The Last Guardian ( Gacha life Series )
Project Overview
This series is about a Guardian Angel who Wants to restore her world before the high council destroys all magic, so she goes on a quest to gather people, ( This is a series ) Make sure to join our Discord for more information: Or check out our YouTube
uwu you can contact me from discord, Angelic_Chip#1238
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I felt like pushing the date to the 15th because it gives everyone more time.
The Deadline is being pushed towards august 11th.
I'm adding more characters to give a lot of people chances to audition for The last Guardian auditions are not closing until august 11th, so Audition while you can :) ~ Chip

Harold, head Guard of the high council, Tough.
1.“Ma’am have you seen a Blue haired girl?“
2.“No?, Alright thanks for the information.“
3.“That pest is getting on my nerves!”

1.“Kira, I’m just gonna head out, see you tonight.”
2. “Let her go now!”
3. “Oh hello, my name is Vanessa, what’s yours?“

Best friend of Vanessa.
1. “Vanessa!, are you alright?”
2. “ When you stop by the market can you get some fresh fruits?”
3. “ Hey Vanessa, can you train me to be as strong as you are?”

great at making swords.
1. "The dang high council witch won't allow anyone to use magic!"
2. "I wonder if there's any magic left..."

1. "Owen!, don't call me a baby!"
2. "I may be weak, but I can be strong!"

Apprentice Guard.
1. "Johann, Quit being a big baby!"
2. "Harold is going to be mad at us if we don't catch the girl!"

Violet creates Technology for people to use.
1. ”The guards are on patrol again.”
2. “We have to get out of here now!”
3. “Shhh, they can hear us.”

Apart of the High council
1. " Harold!, have you captured the girl yet?"
2. " I asked you to capture her!, instead you played pity and ran off."
3. "If you see a girl with blue hair, report to the high council."

Prince Norman is the 8th prince of Wisteria.
1. "Where's Madam Arrow?"
2. "Can I at least check on the towns folk?"
3. "Looks like I have to sneak out again..."

1. "Norman, I can help you sneak out."
2. "Nobody really knows that I'm the traitor."
3. "The high council is up to something that may lead this world to destruction."

1. "Alright, I'll go get watermelon."
2. "Did I succeed the potion?"
3. "I may be a noob at being a witch but I still try my best."

1. "Roy calm down!, these people are acquaintances."
2. "They said they are against the high council too."
3. "The names Jack."

apart of the high council, a strong person.
1. "Madam Alice, are you sure we should keep the kings son locked up in his room?"
2. "I heard they were collecting people to form an army."
2. "But madam Alice!- Alright, I'll send guards."

1. "Leave this forest now!"
2. "Oh its just you jack.."
3. "I thought you were some random - wait, who are those people with you?!"

Calm witch.
1. "Remember to add the frog eyes before the spider legs."
2. "Rachel, Job well done!"
3. "Remember to get the watermelon for dinner."

1. "My dear Vanessa ..Please.. Remember to smile."
2. "Stay away from her!"
Public Submissions