The haunting of the uneaten cheese sandwich (gacha club VA short skit comedy)

The haunting of the uneaten cheese sandwich (gacha club VA short skit comedy)

Project Overview

The haunting of the uneaten cheese sandwich is a short gacha comedy skit about 4 teenagers who are having a sleep over and an uneaten sandwich they made at 3 am comes to haunt them 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mary watson

Mary Watson is a very sweet girl but she will also do anything to prove she's not a weakling her voice is medium-high

  • Ghosts aren't real emma *Persuading* W-what was that!! *scared, confuse*

  •  W-what was that!! *scared, confuse*  

  • pffttt I'm not scared *boasting*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emma dobrik

Emma Dobrik is a fun sarcastic girl she's really close to all of her friends she also talkative sometimes  her voice is high pitch


  • obviously something! *sarcastic*

  • No way!!!! *excited*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eva Watson

Eva Watson is the twin of Mary Watson but the complete opposite of her she has a bit of a deep voice and scratchy voice

  • Hey, Silly! *excited*

  • IM GONNA BEAT YOU! *playful*

  • Come on guys were too old to believe in ghosts, or maybe your still believe in ghost. And if you do why are you still even here isn't it past your bed time? or did you watch to much peppa pig *Sarcastic, teasing*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Noah Baldoz

Noah Baldoz is the only boy in there friend group he's the one who looks after all of them 

  • Why am i even here *sigh* 

  • Ya'll shut up! *irritated*

  • I give up *admit defeat*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Norah Watson

Norah Watson is the grandmother of the twins. She is old and wise but mostly forgetful, but she will do anything to make sure her grandkids are safe.

  • What is that noise?!?

  • Hello dear

  • Need some lotion, dear?


Public Submissions

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