The Lancaster Leak: Entity Exam - Horror Video game

The Lancaster Leak: Entity Exam - Horror Video game

Project Overview

This is the 3rd game of the series I am making called The Lancaster Leak which has been played by 10s of thousands and viewed by millions on youtube. Check out the games here on Steam. Please play or watch the previous 2 games to get a gist of this series and how analog horror is used.

Popular youtube videos.

This game, "Entity Exam", is a 2D text-based horror game where the player views an outdated FBI training & exam protocol. Lessons are filled with various obscure training exercises such as face detection, audio transcription, and, of course, entity detection. This is similar to games like Fear Assessment.

This is where you come in, the game has various sections or "lessons" that I need help with content. Please note that in each role I will detail which section you will be helping with. Currently, there are 6 sections:

  1. Face Detection

  2. Doppelganger Detection

  3. Agent Situation Training

  4. Quick Image Recognition,

  5. Audio Transcription

  6. Entity Detection

    I only created 1 role per category but I will be selecting multiple people per role. Please include a discord or email for me to contact you. This is unpaid because the game is free-to-play, however, you will be listed in the credits + optional social media link embedded in game. I will start picking out people to help out ASAP so don't delay your audition till the deadline!

    IMPORTANT: In your audition please mention which section(s) you would like to help out with. You may audition for multiple roles and help with multiple sections.

    Note: I am in the most need of pictures (the "artist" role). I will be selecting quite a few of these roles, possibly 10+ depending on need and CCC interest.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor - Creepy, Monster, and Human Audio

Agent Situation Training:

This will be more of a traditional voice actor role. You will be an agent, along with some other voice actors, to create an audio recording of the death of some agents from an entity after not following protocol. Multiple voice actors are needed.

Audio Transcription:
Some entities are known to imitate human voices. Players will need to identify if the voice is that of an entity or human in addition to typing what they heard. In this section, I will need some voice actors with plain human lines, but also some edited and creepy lines. Please note in your audition if you can use audio software to edit your voice into something creepy, disturbing, hard to hear, distorted etc.


Various voice-acting roles may need to be filled on a need basis.

Audition: Please do the audio lines below for the section(s) you are interested in. Add links to previous work.

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • male child
  • male teen
  • male young adult
  • baby
  • female child
  • male adult
  • child
  • female adult
  • female senior
  • male senior
  • Agent Situation Training: Improve some FBI agent talk in a stressful situtation.

  • Audio Transcription: Say any sentence in a clear monotone voice

  • Audio Transcription: Use audio software to create creepy, disturbing, hard to hear, distorted or etc voice acting line.

Artist/Photographer/Photo Editor/AI Content Creator - Creepy Photos

IMPORTANT: This role you will help find or create images used in the game. It is important that you only provide me with copywriter-free material or material you create yourself with photo editing.

AI: The use of AI is allowed, and even encouraged. HOWEVER. You must ensure you are only using generation models that have been trained with copywrite-free material or licensed material. Many 3rd party sites will use an API of a model. If you use a 3rd party site, ensure the model is trained from copywrite-free material.

Some AI for example you can use:

2. NightCafe (Example of 3rd party that uses dalle)

General style note: Most content should tend to be realistic looking. Don't worry if some things are out of place, the analog horror filter can help mesh things together.

Face Detection:

Agents must be able to detect faces quickly, especially in shadows in case it is an entity. In this section, I need images that go from tame to very creepy. Players will have a limited amount of time to find the face(s) in the picture to pass the lesson.

Doppelganger Dectection:
This specific type of entity mimics humans. It is important for agents to be able to tell apart humans from doppelgangers. In this section will need many normal human headshots, some distorted creepy headshots (the doppelganger), and some that are on the line (hard to tell). This section, Dall-e is a great tool to create these images, both normal human headshots, and creepy doppelgangers. Some photo editing skills may be useful to create doppelgangers.

Quick Image Recognition:
Fast reactions are important for agents. Players, given a brief flash of an image, will have to quickly determine if it's a friend or foe. In this section, I will need plain everyday images and creepy/monster/offputting images. This also is a great section that Dall-e can help with.

Entity Detection:

Players will be given a lesson on different types of entities with accompanying images of them. I will need 4-6 images of each type of entity. You are free to make up your own entity and get images of it by any means, AI, real photograph, photo editing, etc. Writers, or you if you want, will then create the lore regarding the entity. If you need inspiration I can pair you up with a writer so that you can make images based on the writer's entity.

Audition: Link to previous work, or affirmation you are willing to learn photo editing, AI content generation, etc.
Note: The bar of entry for this role will be low and I encourage you to audition!

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer - Creepy Audio

Audio Transcription:

Some entities are known to imitate human voices. Players will need to identify if the voice is that of an entity or human in addition to typing what they heard. In this section, I will need audio engineers to edit and create creepy lines. You can use yourself as a voice actor or I can provide one.

Audition: Links to previous work, or affirmation you are willing to learn a software like Audacity to create what's needed.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Writer - Entities

Entity Detection:

Agents are quizzed on entities, the cryptids/monsters of the Lancaster Leak. Currently in the series we have seen Wendigo and Knuckle Walkers, but there are many more. Given some monster images, and a writing framework, you will help create lore about entities. If you like SCPs or creepypastas this would be a good fit. 

Agent Situation Training:
I may need some help writing a script for some parts.

Other - Editing:

General grammar and proofreading.

Other - General:

I may need general writing assistance along the way.

Audition: Please send links to portfolio, previous work, etc

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Video Editor
Video Editor
Video editor/Filmer: Creepy Videos

Situation Training:
There will be a video segment (horror short) where either the agents or civilians will encounter a entity. Must be filmed in a found footage-type way, like Blair Witch. You can create your script for the horror short 1 minute or less or I can help find a writer.

Doppelganger Detection:
There was a very cool short video trend based off the Mandela catalog. See reference
Although this section will mostly be pictured based, where the player picks out the doppelganger out of a few images, having a training video before this with something like the reference video would be pretty cool. More details when I reach out.

Audition: Please link portfolio/previous work.

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Producer - Creepy Videos

See the video editor role. Added this role for searching visibility. 

  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 1
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 2
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 3
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 4
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 5
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 6
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Voice Actor 7
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Writer and Content 2
  • *Say something you think would fit*


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