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So there might be not a lot of info about the roles for the movie, but I'm working on that if anyone is interested on taking part in this movie.
The Glitch Virus is a Gacha Original Movie about these group of friends, along with three other strangers trying to save their town from these glitchy-like monsters, but with many challenges along the way. It's gonna take every single bit of their strength to take down these monsters. But the real question is, will they succeed?
So there might be not a lot of info about the roles for the movie, but I'm working on that if anyone is interested on taking part in this movie.
You will help out the main writer in case he is struggling with a scene for the movie
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You will be leading the animation team, but you have to base the animation frames from the Concept Animator. But you also need the ability to tween a Gacha OC
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You will be following the lead of our Main Animator
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You will be following the lead of our Main Animator
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Someone who can accurately recreate the Gacha art style
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You will help out make some songs for The Glitch Virus
*Say something you think would fit*
You will help out make some songs for The Glitch Virus
*Say something you think would fit*
You will help out make some songs for The Glitch Virus
*Say something you think would fit*
Justin is the leader of the Exploiters. He is the one leading the whole thing to take down all of these monsters who have taken over his town
No. We have to stand strong. We can't just sit here, and let this monsters just take over our home town like its nothing! What do you all think?
Brian is the brother of Justin. He was with Justin, Peggy, and Mason when the creatures were unleashed, and his main role is to sneak into the town to gather data from the creatures and report back to The Exploiters, and his main weapon of choice, is a trusty blade.
I managed to gather some more data. I hope this can help you.
Peggy is the love interest, and childhood friend for Justin, and she was with Justin when the creatures were unleashed. Her role is to help out Justin and Mason to do missions in the town, and her main weapon of choice is her Bare Hands and Physical Combat Skills.
Justin. Don't give up yet! You know we can still take down all these monsters! You know Brian would want you to do that! Do it for your brother!
Mason is Justin’s best friend from his childhood. He was with Justin when the creatures were unleashed. His role is the same as Peggy’s, which is helping out Justin do missions in the town, and his main weapon of choice is a Steel Blade.
Justin my man. No matter what, I'll always got your back man! You're my best friend after all.
Millie is a girl who specializes in weaponry. She is one of the citizens who was cornered along with Alam, and Emma. Her role is to make weapons for The Exploiters, and her main weapon of choice is a Mini Gun.
It's gonna take a lot of fire power to take down these monsters. You sure you want to do this mission Justin?
Alam is a man who specializes in making the cure for the deadly virus that is taking over the world. He is one of the citizens who was cornered along with Millie, and Emma. His role is to make the cure that has affected the citizens of the town. He is the half-brother of Brayden, which can explain the chemistry skill that he has, but he’s not as skilled as Brayden. His main weapons of choice are bombs.
I don't know how long it will take to create this vaccine. But surely enough, it will most likely work
Emma is a girl who specializes as a healer in case anyone on The Exploiters gets injured. Her role is to heal anyone who gets injured on The Exploiters. You could say Alam can do that, however, Alam doesn’t know anything about regular injuries. Emma’s main weapon of choice is a Pump Shotgun.
Here. Let's get you healed up, this should stop you from bleeding.
Brayden is the main antagonist of The Glitch Virus. He is the one responsible have all the chaos that has happened in the town because ever since he was a child, he went through so much hell in life, and it got to the point where he said something along the lines of, “Fuck it!” He then went on and created the virus that had destroyed everything in the town; he was able to do so, because of his advanced Chemistry Skills.
You idiots don't get it do you? I created this virus.
This role is not complete, because there is no official character ready for this role yet
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This role is not complete, because there is no official character ready for this role yet
*Say something you think would fit*
This role is not complete, because there is no official character ready for this role yet
*Say something you think would fit*
This role is not complete, because there is no official character ready for this role yet
*Say something you think would fit*