The High School Clichés{A Minecraft Cinematic Project}

The High School Clichés{A Minecraft Cinematic Project}

Project Overview

Once you've auditioned, please keep an eye out on ccc because if you are casted, I will be private messaging you! If you do not fit the requirements below , please do not audition! It wastes the members of Phoenix Wings Productions' time. Requirements are listed below!

(This should not be something I have to say but the studio has received submissions for casting that do not follow our requirements to be a voice actor, designer, set builder, etc.)


Welcome back East Shore students. It's that time of the year again, the time of the year you all dread. But from what I hear, not all of my loyal readers are nervous about returning. Meet Evangelina Sawyer, the reigning Queen of East Shores High. Evangelina is loved by all of her fellow East Shore Sharks, but will that change when her little sister, Ashlee, pulls up? My guess, nothing will get better until everything gets much, much worse. Everyone has their enemies, and all who want to stay at the top has to watch their backs for traitors in their kingdoms. But if Queen E is watching her own back, then who's watching Ashlee's? Will Queen Evangelina lose her crown and throne to her little sister after three years and during her last few months? Or will Ashlee fall flat on her face trying to impersonate her older sister? Guess you'll have to read all about it later. Hugs and Kisses. ~ Drama Queen <3

Please state what you'd like to be called, your age, Discord Username (ex. SilverPhoenixLuv#5147), and your timezone (EST, PST, etc.)


- Must Be 13+

- Must Own A Decent Mic(Ex. Blue Yeti) {NO headphones/earbuds/airpods}

- Must Have & Be An Active Member of Discord!!!!(This is my primary communication with all of my voice actors so please please please check your notifications from myself or on the studio's server)

- Little to Zero Background Noise

- Lines Must Be Turned In 200% ON TIME!!!!!

How Many Episodes? - 1 Season, 10-12 Episodes

Please Feel Free to DM me with Any Questions/Concerns on Discord @ SilverPhoenixLuv#5147

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ashlee Sawyer
Role assigned to: mxlk_tea

Age: 14

Nickname(s): Ash

Clique: Formerly of the Outsiders, Triple A’s

Height: 5’1

Hair Color: Dark Blue, Dark Purple, Dark Red Ombre

Eye Color: Dark Cyan

Family: Evangelina Sawyer, Audrey Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer

Pet(s): None

Crush: Scott Miltondotter

Personality: Typically Shy, Sweet, Kind, Lovable; Can Be Mean, Rude, Ruthless, Sassy

  • [Relieved] Same, I’ve been trying not to eat our homework assignment this entire time. *laughs* [Passive] I’m Ashlee by the way.

  • [Fake Apologetic] Sorry, we don’t have time. [Rude] Well, that’s not true, we just don’t have time to talk to you.

  • [Sleepy] How and why are you so cheerful this morning? Summer’s officially over, remember?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Evelyn Hester
Role assigned to: KeelinVoices

Age: 17

Nickname(s): Eve

Clique: Triple E’s

Height: 5’4

Hair Color: Dark Purple, Blonde Ombre

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Family: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: None

Personality: Smart, Talented, Evangelina's Right-Hand-Girl

  • [Happy] Evangelina! I’m so happy to see you again! I couldn’t figure out which bag to bring, so I brought both!

  • [Frustrated] No, a C is worse than an A and-[Just Done] you know what? It’s just not even worth it trying to explain this to you.

  • [Amazed] Wow! Evangelina! You look amazing! Oh, wait, hold up a sec, your flower was crooked. There ya go!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Everly Sharp
Role assigned to: Isabella

Age: 17

Nickname(s):  Ever

Clique: Triple E’s

Height: 5’5

Hair Color: Light Blue & Silver Ombre

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Family: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Scott Miltondotter

Personality: Kinda Dumb, Clueless, Flirty

  • [Obvious] *giggles* She’s talking about you Evangelina!

  • [Clueless] Wait...isn’t a C a better grade than an A? You want her to do better than you on the assignment?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Drama Queen
Role assigned to: ItzBecca

Personality: Loves to Cause Drama

  • [Gossipy] Wakey wakey everyone! It’s that time of the year most students dread, the time for you all to head back to school and that includes myself. But from what I hear, not all of my loyal readers are sad to return to school. 

  • [Gossipy] Hey East Shore High, I hope you’re all having a perfectly drama-filled return to high school, but what’s high school without a little bit of drama on the first day back? Looks like this year is going to be anything but a relaxing Senior year for our reigning Queen E. Be careful who you trust E because the one who was closest might just be the one to stab you in the back.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tiffany Miltondotter
Role assigned to: ItzBecca

Age: 17

Nickname(s): Tiff

Clique: M Siblings

Height: 5’6

Hair Color: Dark Purple, Light Purple Ombre

Eye Color: Dark Pink 

Family: Stephanie Miltondotter, Ava Miltondotter, Scott Miltondotter

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Cameron Hayes

Personality: Snobby, Rich Girl, Mean, Cruel, Underneath Really Nice

  • [Fake Nice] It’s been too long Evangelina. How is the Queen E?

  • [Slightly Annoyed] Shut up Scott and go be useful somewhere else.

  • [Trying to Be Nice] You know Evangelina, that was a smart idea trying to track Drama Queen down through an IP address. *sighs* I guess what I'm trying to say is that, you're not all that bad. Ooo, that hurt to say.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ava Miltondotter
Role assigned to: LaurenTracy

Age: 17

Nickname(s): None

Clique: M Siblings

Height: 5’4

Hair Color: Dark Purple Ombre

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Family: Tiffany Miltondotter, Stephanie Miltondotter, Scott Miltondotter

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: None

Personality: Scheming, Typically Does Tiffany's Dirty Work, Flirty

  • [Passive] Heard there’s a new transfer, come on Tiff. We can deal with them later but if we want to recruit him, we need to find him before they do if we want a guy on our side.

