The Little Mermaid of Aquatica

Project Overview
Follow the adventures of Atlanta in this brand new musical by author Alys Roman based off of the Hans Christian Anderson fairytale "The Little Mermaid". Currently we're looking for singers and voice actors to voice the characters in the first ever pilot of the musical! We'd love to have you under the sea!
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Atlanta is the main character of the show and she sings the majority of the songs. She is overly optimistic and hopeful with your classic "princess" voice. She has a vocal range of mezzo to soprano.
- Mezzo to Soprano
- music
- female teen
- female young adult
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theate

Prince Kai is the love interest of the show. He's your classic dreamy Broadway tenor and should have a voice to suit it.
- tenor
- male young adult
- male teen
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Mira is the sea witch and villain of the musical. She has your typical silky female villain voice with hints of seductress. With this role you're free to add in whatever riffs and opt ups you want! Go crazy!
- female teen
- mezzo soprano
- female adult
- Soprano
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Caspian is a sailor and Kai's best friend. He like Kai has a typical dreamy tenor voice although his voice is more classic and jazzier than Kai's.
- tenor
- male teen
- male young adult
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

April is engaged to Kai although her heart truly belongs to Caspian. For her voice think Meg from Hercules, she's a strong heroine but not an over-the-top princess.
- female teen
- female young adult
- mezzo soprano
- Soprano
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Coral is a secondary character and the oldest sister of Atlanta. She's overprotective of her younger sisters and sings mainly alto harmony.
- female young adult
- female teen
- Alto
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Shelly is a secondary character and the middle of Atlanta's sisters. She sings mainly mezzo soprano harmony.
- female teen
- mezzo soprano
- female young adult
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Angelfish is a secondary character and the youngest of Atlanta's sisters. She sings mainly soprano melody.
- female young adult
- female teen
- Soprano
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater

Pearl is Atlanta's best friend. Although she's a main character, she doesn't sing much except for a few verses in the opening and closing number. She's still very important to the show though!
- female teen
- Alto
- Soprano
- mezzo soprano
- female child
Send in a 30 to 60 second clip of you singing any song, preferably Disney or musical theater
Public Submissions