The Mask: Part 2
Project Overview
This project makes no sense.
The Mask (UNRELATED TO THE JIM CARREY MOVIE) is an semi-original YouTube choose your own adventure series (think like In Space with Markiplier), we have some original characters and some wacky characters that are from all types of series (we just picked some kinda randomly). Anyways we have part 1 already completed, and it's completely available to watch if you would like to understand this project better! You may have to watch in YouTube not through the embed thing if the choices don't show up.
The project is mostly goofy, with only a few "serious" scenes, with most of those being in Part 2, so don't take it too seriously, we're just having fun here!
Also important to note is that the quality of part 2 is going to be much higher than part 1, also much much longer, about 2-3 times longer actually. I've been forced to include that the Paint 3D sections of early part 1 DO NOT reflect the top of our capabilities, and has been labeled as a "style choice", and there will be no Paint 3D sections in part 2.
We don't really have any strict guidelines or rules, except that we hope you are fairly easy to reach over the span a few weeks or have specific times in which we can reach you! We aren't professionals by any means and honestly we don't even have all of the lines written or scenes planned out, so please bear with us as we create this project and feel free to do slight improvisation if you feel it will contribute to the project, again, we're just having fun.
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We need someone who can impersonate Bugs Bunny, preferably from The Looney Tunes show (, here's a reference clip really anything like that would be perfect.
You don't have to be spot on, as long as it's close enough thats good by us! Really just as long as you can tell it's probably Bugs Bunny.
This is a very important character, so you will likely have a fair amount of lines.
- english
- male adult
- male teen
- bronx
- brooklyn
- animation
- animation/character
- voice match
*Say something you think would fit*

Yeah you read that right, it's Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead, I told you we just picked characters at random.
We are looking for someone who can do something at least mildly close to Rick Grimes, it really doesn't have to be perfect, actually if it's funny that might be better. You may need to swear/use profanity and aggression, so be wary of that, and if you really don't want to, we can spare the profanity. Also you will be acting like a coach in a way, training some characters and leading them towards their goal.
This is a kinda important character, but really only shows up for one story beat, so likely a mild amount of lines here.
- english
- male adult
- male young adult
- american (southern)
- animation/character
(Stern) "Huh, well if you're here I guess plan A failed then, damn."
(Commanding/Angry) "You two have a long way to go before you can even think about getting out of here!"
Just anything popular Rick Grimes line please (we ran out of ideas).

An actual original character. A high ranking member of the Mask Foundation, a reality bending organization dedicated to monitoring, distributing, and helping users of the mask across their side of the multiverse by sending "Ba- members" to use their quirky little powers alongside the Mask user. This one however, has just gotten out of a tragic story between him and his user, before being cast into a wacky adventure with the main cast.
This character is a bit of a trickster, with his ability being able to hide/change the identity of whoever he chooses, and change his own identity as well. He jokes around a fair amount, so we are looking for a more laid back voice, with a twinge of suspicion, as if he is hiding something. Any kinda voice really works but preferably we're looking for a more adult male voice, however we are willing to pick whatever we think sounds best.
Honestly just get wacky with it we aren't picky.
This is a fairly important role, appearing for most of one of the routes, so a pretty good amount of lines for this guy.
- english
- androgynous
- male adult
- female adult
- neutral
- animation/character
(Sad(like in despair really sad)) "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I don't know how to move on without you... i'm so sorry.."
(Mischievous/Evil) "HaHAHA now you will finally see why they call me BAITON SWITCHTON!!!"
(In pain/Angry) "How... how did you know... everything was perfect... it's impossible"
Ok so this one is a bit interesting, and more of a backup in a way. As you may see in Part 1 the videos are mostly just still images being moved around. However as a part of our hope to increase quality, we are hoping for someone to make art/ emotions/ poses for some characters. Now what those are specifically we are unsure, but it likely isn't much.
We are willing to even get multiple people on board to help us, and we don't have any money so sorry...
ALSO, you may possibly need to replicate art styles, so if you have a skill in that it would help us greatly!
And for the last time I'll repeat that we're just having fun, so really anyone who can draw is good for us!
(you will be credited of course)
- english
*Say something you think would fit*
Public Submissions