overthrew her reign, and the main villain. She should have an old sounding voice and should be able to sound extremely angry and threatening, along with being raspy and intimidating. She talks rather slowly and threateningly.

Notes: her voice will be needed for season 2, but not 3. She should be able to do a younger voice (teenage) too, for one episode (if this cannot be done, we can find a separate voice actor!)

Traits: Cold, demanding, has a hot temper, power-hungry, intimidating, violent, manipulative, and selfish

Want more info? Here you go!

Rivulas is a cruel, horrible person who simply wants to see the world burn. She has a believe that every being is corrupt and selfish and she wants it to all be destroyed. She doesn't care if she acts that way too - it doesn't matter, in her eyes. She adores having control and manipulating her Nation. She loves no one, not even herself, and chose evil rather than address the pain inside her. She is an extremely formidable enemy, with armies following her every word and training that makes her a vicious enemy in battle.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female senior
  • any
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • adult
  • “right. And what would that entail? A couple more shocks to our prisoners? *Laughs* Go ahead. Give them here.” (Cold)

  • “I can see your bloodied claws. You caused quite the scene, huh, dear? Now why would you go and do that?” (Condescending)

  • “Oh, you think she's the only one who would get on my nerves? We need bait, and I'd end up killing at least half of these prisoners if I treated them with justice. One day we will dispose of them.” (Cold)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Trans female

Age: 32

Any voice, but not a super high pitched one. She will appear in all three seasons, but less as the seasons go on

Traits: Charming, kind, humorous, fun-loving, encouraging, and motherly

Want to know more? Here you go!

Cinnamon is a very caring, playful, and motherly person. She and Emeraldis get along like two peas in a pod, and Emeraldis thinks of Cinnamon as the daughter she never had. Cinnamon adores having fun and joking around, but that doesn't dictate her maturity. While stressful, she can be serious and thoughtful when need be.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • any
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • “why? Sorry I'm just…really lost. Why are you here?” (Confused)

  • “I'm not gonna do anything…very smart of you to be suspicious of people here, though. There are some real jerks.” (Casual and a bit playful at the end)

  • “Emeraldis and I'd be happy to join too! I was top of the fishing club in college, believe it or not.” (Casual). *Speaking in a mock country accent* “Unexpected of a city gal like me.” (Playful)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: TheMemeist



Age: 16

He appears mostly in season 2 and further! He has a limited role in season 1.

Traits: Their personality is still being developed, but from what we see of him, he is beginning to become fed up with Rivulas’ manipulation. They follow her orders out of fear of their life, but slowly becomes more rebellious and angry

Sun image used: credit

Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • Demiguy
  • any
  • animation
  • “w-well, I’m trying to perfect them, Your Highness. We wouldn’t want them malfunctioning, would we?” (Afraid)

  • “Did you see the new invention I made? It’s an instrument in the shape of a frog!” (Unused test quote, excited)

  • “I’ve had about enough of this…” (Unused test quote, frustrated)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Mart

Fierce/head officer


Age: adult (25-45)

Deeper, scratchy voice

Traits: threatening, full of himself, harsh, power-hungry. He is the head general, a prestigious and powerful position under the Queen of Calseas.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • adult
  • any
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • “do you know what Queen Emeraldis does to misbehaving ones like you?” (Threatening)

  • “if you have a home left to come back to. You are bait. Bait for your precious Newfounders. Once we eliminate them, we'll figure out what to do with you Visionary Nation people, along with the things left behind.” (Threatening)

  • "enough with this backtalk, kid. I know that you’re skilled in the sciences and cooking and all that. Fetch me the elixir." (Mildly annoyed)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lis<3



Age: adult (25-45)

Not a super high-pitched voice, and she has very little lines. Does not appear later in the season

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation
  • adult
  • any
  • animation/character
  • “you think I won't fight for myself?” (Angry and exhausted)

  • “yes, sir…” (Terrified)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: PonyboyVA



Age: 31

Only appears in one episode, with quite a few lines.

Traits: condescending, manipulative; he’s an awful father

Image credit: credit

  • english
Voice description:
  • any
  • male adult
  • adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • “there is such a thing as retirement, young one. I always plan to be by your side.” (kindly)

  • “And why is that? What queenly traits does she have?” (Casual, but condescending)

  • “She talks behind your back, you know. I've read her journal. The things she's said about you.” (Condescending)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Star



Age: 35 (at the start of episode, there are time jumps)

She only appears in one episode, but with a lot of lines.

Traits: entitled, condescending, cold, vengeful, awful mother

Image credit: credit

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • any
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • adult
  • "We can just let one of the servants name the other" (tired and careless).

  • "what are you doing? Get down from there, you idiot! I've had enough of your preposterous behavior!" (Furious)

  • “you need to have more self-worth, Emeraldis” (cold)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Rivulas [SIDE CHARACTER]

She (only as a kid) and Emeraldis have a British accent! Please reference the Rivulas page for extra information! This is her but as 9 years old for one episode! 


Age: 9

Traits: impulsive, extremely playful, cheerful

Only appears in one episode, at least so far. Her voice shouldn't be very intimidating, as she's only a kid here!

  • afrikaans
Voice description:
  • female child
  • any
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • “if you admit that you took so long that you might as well be the loser!” (playful)

  • “either way, I'm reading this book!” (insistent and happy)

  • “I'm sorry! It was an accident! I was just having too much fun and got carried away…” (crying)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Child Emeraldis [SIDE CHARACTER]

She has a British accent! For more information, please reference Emeraldis's page!


Age: 9

Traits: cheerful, optimistic, playful

Only appears in one episode

  • english
Voice description:
  • any
  • female child
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • “wait, Rivulas! Please! Mom and dad told me that book was only for me and not to let you touch it!” (Terrified)

  • “come on, Rivulas, having claws out is dangerous! OW! *Laughs*” (Playful)

  • “well, she's so epically fun, and she's awesome, and she's just so cool!” (Cheerfully)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Episodes 1-4 have 25 extras. 2 must be male, 4 must be female, and the rest can be any gender!

Image credit: Credit

  • english
Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • adult
  • female senior
  • any
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • neutral
  • male young adult
  • female young adult
  • "I present…the group of young people who strive to change the world around us…THE NEWFOUNDERS!" (Upbeat)

  • "t's okay, I'll just see for myself. I’m in a hurry, if I don’t make it by three then I’ll surely lose my job and with no Calseas unemployment benefits thenmaygodhavenmercyonmysou---" (rambling, anxious, interrupted)

  • "we are NOT SHEEP! And it's Queen, Queen EMERALDIS, not Rivoolas or whatever stupid name you said!" (angry)


Public Submissions

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