The Last Wish Audio Book

Project Overview
I'm a big Witcher fan, and I really want more people to get into the books. Much like allot of people in the west or outside of Poland, I discovered the white haired monster slayer, through CD Projekt Red's Witcher game series. So i'm making a audio book of The Last Wish, and the rest of the books if we get allot of good reception. I've provided a list of key characters, and lines to deliver. Also note, anyone voicing Geralt, don't imitate Doug Cockle, I want a new take on the character or someone willing to try something different with the character. If you're a fan like myself, feel free to provide a voice.
*UPDATE* Auditions will continue throughout December and January. Since everyone will be enjoying the holidays, I increased the deadline.
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The White Wolf, The Butcher Of Blavikin, The Witcher.
"No one, I'm here by accident."
"I'm not in the habit of lying."
"Practically nothing."
"That there are fewer and fewer monsters"
"One has to admit you can answer questions without using many words. It'll be interesting how you manage the next one. Who paid you to deal with me?"
"You're not lying by any chance?"
"And what are you in the habit of doing? I've heard about witchers - they abduct tiny children whom they feed with magic herbs. The ones who survive become witchers themselves, sorcerers with inhuman powers. They're taught to kill, and all human feelings and reactions are trained out of them. They're turned into monsters in order to kill other monsters. I've heard it said it's high time someone started hunting witchers, as there are fewer and fewer monsters and more and more witchers. Do you have some partridge before it's completely cold."
"Why don't you say anything?"
"How much of the rumors about you witchers is true?"

Poet, bard, drunk, womanizer, and Geralt's best friend.
Excerpt from The Lady Of The Lake
'We set off from Brokilon on a deranged mission,' he began slowly. 'Taking a lunatic risk, we launched ourselves on an insane quest for a mirage without the slightest chance of success. A quest for a phantom, a daydream, an absolutely impossible ideal. We set off in pursuit like idiots, like madmen. But I didn't utter a word of complaint, Geralt. I didn't call you a madman. I didn't ridicule you. For you had hope and love in you. You were being guided by them on this reckless mission. I was too, as a matter of fact. But I've caught up with the mirage, and I was lucky enough that the dream came true. My mission is over. I've found what is so difficult to find. And I intend to keep it. Is that insanity? It would be insanity to give it up and let it slip through my fingers.'

Yennefer, sorceress, and the love of Geralt.
Quote from Blood Of Elves
"The earth which we tread. The fire which does not go out within it. The water from which all life is born and without which life is not possible. The air we breathe. It is enough to stretch out one's hand to master them, to subjugate them. Magic is everywhere. It is in air, in water, in earth and in fire. And it is behind the door which the Conjunction of the Spheres has closed on us. From there, from behind the closed door, magic sometimes extends its hand to us. For us. You know that, don't you? You have already felt the touch of that magic, the touch of the hand from behind that door. That touch filled you with fear. Such a touch fills everyone with fear. Because there is Chaos and Order, Good and Evil in all of us. But it is possible and necessary to control it. This has to be learnt. And you will learn it, Ciri."
"True Evil, Geralt, is something you can barely imagine, even if you believe nothing can still surprise you. And sometimes True Evil seizes you by the throat and demands that you choose between it and another, slightly lesser, Evil."

Calanthe Fiona Riannon of Cintra, known also as the "Lioness of Cintra" and "Ard Rhena" ("High Queen" in Elder Speech), was a queen of Cintra, the mother of Pavetta, and grandmother of Ciri. Her nephew, Crach an Craite, called her "Modron". She was known for her bravery and beauty.
"The fate is cruel. We are not in a fairytale anymore, we are discussing the matters of life, life that is evil, bad, and unforgiving, the life that does not spare anyone, neither the witchers nor kings or queens."

Foltest, The King Of Temeria. A king who has a job for "The White Wolf".
"A Witcher from Rivia,"
"What made your hair so gray? Magic? I can see that you are not old. That was a joke. Say nothing. You've had a fair amount of experience, I dare presume?"
"I have known that for a long time. How, Witcher? Oh, of course, I forgot. Your code of practice. All right. I will make one small comment. Several witchers have been seen here already. Velerad, you have told him? Good. So I know your specialty is to kill, rather than reverse spells. This isn't an option. If one hair falls from my daughter's head, your head will be on the block. That is all. Ostrit, Lord Segelen, stay and give him all the information he requires. Witchers ask allot of questions. Feed him and let him stay in the palace. He is not to drift from tavern to tavern."

Duny The Urcheon, a strange man who has come for his one a true love.
"Thank you," said the newcomer. "But i'm unable to suffer the accusation of lacking respect, so I explain that it is a matter of a knight's vows. I am not allowed to reveal my face before midnight strikes."
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