  • [Gossipy] Hey! Maybe that Josh doesn’t have a date!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scott Miltondotter
Role assigned to: Diego Moreno

Age: 16

Nickname(s): Scotty

Clique: M Siblings

Height: 6’0

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Family: Tiffany Miltondotter, Stephanie Miltondotter, Ava Miltondotter

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Ashlee Sawyer

Personality: Kind, Understanding, Loyal, Protective

  • [Injured] Ouch! Geez! [Annoyed] Watch where you’re going! 

  • [Passive] No, it-it’s okay. [Sarcastic] It’s totally not like I’m on crutches right now with a torn ACL, or anything.

  • [Apologetic] I’m sorry, that must be pretty tough on you to live in your sister’s shadow all the time.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cameron Hayes
Role assigned to: Crazydrwho

Age: 18

Nickname(s): Cam

Clique: Football Jocks

Height: 6’2

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Deep Blue

Family: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Evangelina Sawyer

Personality: Sporty, Typical Jock, Friendly, Hard Working, Somewhat of an Egomaniac

  • [Flirty] Morning babe! How is my favorite cheerleader doing today? [Passive] Hey girls. [Confused] Uh, who’s that?

  • [Shocked] Woah, babe is this true?! [Apologetic/Disgusted] I’m sorry, but I can’t be with someone who hides something like this from me. I’m breaking up with you.

  • [Apologetic] I just wanted to say I’m sorry for how things ended. And I really missed having my favorite cheerleader in the stands at my games. Would you consider, taking me back?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pierce Montgomery
Role assigned to: RedLancer

Age: 18

Nickname(s): Pier

Clique: Social Loner

Height: 6’5

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Red

Family: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Evangelina Sawyer

Personality: Dark, Mysterious, Kind, Caring, Protective

  • [Confused] Uh, thanks. But um, I’m gluten free. And I just wanna know where room 102 is.

  • [Annoyed] Fine, then just answer one question for me. I know you three were the ones who sent in the tip to Drama Queen. The question you three are going to answer is why?

  • [Furious] But that’s the same twisted thing you three are doing! You destroyed her social status to climb the scale yourselves! Mini Sawyer, Evangelina’s your older sister, you outed her biggest secret to the world just to help yourself. Are you really going to stand there and tell me that you don’t feel one bit ashamed of what you just did?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alexandria Taylor
Role assigned to: ItzBecca

Age: 14

Nickname(s): Alex, Andria

Clique: Triple A’s

Height: 5’2

Hair Color: Black, Dark Pink Ombre

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Family: Alexis Taylor

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Cameron Hayes

Personality: Outgoing, Talkative, Mischievous

  • [Curious] Alexis? Who is that small freshman looking girl next to Evangelina?

  • [Fake Sympathetic] Pierce, sweetie, you’re new here. You don’t understand how this system works here. 

  • [Scheming] I think we just found the perfect person to help with our plan.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Alexis Taylor
Role assigned to: KeelinVoices

Age: 14

Nickname(s): Alex

Clique: Triple A’s

Height: 5’2

Hair Color: Black, Dark Blue Ombre

Eye Color: Black

Family: Alexandria Taylor

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Pierce Montgomery

Personality: Shy, Quiet, Kinda Creepy

  • [Factly] Ashlee Sawyer. She’s Evangelina’s younger sister who just started here. And she is a freshman Alexandria.

  • [Dumbfounded] A soda? Please, soda’s are full of carbon and make you bloat like crazy. That’s a hard pass for me.

  • [Gossipy] People would but Evangelina’s never given them a reason to hate her. [Slightly Annoyed] She’s not even a fully stereotypical queen. I mean she doesn’t even blackmail people into following her!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Audrey Sawyer
Role assigned to: mystify

Age: 8

Nickname(s): None

Clique: None

Height: 4’0

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Family: Evangelina Sawyer, Ashlee Sawyer, Mr. Sawyer

Pet(s): None

Crush: None

Personality: Innocent, Caring, Kind

  • [Confused] Daddy? Why is Evangelina screaming?

  • [Cheerful] Thanks sis! [Curious] Where’s Ashlee?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Sawyer
Role assigned to: Crazydrwho

Age: 36

Nickname(s): None

Clique: None

Height: 6’6

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Deep Blue

Family: Evangelina Sawyer, Ashlee Sawyer, Audrey Sawyer

Pet(s): None

Crush: Mrs. Sawyer(Dead)

Personality: Businessman, Caring, Kind

  • [Panicked] Sweetheart?! [Relieved/Out of Breath] Oh, you’re-you’re okay. God, by the sound of that scream, I thought someone broke in or you got hurt.

  • [Stressed] Please Ashlee, it’s too early for this. Now go and get changed. Breakfast is downstairs on the table for you.

  • [Worried] Ashlee, there’s no chance you can walk in those and survive for a day. You have no practice in heels.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: Unknown

Nickname(s): Teach

Clique: None

Height: 6’1

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Family: Unknown

Pet(s): Unknown

Crush: Unknown

Personality: Cheerful

The only teacher being cast is the only teacher role we will have. He/She will be the teacher for any and all classes being shown in the series.

  • *Say Something You Think Would Fit This Role*


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